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Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Who Killed Captain Alex" - The Best/Worst Trailer Ever!

Even Simon has to agree with me: the movie trailer you are about to see is either the work of a thousand maniacs or a thousand geniuses.

One way or another, over 700,000 people (at the least) are also walking around with the same look as Simon's on their face.

It's pretty much a given your face will be the same in a minute or two.

Some history: the trailer was released by a company called Ramon Film Productions from Uganda. Yes, that's in Africa. Got a problem with that? Anyway, they have a small handful of films under their Ugandan belts, but their most recent is the one this trailer is for.

And the movie itself is Who Killed Captain Alex. No question marks, no punctuation. Just a title.

Who's Captain Alex?

That's a good question but don't look for an answer in the trailer. What you should look for is someone shouting "Drop your poop" at about the :31 second mark.

Just watch this and I'll be right back.

I'm back.

NOW. I did a little more research and came up with the following information. This was the first action movie (and maybe the last) ever made in Uganda, filmed for the equivalent of $3500 US dollars, features regional talent (if talent can be the right word) and a lot of flash muzzle shooting and computer-generated blood spray. Also, there is a story in Uganda's leading (or only) newspaper The Observer, which gives us the following verbatim blurb about WKCA:

Nabwama I.G.G of Ramon Film products Ltd produced and directed “Who killed Captain Alex”. From the trailer and blurb which this writer has watched and read, the movie is about a police raid in Kampala to stop a drug racket. Captain Alex is killed in the operation as well as the top gangster’s brother and both sides seek vengeance, escalating into “war”.

It is a well scripted movie, but the visuals are too graphic. Nabwama says, he just wanted to produce an action movie, acted, produced and directed by Ugandans. But he can’t be forgiven for using toy guns and pistols in the production.

“When we approached CPS about the project, we were told that we [film industry] are not yet at that level. They could only provide us with police uniforms,” he says. “But we had asked them to provide us with helicopters, guns, tankers and access to army barracks. So we had to settle for the computer.”

It still doesn't explain the following things:

How can a helicopter destroy buildings by sitting on them?

Where does the law of physics allow someone to jump straight up in the air, box someone's ears with both feet, then land again, square on the same feet?

If you were being repeatedly shot in the back, you wouldn't be able to run very far, would you?

And most importantly, what is it with "drop your poop"? Really.

So, the movie itself is readily available at Ramon Film Productions' site, if you've got the shillings. Go there now and check it out...hey, they also offer DJs! Great; I've been wanting to host a Ugandan-themed dance party.

At any rate, there you have Who Killed Captain Alex - a foreign film with lots of A LALALALALALA ACTION!

Oh and good news: they promise us at The Observer that there will be a sequel starring Ugandan ghetto president Bobi Wine. Start saving your shillings!

Dope out.


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