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Friday, May 1, 2009

Is "Machete" Too Much To Hope For?

Okay, kids; by now everyone and their mother has heard not only of the movie Grindhouse, which not only should have done 100 times better than it did, but also produced some of the best fake trailers ever created for public consumption.

I've rallied on their behalf before, but that's another post.

Anyway, it also seems that because of the popularity and creativity of the very first fake trailer in the movie, Machete, that its creator, director Robert Rodriguez and star Danny Trejo are going to be making this into a full-length in-theaters honest-to-goodness movie.

Really. Check it out.

And check here, too, while you're at it.

But as this news makes grungy action fans like me rejoice and dance naked in the streets with joy (well, maybe not naked, but you know what I mean...), there is also a good bit of trepidation to go along with this news, also.

Why? Well, think about it: no doubt Rodriguez would be the man to pull this off and make the whole deal work - but is the world ready for what would amount to be a smaller version of Grindhouse at their local theater? Again? So soon after the last one's ill box-office effects?

It doesn't really matter to Hollywood - the suits engorge, binge, purge and repeat as many ideas as any two other sharks in a feeding frenzy. And yet, what about the art and artifice of what the film-makers set out to do? It's not like we're talking Gone With The Wind here, but the song remains the same.

Do they expect Machete to make any money?

Will it get the same bum distribution deal that Grindhouse got?

Did the studios agree to this only as a stipulation in Rodriguez' contract just so he'd direct Sin City 2, a confirmed hit in itself?

How can any film, even one by Robert Rodriguez expect to live up to a trailer like this:

CLICK HERE - remember; the YouTube clips are bigger than my blog now....

It looks awesome as heck, yes, and no one could fault Rodriguez for pulling out all the stops - but is it enough to promise a bonanza that a movie like Machete would so rightly deserve?

Let's try this: make you plans now to mark THIS PAGE in your "bookmarks"; visit it often. Write Robert Rodriguez and send him encouraging words - let him know that you're behind him 100% and are looking forward to the great work you know he'll pull off in putting Machete on the big screen. Talk about it. Promote it. Use the word "machete" at least once a day in crowded groups during conversation.

And while you're at it, left-click on this poster below and print it off, put it up on your wall, in your locker or wherever:

Spread the word now, people - if we pull together, Machete will be the success story that Grindhouse never was.

Now get out there and shill, people!

Dope out.


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