Monday, July 28, 2008
tooth gems
I experienced my first two tooth gems on the same day, within hours of one another, when i was working at the diner last week. At first i thought the girl had food on her tooth, but then i realized it was a beautiful rhinestone! Apparently you can get them in different shapes too(like a dolphin or a cowboy hat). I told my manager and she confessed to me she had one when she was 15 during her 'chav phase'and stuck in on with nail glue. i wish i had been that cool when i was 15.
you can buy tooth gems from this lovely website,, which also sells BIKINI GEMS to stick on your yoni, pubic hair dye, and hair glitter.
tooth gems
I experienced my first two tooth gems on the same day, within hours of one another, when i was working at the diner last week. At first i thought the girl had food on her tooth, but then i realized it was a beautiful rhinestone! Apparently you can get them in different shapes too(like a dolphin or a cowboy hat). I told my manager and she confessed to me she had one when she was 15 during her 'chav phase'and stuck in on with nail glue. i wish i had been that cool when i was 15.
you can buy tooth gems from this lovely website,, which also sells BIKINI GEMS to stick on your yoni, pubic hair dye, and hair glitter.
this is why I love dlisted
Jennifer Aniston probably flipped her chin when she found out about his dream. She cornered him and screamed, "You cheater! How dare you!?" John had to explain to her it was only a dream. She didn't care, "I thought you were different. But you're not! Who was the tramp?! WHO?! Let me fucking guess. Her first name stars with an A and ends with an N." John responded, "You mean ends with an A?" That's when Jenny made him shave off all his hair off. She used it to make a potion to ward off the cheating spirits.
Here's John making "diarrhea faces" while playing Irvine, CA the other night. I miss his 80s mop.
this is why I love dlisted
Jennifer Aniston probably flipped her chin when she found out about his dream. She cornered him and screamed, "You cheater! How dare you!?" John had to explain to her it was only a dream. She didn't care, "I thought you were different. But you're not! Who was the tramp?! WHO?! Let me fucking guess. Her first name stars with an A and ends with an N." John responded, "You mean ends with an A?" That's when Jenny made him shave off all his hair off. She used it to make a potion to ward off the cheating spirits.
Here's John making "diarrhea faces" while playing Irvine, CA the other night. I miss his 80s mop.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Μπορεί το όνομά τους να θυμίζει μάρκα αυτοκινήτου, με τη διαφορά όμως ότι οι Mattafix "οδηγούν" τη μουσική σε νέο επίπεδο, που συνδυάζει το alternative rock με το hip-hop, rap, reggae και trip-hop. Δημιουργήθηκαν στην Αγγλία, κι αποτελείται απο τον Marlon Roudette (με την ιδιαίτερη χροιά της φωνής του ντύνει τα κομμάτια του γκρουπ) ο οποίος γεννήθηκε στο Λονδίνο κι έχει ρίζες απο το νησί της Καραιβικής, St. Vincent, και τον επίσης Λονδρέζο με Ινδικές ρίζες, Preetesh Hirji.
Τους Mattafix τους έμαθα το 2005, όταν άκουσα το κομμάτι "Big city life" και μου έκανε εντύπωση τόσο το κομμάτι, όσο και η χαρακτηριστική φωνή και ηχόχρωμα του γκρουπ. Μετά από λίγες μέρες αγόρασα το debut album τους "Signs of a struggle" εντελώς στα τυφλά, και πραγματικά ενθουσιάστηκα τόσο πολύ μαζί τους που από τότε τους παρακολουθώ σε ό,τι κι αν κάνουν.
- "11.30 (Dirtiest trick in town)" (2005): To πρώτο single που μπορεί να μην πήγε καλά εμπορικά, πήρε όμως πολύ θετικά σχόλια. Η συνεχόμενη μελωδία του είναι από ένα πολύ γνωστό 70s τραγούδι από το Ισραήλ.
- "Big city life" (2005): #1 σε Αυστρία, Γερμανία, Ιταλία, Ν.Ζηλανδία, Πολωνία, Ελβετία, #2 στο Ευρωπαικό chart, #20 στο διεθνές chart και #15 στην Αγγλία.
