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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Drake is Finally Signed!

You know what I really love about him? He acts the same way he acted when he was younger getting interviewed for being the kid who got shot in Degrassi. His attitude is chill. Collected. He comes off as brilliant and very knowing. He's not clueless. He's fully aware. Example? He finally signed with a label: Young Money. He was offered $2 Million with Atlantic, but he turned it down. Next thing, Lil' Wayne offered him two times that with $4 million. Drake took it. We all thought he was signed with young money but he wasn't. He rolled with them but he didn't take their offer just yet because Young Money is somewhat affiliated with Cash Money and Cash Money has one hell of a reputation for jacking the money from their artists and playing them dirty. He's fully aware! He's holding the reigns on his career. . No One Else. Like . . . if you can find something wrong about him that is truly argueable, then hit me with it. But I will probably have a great excuse as to why he's great and he can do no wrong. Cuz as of right now, he's the first up-and-coming artist to earn THAT MUCH for a record deal...

UGHHH his brilliance astounds me.

The JULY'09 Soundtrack! Bonus: Οργασμός συναυλιών!

Περίεργος μήνας ο Ιούνιος, με πολλά δυσάρεστα γεγονότα και καταστάσεις. Παρ’όλα αυτά έκλεισε ο μήνας με τον καλύτερο τρόπο, με τις συναυλίες της Loreena McKennitt και της Άννας Βίσση στο Θέατρο Βράχων, όπου παρακάτω θα διαβάσετε και τις εντυπώσεις μου, συνοδευόμενες πάντα με photos, οι οποίες θα κοσμούν το post αυτού του μήνα. Εύχομαι ο Ιούλιος να ξορκίσει το κακό και να είναι ένας πολύ καλός, ηλιόλουστος και χαρούμενος μήνας για όλους μας.





ASHLEY TISDALE How do you love someone

BEYONCE Smash into you

BOB SINCLAR vs CORONA The rhythm of the night (Habakus remix)



DHT feat. EDMEE You touch


DOVES Kingdom of rust


FLUNK Love hearts

GOSSIP Pop goes the world

KASABIAN Vlad the impaler


LIVVI FRANC Now I’m that bitch



MAYA BUSKILLA Nishmati (Niv Cohen remix) (thanx kostassol)

MELANIE FIONA Give it to me right

MILOW Ayo technology

MOBY Pale horses

NOUVELLE VAGUE Master & servant

OFFER NISSIM feat. EPIPHONY Believe in me (original mix)

OLIVE You're not alone 2008 (Offer Nissim Mix)


PITBULL I know you want me (Calle ocho)

PLACEBO Happy you’re gone
PLATNUM Trippin’ (Wawa mix)

POLLY SCATTERGOOD Breathe in breathe out

RUPA & THE APRIL FISHES Une Americaine a Paris (thanx apos)


SIDEKICK Deep fear (Phobia mix)

SOPHIA MAY Another day (Sunfreakz radio edit)

STAR PILOTS In the heat of the night

TORI AMOS Abnormally attracted to sin

YOHANNA Funny thing is
ΑΝΝΑ ΒΙΣΣΗ Αλήτισσα ψυχή

ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΓΙΑΝΝΙΑΣ Αυτό είναι έρωτας

ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΜΑΖΩΝΑΚΗΣ Οι άντρες δεν κλαίνε

ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΣΑΜΠΑΝΗΣ feat. STEREO MIKE Τι να μας κάνει η νύχτα


ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ ΓΑΛΑΝΗ Μη πάμε απόψε πουθενά

ΕΥΡΥΔΙΚΗ & ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΚΟΡΓΙΑΛΑΣ Άσε με (έτσι είναι η αγάπη)


ΜΑΝΤΩ Δως μου λόγο να σωθώ (2009 Dance Remix)



Moby WAIT FOR ME (electronica/ambient) (9)

Federico Aubele AMATORIA (latin) (8.5)

Little Boots HANDS (electro/pop) (8.5)

Rupa & the April Fishes EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION (folk/ethnic/gypsy) (8)

