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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The OCTOBER'09 soundtrack!

Αυτό το μήνα είμαι πολύ χαρούμενος για πολλούς λόγους! Καταρχάς, το blog που συζητούσαμε κι ετοιμάζαμε καιρό με τον φίλο μου τον *P@n0s* επιτέλους "γεννήθηκε" και ήδη κάνει τα πρώτα του βήματα στην blogoσφαίρα! Τόσο απλά! So Simple, ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει και να μπείτε στην παρέα μας! Εμείς πάντως γουστάρουμε πολύ!
Επίσης πριν λίγες μέρες ενώ ήμουν στο λεωφορείο μου τελειώνει η μπαταρία στο mp3, βαριόμουν πολύ χωρίς μουσική κι έτσι άρχισα να φτιάχνω στο μυαλό μου μια λίστα με πράγματα που θέλω να κάνω! Έχουμε και λέμε:
1. Θέλω να κάνω βουτιά σε πισίνα γεμάτη με Φουντούνια!
2. Θέλω να πάρω έναν βάτραχο που να τρώει κατσαρίδες και κουνούπια!
3. Θέλω επιτέλους να βρω το Στρουμφοχωριό! Μα καμία ταμπέλα πια?
4. Θέλω να κάνω έρωτα σε εργοστάσιο σοκολάτας! (Buggie and the chocolate fucktory:-))
5. Θέλω να σε ξεχάσω!
Κι ενώ όλα μου φαινόντουσαν ακατόρθωτα, το τελευταίο κατάφερα να το πετύχω και είμαι πολύ περήφανος:-)
Επόμενο βήμα: GPS που θα με οδηγήσει στο Στρουμφοχωριό!
Καλο μήνα παιδιαααααααααααά!



# ANA COSTA Quer amar mamãe

# ANGELISSA Hard to breathe (Peter Luts remix)

# ANOUK Three days in a row

# AUDIO PLAYGROUND A little respect (Rhythm extended mix)


# BEYONCE Sweet dreams

# BRICK & LACE Bad to di bone

# CELINE DION Tout l'or des hommes (APL Gold Rush Mix) <----REMIX OF THE MONTH



# CRAIG WALKER Summertime

# DAVID GRAY Draw the line

# DAVID GUETTA feat. KELLY ROWLAND It’s the way you love me

# DESIRE Under your spell

# DOLORES O’RIORDAN Throw your arms around me


# EDWARD MAYA feat. ALICIA Stereo love (acoustic version)


# FUNK-K Money talks

# IDA CORR In the name of love <----R'N'B SONG OF THE MONTH

# IMOGEN HEAP Half life

# INNA Hot




# KETJAK 4Give (Kevin Sunray remix)

# KYLIE AULDIST Made of stone


# LIGHTS Saviour




# MASSIVE ATTACK Splitting the atom


# MISS JANE It's a fine day (Offer Nissim radio mix)


# NADIA ALI Love story




# NOISETTES Beat of my heart

# OCEANA Last supply

# PAROV STELAR The Mojo radio gang

# PET SHOP BOYS Beautiful people

# PIXIE LOTT Cry me out


# ROYKSOPP You don’t have a clue

# SERGE DEVANT feat. EMMA HEWITT Take me with you

# SUNDAYMAN Negative time


# TONI BRAXTON Yesterday

# WHITNEY HOUSTON For the lovers


# ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΑ ΚΥΡΜΙΖΗ Αν δε μ’αγαπάς

# ΛΙΑ ΒΙΣΣΗ Απουσία 2009

# ΜΠΛΕ Μια φορά κι εναν καιρό <----GREEK SONG OF THE MONTH

ALBUMS OF THE MONTH (της καρ…. όπως βλέπετε γίνεται!)