- "Living Darfur": Επιτέλους αρχίζει να μαθαίνει κι ο υπόλοιπος κόσμος τους Mattafix, το κομμάτι γίνεται διεθνής επιτυχία (στην Ελλάδα έγινε μεγάλη ραδιοφωνική επιτυχία). Το κομμάτι μιλάει για το Darfur, μια πόλη του Σουδάν, κι έχει σκοπό την ευαισθητοποίηση όσον αφορά τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη και τις υποανάπτυκτες χώρες της Αφρικής. Το video χρηματοδοτήθηκε από τον Mick Jagger.
Οι Mattafix έχουν κυκλοφορήσει δύο εκπληκτικά album:
- SIGNS OF A STRUGGLE (2005) (8/10) top tracks: Big city life, Gangster blues, To & Fro
- RHYTHM & HYMNS (2007) (8.5/10) top tracks: Living Darfur, In the background, Things have changed
Μέσα σε τόσο trash μουσική που κυκλοφορεί, κι ανέμπνευστες παραγωγές και μουσικές, οι Mattafix είναι μια ανάσα, ανακαλύψτε τους όσοι δεν το έχετε κάνει ήδη.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Cinematic Titanic!
Truthfully, I'm too tired to push a button and check my old posts, so I'm just going to go ahead and sally forth....
As many of you regulars know, I have gone on and on about the many virtues of the classic show "Mystery Science Theater 3000", the inherent humor within and the hilarity as provided by Joel Hodgson, Mike Nelson, Crow, Tom Servo, Gypsy, Doctor Forrester, TV's Frank, Pearl, Bobo, Brain Guy and the regular gang of idiots.
Anyway, after the show's cancellation in 1999, things looked bleak for all fans of Shadowramma film riffing, until Hodgson came back into the Thunderdome (so to speak) with fellow MST3K alumni Trace Beaulieu, Frank Conniff, Mary Jo Pehl and J. Elvis Weinstein (who played Doctor Erhardt in the KTMA and 1st Comedy Channel seasons) and created what was to be known as Cinematic Titanic.
So, what is the backstory on how to approach Cinematic Titanic? Here is the story from the horse's mouth: or rather Frank Conniff's, during an interview over at
FRANK: Joel got the idea when he saw like a graphic of the 1939 World's Fair which had a time capsule in it. So the premise, loosely, is we're watching these movies and we're riffing on them specifically so we can put them in a time capsule, or a Time Tube as we call it, for future generations.Now that's a concept I can get behind, as I feel most other MST3K fans can as well.
...not to mention fans of Mike Nelson's RiffTrax and The Film Crew guys.
Now, as a fellow fan of movie riffing of this type (as I know you must be, otherwise you would never have read this far), what can you do to support Cinematic Titanic? Simple: go visit their homepage and buy their movies and other merchandise they have available - it's scarce now but give 'em time....
"But wait", I can hear you asking; "is Cinematic Titanic any good"? A legitimate question, and to answer that, watch these trailers!
Here's one for their first project, The Oozing Skull:
Here's number two, Doomsday Machine:
And for their upcoming product in August, The Wasp Woman:
As you can see, all funny and all worth your time and hard-earned money. For the laughs and good memories of riffs past these will provide you, why not give 'em a shot?
Thanks, Joel and company, for keeping Shadowramma alive and keeping us, those who hunger for quality humor, fat and happy. ; D
Dope out. Now go and generously patronize Joel Hodgson and company!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
1) "fry that chicken"
more of ms peachez:
2) "in the tub" (like fiddy's in the club)
ps I found on the internet that ms peachez started as a joke and then blew up, and that ms peachez is a straight man w/ a family, hayyyy
1) "fry that chicken"
more of ms peachez:
2) "in the tub" (like fiddy's in the club)
ps I found on the internet that ms peachez started as a joke and then blew up, and that ms peachez is a straight man w/ a family, hayyyy
(She'll NEVER be)...