Gossip MUSIC FOR MEN (rock) (8)

Daniel Merriweather LOVE & WAR (urban/neo-soul) (8)

Paolo Nutini SUNNY SIDE UP (pop/rock/acoustic) (8)

Δήμητρα Γαλάνη ΠΙΞΕΛ (electro/έντεχνο) (7.5)

Milow MILOW (acoustic) (7.5)

Placebo BATTLE FOR THE SUN (rock) (6.5)
Aqua GREATEST HITS (pop) (6)

Nouvelle Vague 3 (electronica) (6)

Ηλίας Βρεττός ΚΑΝΕΙ ΜΟΝΑΞΙΑ (pop/λαικό) (6)

Matisse ROCK ‘N’ ROLL MAFIA (rock) (6)

Transistor THINGS YOU MISS WHEN YOU BLINK (rock) (5.5)

Ashley Tisdale GUILTY PLEASURE (pop) (5)
A-ha FOOT OF THE MOUNTAIN (pop/synth) (5)

Film PERSONA (rock/alternative) (5)

Lisa Lavie EVERYTHING OR NOTHING (pop) (4)

Black Eyed Peas THE E.N.D. (pop/rap) (2)

LOREENA MCKENNITT 29/6 Θέατρο Βράχων

Αν τα όνειρα είχαν φωνή, αυτή θα ήταν της Loreena McKennitt.

Αν οι σιωπές έσπαγαν γλυκά, θα ήταν με τον ήχο της άρπας της Loreena.

Ακούγοντας ζωντανά την φωνή και τη μουσική της Loreena, «έβλεπα» νεράιδες και ξωτικά να χορεύουν παιχνιδιάρικα στο δάσος, πυγολαμπίδες να βγαίνουν από τους βράχους και να πλημμυρίζουν το χώρο με το μαγικό τους λαμπίρισμα.


Γλυκομίλητη και ζεστή με το κοινό, η Loreena μας μίλησε για την μεγάλη της αγάπη στους Κέλτες, τις διάφορες φυλές, πολιτισμούς, και τη μεγάλη της αγάπη για τα ταξίδια.

Μας παρέσυρε με την ασύλληπτα υπέροχη φωνή, τα τραγούδια και την ορχήστρα της. Ταξιδέψαμε μαζί της σε τόσα μέρη, φανταστικά και μη, ερωτεύτηκα ξανά, πληγώθηκα ξανά, ένιωσα ξανά, κατάλαβα ξανά πως είναι να «φεύγεις» και να ξανάρχεσαι.

She moved through the fair”, “Bonny Portmore”, “Tango to Evora”, “Dante’s prayer”, “Santiago”, “Mummer’s dance”, “Caravanserai”, “Marco Polo”, “The Bonny swans”, “The lady of Shalott, Beneath a Phrygian skyείναι μερικοί τίτλοι από τα κομμάτια που ερμήνευσε μοναδικά η Loreena McKennitt. Δύσκολα το λέω αυτό, αλλά θα το πώ, είναι από τις καλύτερες φωνές που έχω ακούσει live!


Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στον Espressionist που είδαμε μαζί τη Loreena και περάσαμε μια υπέροχη μέρα!


ΑΝΝΑ ΒΙΣΣΗ 30/6 Θέατρο Βράχων

Παρ’όλο που είμαι κομμάτια και με τρελό πονοκέφαλο, δε μπορούσα να σας αφήσω έτσι και να μην σας πω τις εντυπώσεις μου! Δεν ξέρω αν έχω μεγάλες απαιτήσεις από την Άννα και κάθε φορά περιμένω «κάτι» από εκείνη, πάντως η χτεσινή συναυλία της προσωπικά με άφησε αδιάφορο. Δεν ήταν καθόλου κακή, αντιθέτως είχε απίστευτα εφφέ και σκηνοθεσία, φωνητικά ήταν σε τέλεια φόρμα, από διάθεση μια χαρά, όμως πρέπει να καταλάβει την διαφορά μεταξύ συναυλίας και νυχτερινού κέντρου, και δυστυχώς η συναυλία θύμιζε πιο πολύ το δεύτερο. Χωρίς κανένα concept, έμοιαζε λες κι επέλεξε κάποια τραγούδια και τα’βαλε στο shuffle, κι όλα αυτά επί 3 ώρες περίπου.