# Mika THE BOY WHO KNEW TOO MUCH (pop) (8.5)

# Parov Stelar COCO (electronic/swing) (8.5)

# Muse THE RESISTANCE (rock) (8)

# Nelly Furtado MI PLAN (pop/latin) (8)

# Lights THE LISTENING (pop) (8)

# Marsheaux LUMINEUX NOIR (electropop) (8)

# Massive Attack SPLITTING THE ATOM (EP) (trip-hop/electronic) (8)

# Ida Corr UNDER THE SUN (r’n’b/pop) (7.5)

# Craig Walker SIAMESE (rock/acoustic) (7.5)

# Sundayman OUTERLAND (electronic/chill out) (7.5)

# Desire II (indie/electronic) (7.5)

# Madonna CELEBRATION (pop) (7.5)

# Oceana LOVE SUPPLY (pop/jazz) (7)

# Λία Βίσση ΑΠΟΥΣΙΑ (acoustic) (7)

# Fedde Le Grand OUTPUT (club/dance) (7)

# Ne-Yo THE COLLECTION (r’n’b) (7)

# Original Soundtrack DRAG ME TO HELL (classical) (7)

# Mediæval Bæbes ILLUMINATION (classical/traditional) (7)

# Serge Devant WANDERER (dance/club) (7)


# Jay Brannan IN LIVING COVER (rock/acoustic) (6.5)

# Ana Costa NOVO SALVOS (latin/folk) (6)

# Pixie Lott TURN IT UP (pop) (6)

# Inna HOT (dance) (6)

# The XX XX (indie/rock) (6)

# Brick & Lace LOVE IS WICKED (r’n’b/pop) (6)

# Κατερίνα Κυρμιζή & Νίκος Γρηγοριάδης ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΔΩ! (έντεχνο/pop) (6)

# Noisettes WILD YOUNG HEARTS (indie/rock) (6)

# Tiesto KALEIDOSCOPE (club/dance) (5.5)

# Anouk FOR BITTER OR WORSE (rock) (5)

# Mariah Carey MEMOIRS OF AN IMPERFECT ANGEL (r’n’b/pop) (5)

# Jessie James JESSIE JAMES (pop/country) (5)


# Backstreet Boys THIS IS US (pop) (4.5)

# Nadia Ali EMBERS (dance/pop) (4)

# David Gray DRAW THE LINE (rock) (4)

# Greta Ida LUNATIC (indie/rock) (4)

# Anois TREE HOUSE WHISPERS (indie/electronic) (4)

# Juliette Lewis TERRA INCOGNITA (rock) (3.5)

# Jessica Mauboy BEEN WAITING (pop/r’n’b) (3)

# Sara May EROTIC SOUL (chill out/dance) (2)

# Bananarama VIVA (pop) (2)

# Σοφία Αρβανίτη ΧΩΡΙΣ RETOUCHE (pop) (2)


# ΧΑΡΙΣ ΑΛΕΞΙΟΥ @ ΗΡΩΔΕΙΟ: To να ακούς μια φωνή σαν τη Χαρούλα να ερμηνεύει μοναδικά το «Θεός αν είναι» σε έναν τόσο μαγικό χώρο, δε μπορείς να μείνεις ασυγκίνητος, παρά να υποκλιθείς! Τέλεια βραδιά, η φράση της ημέρας «μαμά θες χαρτομάντηλο?» Πόσο ν’αντέξει η γυναίκα όταν ακούει το «Όλα σε θυμίζουν», «Εσύ με ξέρεις πιο πολύ» και το «Οι φίλοι μου χαράματα».

# ΓΛΥΚΕΡΙΑ @ ΑΤΤΙΚΟ ΑΛΣΟΣ ΓΑΛΑΤΣΙΟΥ: Πρώτη φορά την έβλεπα live, το ήθελα καιρό αλλά κάτι γινόταν και στο τέλος δε μπορούσα να πάω. Να που ήρθε η στιγμή, με το φόβο της βροχής και με την κολλητάρα μου παρέα! Πέρασα εξαιρετικά, πολύ θετική ενέργεια, κι η Γλυκερία μπορεί να τραγουδάει ή να τραγουδούσε σε πανηγύρια, δεν είναι όμως καθόλου για τα πανηγύρια. Ωραία λαική φωνή, άμεση, κεφάτη...μας παρέσυρε με τα σμυρνέικα της και αγαπημένες επιτυχίες όπως «Ό,τι αγαπώ είναι δικό σου», «Κάνε κάτι», «Ό,τι και να γίνει θυμήσου», «Έκλαιγε μαζί μου το φεγγάρι», «Μέχρι να βρούμε ουρανό» και άλλα.