Στις 23:00 και κάτι, ακούγεται η εισαγωγή του "Maria Magdalena" κι εμφανίζονται στη σκηνή δυο χορευτές μαζί με μία γεματούλα ξανθιά με λακάκια και ναζιάρικο ύφος. Δεν ήταν η Καλομοίρα σε προχωρημένη ηλικία, ήταν η Sandra! Αρπάζει το μικρόφωνο και για 1 ώρα περίπου έδωσε ρεσιτάλ ερμηνείας...playback! To CD έπαιξε πολλές μεγάλες επιτυχίες της όπως Maria Magdalena, In the heat of the night (στο οποίο έγινε πανικός), Everlasting love, Johnny wanna live, Hiroshima, Mirrored in your eyes, Stop for a minute, Midnight man, Little girl, Change your mind...Ούτε ένα κομμάτι δεν είπε από το "Into a secret land" (Secret land, We'll be together, Heaven can wait) album, ούτε καν τα "Hi hi hi", "Innocent love", μάλλον δεν θα χωρούσαν στο CD.
Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν άξιζαν τα 35eur του εισιτηρίου. Τουλάχιστον η Samantha Fox ήταν πιο ειλικρινής, είχε 20eur το εισιτήριο, τραγούδησε 2-3 κομμάτια μόνο playback και στα υπόλοιπα προσπάθησε τουλάχιστον και τραγούδησε live. Στην περίπτωση της Sandra μιλάμε για κανονική ξεπέτα. Μπορεί να είναι πολύ αγαπημένη μου απο τα 80s και να μου αρέσουν πολύ τα κομμάτια της κι αρκετά album που έχει κυκλοφορήσει, αλλά δεν είναι ωραίο να κοροιδεύεις τόσο κόσμο (ανέλπιστα πολύς κόσμος) στα μούτρα. Παρ'όλα αυτά χάρηκα που έστω την είδα κι άκουσα δυνατά τόσα αγαπημένα κομμάτια, ξενέρωσα όμως, όπως και πολύς κόσμος αν κρίνω από τα σχόλια που άκουσα μετά την εμφάνιση και κατά τη διάρκεια της συναυλίας.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
girls will be boys
girls will be boys
Monday, July 21, 2008
For all the fans out there (all 12 of you) who are disappointed by this fact, I apologize, but what can I do; unless any of you out there know how to clone me so there's enough of me to do all the things I need to do in a piddly 24 hour time constraint, this decision stands. So there you go.
The one person I know who will be disappointed in my decision is Andrew, who was the one who insisted that it would be a good idea to get a podcast started and that he'd even help, contribute, and so on. Well, the fact of the matter is that even with all the help in the world, I just couldn't get the info, material and my frittered-away mind collected together in what time it would take to get this kind of thing created. Sorry, Andrew. Maybe sometime waaaaaay down the road...but for now, nope.
Now, on to brighter and happier things: the weather is nice and sunny here in my hometown and gives me a chance to get out, walk, get some exercise and enjoy the day. I'm also, as part of my local theater group, part of the prop committee and spend what's left of my free time cleaning up and out our prop room - so that's going well, and I may get it all done one of these days. Hey, it keeps me busy and out of trouble, gotta love that.
Well, that's all for now. Back to the grind of life.
Dope out.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
mr jones' dad says . . .
"If everybody drove 55 mph or less all the time, we could bring the price of gas down to under dollar within a year."
but then, mr jones' dad told me that prince harry was playing golf in the british open this morning and then realized 30 minutes later it was actually just a pro golfer that looked similar to prince harry (he told me to put that)
ps that pic came up when we were searching for a good pic when I googled "mr jones dad" and tis what he chose.
mr jones' dad says . . .
"If everybody drove 55 mph or less all the time, we could bring the price of gas down to under dollar within a year."
but then, mr jones' dad told me that prince harry was playing golf in the british open this morning and then realized 30 minutes later it was actually just a pro golfer that looked similar to prince harry (he told me to put that)
ps that pic came up when we were searching for a good pic when I googled "mr jones dad" and tis what he chose.
Friday, July 18, 2008
I want to be marisa tomei
she is such a bad ass and totally saves the day by giving the best speech ever and knowing a shitload about cars. plus she has this really cool new wave bleach streak in her hair (see below). basicially, she's the shit.