Οι καλύτερες στιγμές τις βραδιάς ήταν η επιλογή και η παρουσίαση κάποιων πολύ ιδιαίτερων κομματιών της που δε λέει συχνά, όπως «Απόλυτο κενό, «Ο πόνος της αγάπης» και «Θιβέτ», ενώ μια από τις καλύτερες στιγμές ήταν το «Μη ψάχνεις την αγάπη».


«Τρελαίνομαι (Κλίμα τροπικό)», «Αντίδοτο», «Τραύμα», «Δε με αγαπάς», «Ερωτευμενάκι», «Τρένο», «Χωρίς το μωρό μου», «Σ’έχω επιθυμήσει», «Ψυχεδέλεια», «Όλα τα λεφτά», «Κακά παιδιά», «Κανένας», «Αγάπη υπερβολική», «Κραυγή», «Nylon», «Είσαι», «Λόγια και σιωπές», «Έρωτα ή πόλεμο», είναι μερικά από τα τραγούδια που είπε.


Από το νέο album ερμήνευσε τα «Αλήτισσα ψυχή», «Ρίσκο», «Ένα λεπτό», «Απαγορευμένο», «Το παρελθόν μου», «Πέντε χρόνια δικασμένος», «Στη πυρά», «Ανακωχή», «Κάνε κάτι», «Κόντρα» και «Από μακριά κι αγαπημένοι».


Από celebrities παραβρέθηκαν η Έλενα Παπαρίζου, Αντώνης Ρέμος, Νατάσα Θεοδωρίδου, Κωνσταντίνος Χριστοφόρου και ο Tommy Lee των Motley Crue.

Το ντύσιμο της Άννας ήταν επιεικώς απαράδεκτο, νομίζω ότι η Patricia Field δεν πρέπει να την συμπαθεί και πολύ (αν και κολλητές) για να της δίνει να φοράει τέτοια ρούχα.

Τα άκυρα της βραδιάς ήταν τα «Mercy», «Έχω πεθάνει για σένα», «Φεύγω» και «Εγώ μωρό μου», όπου θα μπορούσαν να λείπουν, ενώ μεγάλη απογοήτευση ήταν τα λιγοστά 80s και αρχές 90s κομμάτια που είπε («Δώδεκα», «Δε θέλω να ξέρεις», «Όσο έχω φωνή», «Με αγάπη»).


Γενικώς ήταν απλά μια οκ συναυλία, που θα μπορούσε σίγουρα να γίνει καλύτερη και να είναι χωρισμένη σε κάποια θεματικά μέρη. Τι στο καλό, τόσες φορές έχει πάει Αμερική και Αγγλία, δεν έχει δει πώς είναι οι συναυλίες? Η Άννα κούκλα κι αυθόρμητη όμως όπως πάντα! Always loving her!


Teyana's New Hair Dew

Can you see the cut she did in the back?! Click to see a larger version, but its pretty clever. Even though people won't be able to see it if she leaves her hair out, since she has long locks. But interesting cut nonetheless.

And seriously I cannot hate this girl. I'm not one for tomboy-fem-chic looks but I just love hers. She makes it work! Ughhh Tee! You're good to go girl. And this cornrowhawk is fabbsss!

Greatest movie scenes ever part 10

Until Public Enemies hits on friday, Drag Me To Hell and The Hangover have been the two cinema highlights of a summer packed with dull blockbuster duds about robots and trite chick flix, but The Hangover is not, as some are suggesting, the best flick about Las Vegas we've ever had the pleasure of witnessing since that honour will be belonging to Very Bad Things for the foreseeable future.

