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Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Went Out Sham-Wow Shopping Today....

Okay, this post has nothing to do with movies or entertainment, but I had to share it with you.

Well...that last sentence may not be entirely true, but it's true enough for what follows. Just go with me on this and let's continue.

Anyway, went to the local community flea market today and some guy had a booth set up selling what looked to the casual passer-by to be Sham-Wows. You know, those miracle cloth/sponge/shamois kinda things that guy with the big teeth and Jersey accent advertises on TV all hours of the day. Those things, yeah. Anyway, the ones I found were selling for $3.

Yep, three bucks.

The guy selling them was all too proud to point out that these particular Sham-Wows were actually from GERMANY, and they worked every bit as good as the ones I saw advertised. Yeah, they weren't the same but, darn it - they were German, so they had better engineering behind them.

So there.

Needless to say, I passed on the purchase.

This isn't the whole story, though. There was always something nagging me about this guy on TV that advertised the actual Sham-Wows (the ones not from Germany). His face was kinda familiar, as was that voice (not the same kind of irritating Billy Mays thing, but annoying all the same). I eventually checked on him and found his name:

That name was vaguely familiar, so I researched some more and found - to my own real horror - that this is the same Vince Offer that unleashed one of the truest horrors onto the unsuspecting public-at-large.

The Underground Comedy Movie (1999)

I knew it; Vince Offer IS The Devil. Satan. Evil incarnate, and he appears in the guise of an infomercial to deceive.

And since the link to the review I myself did of this travesty on the B-Movie Message Board is long gone, my next post will display my full-length review of what amounts, no more or less, than a paean to perverse idiocy and disgusting "komedy" ideas that produce not one laugh.

I still want to get a Sham-Wow, mind you, but as for the rest of his output, Vince can keep TUCM to himself.

Shame on you, Satan.

Till next post, Dope out.


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