I was looking online for a transcript of when she kills it in the courtroom, but all I could find was an SNL transcript of when she was a guest and they did a skit where mona lisa vito testifies at oj simpsons trial. still hilarious (this was back when snl was funny)
I want to be marisa tomei
she is such a bad ass and totally saves the day by giving the best speech ever and knowing a shitload about cars. plus she has this really cool new wave bleach streak in her hair (see below). basicially, she's the shit.
I was looking online for a transcript of when she kills it in the courtroom, but all I could find was an SNL transcript of when she was a guest and they did a skit where mona lisa vito testifies at oj simpsons trial. still hilarious (this was back when snl was funny)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
it's the oil, stupid!
I have some of Chomsky's books (they're all mr. jones') but must admit I never really got into him, but this article is super read-able. he basically explains how "Iraq is turning into a US-Iranian condominium" and does so in a v. accessible way while at the same time being v. informative. basically, I want everybody to read it. also, he kind of tells you the point of his article w/ the title ("It's the Oil, Stupid!"). so read!
it's the oil, stupid!
I have some of Chomsky's books (they're all mr. jones') but must admit I never really got into him, but this article is super read-able. he basically explains how "Iraq is turning into a US-Iranian condominium" and does so in a v. accessible way while at the same time being v. informative. basically, I want everybody to read it. also, he kind of tells you the point of his article w/ the title ("It's the Oil, Stupid!"). so read!
this song is a year old i think, but i just heard it for the first time last night and i'm way into it.
and it reminds me a little bit of this new)ish) wiley song:
and i love the video.
this song is a year old i think, but i just heard it for the first time last night and i'm way into it.
and it reminds me a little bit of this new)ish) wiley song:
and i love the video.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
the finger test.
the finger test:
as you are cooking your meat, press it (you can use a untensil if you are worried about burning yourself) to feel it's hardness and then compare by feeling the fleshy part of your thumb with the following guide-
the finger test.
the finger test:
as you are cooking your meat, press it (you can use a untensil if you are worried about burning yourself) to feel it's hardness and then compare by feeling the fleshy part of your thumb with the following guide-
Monday, July 14, 2008
praise me!
praise me!
Attention, Opus Lovers Everywhere!
That friend is Andrew, whose blogs you will see to your right, there. ----> Anyway, he was (still is?) a fan of the work of Berke Breathed and the "Bloom County" strip. And who wouldn't love it; the small-town idyll, the kids with more adult frailties than the adults, wide-eyed innocence mixing with worldly cynicism and, of course, there is Opus.
Opus. Sweet Opus; never was there a more likable penguin in the world, let alone the world of newspaper comic strips. He's had more neuroses than Woody Allen, more innocence than a toddler and gotten involved in more outrageous situations than any 10 sitcoms combined. But he is and was always loved and lovable.
So much so, in fact, that he even had his own TV special. A Christmas special, in fact, that involved him, Bill the Cat (another great character) and a simple wish: A Wish for Wings that Work. It was a cute special and embodied what people liked about the strip (Breathed had voiced just the opposite about the special, but oh well...).
And yet, just like all great treasures, for the longest time this was only available on VHS, and not on DVD, so for many people this special was considered a holy grail, never to be attained on crystal-clear DVD definition.
...until now, that is.
Yep; it's out on DVD.
To be honest, this has been out on DVD since last December or so, but I never had a chance to transfer my pic of this from my phone to the web until recently, so there you go.
So Andrew: if you haven't yet got your copy of this, go on whatever online movie shopping place you go to regularly and request your own copy now. I know you want this one to replace your tape; give in. Get it. Now. Go.
Oh, and anyone else out there jonesing for a copy, go to it. You don't need to wait for my validation. ; D
Dope out...oh, and don't forget to visit Berke Breathed's homepage - seems to be a nice guy.
the death of elegance
it is a fun, quick, easy read that has inspired me to dress more elegantly (some of the time, anyways). now if only I wasn't broke. pooper.
the death of elegance
it is a fun, quick, easy read that has inspired me to dress more elegantly (some of the time, anyways). now if only I wasn't broke. pooper.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
vintage burlesque
vintage burlesque
Saturday, July 12, 2008
praying mantis!!!
I especially love the shadow at the bottom of the first picture. I bet seeing one is good luck
praying mantis!!!
I especially love the shadow at the bottom of the first picture. I bet seeing one is good luck