Basically Heathers-In-Vegas, Very Bad Things features Christian Slater, in his best turn since Pump Up The Volume, as the supremely Jason Dean-ish Robert Boyd, an excellent cast including Jeremy Piven, Jon Favreau, Daniel Stern plus Cameron Diaz, and the accidental murder of a prostitute during a Stag night in Las Vegas which weaves itself into a blood soaked tapestry of lies, mo' murder, guilt, paranoia, family dissolution, mo' homicide, post-wedding cuntery, paraplegia and the lengths a man will go to to protect his minivan :

Gotta love Slater's Boyd laying the guilt trip on the cop too. Even J.D wasn't quite that brazen.

Compton's Most Wanted - Dead Men Tell No Lies

Del Tha Funkee Homosapien - Wrong Place

I always thought Del should've done a remix of Wrong Place with his ol' cousin Ice Cube. Cube would've sounded sublime on that beat and i imagine the song itself as a hybrid of It's A Man's World and It Was A Good Day with them both trading backpacker vs. gang$ta rapper jibes towards one another inbetween a narrative where both rappers continually find themselves in the wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time situations with various gangbangers, car-jackers, racist cops, crackheads and hoodrats in the seedy, post-riots L.A underworld.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Momma's Gotta Understand.

I am very happy.

My mother has finally accepted the natural hair transitioning thing.

Remember when I showed you the pics of my newly shorter (by an inch) hair and my mom said she wouldn't let me cut it because she thought I would hate it, even though I effin' love it?

Well, look who's supporting me now suckazzz?

Ever since I started reading up on my hair, she noticed something. That I was becoming obsessed with being natural. I would tell her about conditioners and no shampooing and rarely combing my hair and all that jazz and she was getting tired of it. I came home every week with a new conditioner, new hair product, new oils . . . she told me that I would lose my hair. She told me that my hair isn't everything. She told me that my hair was just fine before "all of this," and that she doesn't know what made me want to be so focused on my hair. I would go to bed late doing twists and cornrows and she hated that. She hated that I had become to enthralled with my hair!

You can imagine how she felt when I wanted to cut it. She thought I went crazy. She started yelling, "Cynthia, that's enough. No. I won't let you. I don't know whats going on, your hair is fine. Look (she started picking at it). See? See? Its fine! You don't need to cut it! Stop with this nonsense!"

Well, a few days ago, after I cut my hair, I decided to attempt the wash-n-go, or in my case, co-wash-n-go. So an hour before I went to go take a shower for my summer class, I used my new VO5 Milk Conditioners, some honey and olive oil, blended it into my hair, put a shower cap on and after, I put my hair wrap over it, then an hour later I rinsed it out in the shower. Then, all I did was shake it, moisturized it with my own concoction of Aloe Vera oil, boiled water and my Organix Coconut Milk leave in moisturizer, sprayed all that into my hair and just left the house. My curls and kinks and coils came out nicely, and when she saw it, she couldn't speak. OK, I'm totally lying. She spoke. She said:

"T-Tia (nickname!), your hair looks so nice! Its so black and shiny . . . oooooh, look at the curls! It looks so niiiiiice!" I told her what I did and she just smiled and kept looking at my hair.

So two days later, I ran out of shampoo and I asked her if she could buy me some when she went out to go to the bank. So when she came back, she did the sweetest thing: She bought me Garnier Fructis shampoo, conditioner and this leave in moisturizer. I said, "Mom whats all this? I just asked for shampoo." She said, "Well, I saw how nice your hair came out the other day. And I was reading the label and it says its a leave in moisturizer so when you get out of the shower, just put this in your hair when its wet and there you go. And you're always talking about moisturizers and conditioners and stuff, so . . ."

I gave her the biggest hug EVA! Yep. Disney Channel Original Movie corny. I know. But it really did mean a lot. It wasn't easy having your mother bark at you for wanting to try something and all that. So I was glad she finally gave in. Now everytime i do my co-wash-n-goes, she looks at it before I leave to see if I did the right procedures.

TIDBIT: Result of co-wash-n-go at the right corner under my music player. That little bow is just a cut up leg from my little miss sis's pantyhose.

Most Americans Get This Wrong

I wonder why we're so bad at answering this one...

this sums up my life (I eat meat)

from the failblog

this sums up my life (I eat meat)

from the failblog

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Geez, I Leave For A Few Weeks, And Everyone DIES!

What in the hell is going on??!

I wasn't even gone for that long (comparatively), I was working on several other things, had a review I was working on for the site and everything and what happens before I can even finish it?


Mortality all over the freakin' place.

In the little time I was gone, it was like Death Works Overtime From A Holiday, what with this impressive roster of newly-deads:

Danny Gans...

Dom DeLuise...

David Carradine...

Ed McMahon...

Farrah Fawcett...

Michael Jackson...

Billy Mays...

...and that was just the ones I knew off the top of my search engine (Oops, I meant "head").

I guess it's kind of a rarity that so many famous people have died in such a short amount of time, but as far as that goes, it also calls to the fore that many people we grew up knowing and being entertained by are passing on, and not all by natural causes, either.

That's what irritates me more than anything. One celebrity has an ongoing investigation into his death, another's may be drug-caused, another was kind of at a young age for heart problems. Of all of them, Ed McMahon was the oldest, but his wasn't necessarily brought by natural causes, so to speak. It's all like Final Destination, only with a more-famous cast.

So, to reiterate the beginning of this post, what in the hell is going on? All the pop icons are passing at a quick rate here; soon all we'll be left with are the also-rans, the second-place winners, the "oh-yeah-I-remember-that-guy-is-he-still-alive" individuals.

In short, I guess I'm just feeling my own mortality with this post. Man, I'm too young to feel so old.

Dope out.


EDIT - And yes; I checked, and Henry Kissinger is still alive. I'm always surprised to see him still alive. Just a thing I notice.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Christina trying to be Rogue now?

OK! I get the game. Alright, so if I bleach my skin blue, get all scaly, dye my hair red and walk around nude, I can be Mystique.

Got it. Thanks for the inspiration, Christina.

please get me one stat

paul frank bikes (the white one is my favorite)

please get me one stat

paul frank bikes (the white one is my favorite)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Man Candy #5: Mehcad Brooks

In all that is holy . . . hallelujah. Geeez. I get so hot in between the legs just looking at him. If you don't watch True Blood, a) You better have a good excuse. I'm talking GREAT. Cuz there really should be no reason as to why you are missing out on such a great show; b) You are missing out on some great drama, lemme tell ya; & c) YOU DON'T GET TO SEE SEXY ASS MEHCAD BROOKS! Ughhhh I cannot stress enough how gorgeous this guy is.

First episode I saw him, I just went "Whoa . . ." and I paused my TV (DVR, beeyotch.) cuz I wanted to examine his face . . . he was in "Desperate Housewives" and I definitely remember him in an episode of "One on One." He was even in "The Game," which I don't watch. But gosh is he gorgeous.

His head is kinda small. KINDA. And he does have big ears. But he has this beautiful chocolate skin . . . and his arms are so muscular with a chest so broad . . . and his voice is deep and hypnotizing . . . and his lips. Oooooh do not get me started! TOO LATE! Those lips are so gorgeous! He has those . . . lips. You know what I mean. Those "eating" lips. Wink wink. Those lips that will have us singing to God . . . have us bragging . . . have us screaming "YES!" Ok, sigh. Think of a cat. A . . . PUSSYcat. PUSSYCAT! Seriously, guys I will not go any further with hints so if you can't catch what I'm saying . . . O.O;

When he (Eggs, who Mehcad plays on True Blood) kissed Tara in the season premiere of TB, I threw the raisins I was snacking on, at the TV. It was amazing. I rewound that scene 10 times. It was so effin' sexy. Gosh, Mehcad. TAKE ME NOW!

Doesn't he look like he can please you in every way you want?!

TIDBIT: Forgive her strong southern accent. This show does take place in the South, ya'll

My Take on Michael's Death (1958-2009)

I was in my best friend, Keva's, car when we heard the news. And I sat there in the passenger's seat a bit perplexed because it was hard to even let that amount of information ring my ears. Michael Jackson? Passed? At the age of 50? Whoa, buddy.

It was shocking. I mean, its not like Farah Fawcett, who we predicted would pass due to her illness. When I pictured Michael Jackson passing, I would be forty five with three children and an amazing husband, living in a penthouse somewhere in NYC with an amazing profession. He would have passed with age. But not because he's been taking the wrong prescripted pills. Hm? Seriously?

I'm not gonna front. I am not a die hard Michael fan. Yes, I listened to his music, but you wouldn't have seen it in my iPod. I wouldn't have gone psycho to go to his tour. I didn't practice his dance moves in my entertainment room when I was yay big. But I have respect for him. And that's because of one person.

In grade school, we had this music teacher. His name was Mr. Chericho. And by God, he was an amazing man. I remember he made sure we finished our music lesson quick enough to at least have 10-15 minutes left over of class just so he can play some Michael on his piano, or bust out the record player and have us move our desks to the sides so we would have room to dance around. He made us watch "Thriller" over and over again. I can give you the play by play of that music video in my sleep. Mr. Chericho idolized Michael Jackson, and it was through Mr. Chericho that I heard the amazing sounds that Michael created.

Mr. Chericho had to retire when I was in 4th grade, due to the fact that he had a stroke. We didn't have music classes until I got to 7th grade, because they couldn't find anyone to fill Mr. Chericho's shoes. He visited once and I remember we payed a great tribute to him. We missed him so much! And he still looked the same! He never yelled at us, because there was no reason. We paid so much respect to him. He was our homie. Our top amigo. When he left, things got dull. And if you don't believe everything I'm saying now, then chop your balls off because I am excruciatingly serious.

When I see Michael, I see Mr. Chericho. And thats my real hero. Sorry to say it. It's a terrible loss. Micahel Jackson was not only a musical legend, he was a fashion legend, too. Do NOT forget that. The gloves, the white socks, the red leather jacket, the Jerri Curl (Which I can say only looked perfect on him) . . . he started trends. Musically and fashionably. But Mr. Chericho really opened those Michael doors for me.

James Brown: Dec 25th. Aaliyah: August 25th. Left Eye: April 25th. Michael Jackson: June 25th. How Random is that?


I almost did a little happy dance when the news broke that Republican Governor, Mark Sanford, was banging some Argentinian woman for 5-days last week instead of spending a nice Father's Day home with his wife and 4 sons. What a guy!

I think this was even a little more satisfying than when Republican Senator, John Ensign, admitted last week that he was banging a married woman who worked for his campaign. The sex was so good that he doubled her salary and employed her son as well!

Personally, I kinda miss the days when these swines would drag their wives to the news conferences for the sake of publicly humiliating them a la Republican Senator, David Vitter, who was banging prostitutes.

Shed no tears for her, though. The tough talking Wendy Vitter once said that she could not be forgiving like Hillary Clinton, but "a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt" while commenting on the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Apparently, this was a hollow statement as David Vitter is still in one piece and Mrs. Vitter is still Mrs. Vitter.

And not only was he paying for his sex, but apparently Davey Boy enjoyed running around in a diaper and pooping himself according to the girls he employed. Nice... LOL

And you gotta love that Fox News Network. When an embattled Republican stands up in front of everyone to confess how he's been cheating on his wife, what do they do? They label him a Democrat...

I'm sure it was just an honest accident -- although it's happened before...

And again...

I even subjected myself to listening to a little Sean Hannity over the last couple days just to hear him and his idiotic audience offer forgiveness to Sanford simply because he's a Republican and, of course, blame Democrats for being even worse. The irony is if Sanford had said and done everything the same way, but had been a Democrat, Hannity and his minions would be calling for his resigination and making Sanford out to be the posterboy for all Democrats. These people are such frauds.

Let's face it -- the GOP is the party of hypocrisy. Their nonsensical 'moral values' crap only applies when it's convenient and they only point out the violators when it concerns people they oppose. They went on a witch hunt to impeach Bill Clinton and guys like Ensign, Sanford and Diaper Dave Vitter all supported the cause. Yet, when it comes to themselves and other people in their party, the rules are then somehow different. Fucking hypocrites...