# ΕΥΡΥΔΙΚΗ & ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΚΟΡΓΙΑΛΑΣ @ ΑΜΑΛΙΕΙΟ ΑΜΑΡΟΥΣΙΟΥ: Δυνατή συναυλία, με ένταση, ρυθμό, παλμό. Ακούγοντας την Ευρυδίκη να ερμηνεύει τα «Πόσο λίγο με ξέρεις», «Πυξίδα», «Το μόνο που θυμάμαι» και «Μίσησέ με», κατάλαβα γιατί την αγαπώ και την αγάπησα τότε τόσο πολύ! Το καινούριο τους κομμάτι «Άσε με (έτσι είναι η αγάπη)» είναι απλά καταπληκτικό! Επίσης το "Θάλασσα" που έκανε leak στο internet είναι πρωτότυπο και απλά τέλειο!

# ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΣΑΜΠΑΝΗΣ @ ROOM CLUB: Πρώτη φορά τον ακούω μόνο του ζωντανά κι επιβεβαιώθηκα για το πόσο μεγάλο ταλέντο είναι. Φωνάρα, εξαιρετικός performer και παρουσία. Θα τον ακούμε για πολύ καιρό ακόμη!

# BEYONCE: Μπορεί να μην είμαι μεγάλος fan της, όμως τελευταία έχω αρχίσει να την συμπαθώ μετά τα φετινά MTV VMA και τη στάση της απέναντι στην γλυκύτατη Taylor Swift που λίγο πριν την είχε «αδειάσει» on stage o απαράδεκτος Kanye West, και η Beyonce την ξανανέβασε στη σκηνή για να τελειώσει αυτό που άφησε στη μέση. Επίσης χαίρομαι πολύ που θα μας επισκεφτεί, και έρχεται το διάστημα αυτό που είναι στα καλύτερά της, μπράβο της! Ακριβό το εισιτήριο, αλλά χαλάλι της γιατί σίγουρα θα είναι εμπειριά να ακούς μια τέτοια φωνή live.


# ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΤΣΑΛΙΚΗΣ: Εκτός του ότι είναι φρικτός παρουσιαστής και τραγουδιστής, η μάπα του από σκατά έχει γίνει σκατοτερότερη με τα bottox που έχει κάνει!

# MADONNA: Ένα από τα καινούρια της τραγούδια, με τίτλο “Revolver”, απλά δεν ακούγεται! Σαν cside σε single από το “Hard candy” είναι!

# NIVO, NINO, NIKΟΣ ΜΙΧΑΣ (ή αλλιώς τα τρία ΝΙ, που έχουν κάνει την ελληνική μουσική μου.., sorry!): Να πάρουν το attitude και να το βάλουν εκεί που ξέρουν:-)

# ΣΟΦΙΑ ΑΡΒΑΝΙΤΗ: Την παλεύει η κοπελιά? Είναι album τώρα αυτό που έβγαλε? Μερικοί πρέπει να ξέρουν πότε να σταματούν. ΟΚ, μου είναι συμπαθής, στα 90s μας χάρισε μερικά πολύ καλά κομμάτια κι albums, αλλά μέχρι εκεί! Το χειρότερο είναι ότι συμμετέχει και η Μαντώ σε ένα τραγούδι!

# TORI AMOS: Την λατρεύω, την υπερ-αγαπώ, αλλά μου την έσπασε που αντί να προωθήσει το νέο της πολύ καλό albumAbnormally attracted to sin” και να κάνει κανένα video ή promo tour, βγάζει κι εκείνη Χριστουγεννιάτικο album. Τι έχουν πάθει όλοι? Ζηλέψανε το «Χριστούγεννα με την Καίτη»?:-)


Rappaz R.N Prizun # 1

Your author is not particularly versed in the minutiae of the American legal system, but if C-Murder, a rapper currently languishing in prison possibly wrongly convicted of 2nd degree murder after his violent lyrics were used as evidence against him, really wishes to push his appeal for a fair retrial, then perhaps recording insanely ig'nant verses in the prison studio with numerous references to guns and murder for A-Wax posse tracks might not be the smartest way to go about it?

A-Wax & Gonzoe ft. C-Murder - Natural Disasters

Similarly, it's touching that A-Wax wants to highlight the FREE C-MURDER campaign headed by Murder's brother Master P, but you imagine there might be slightly more sensible ways to go about it than recording a song which makes Trap Goin' Ham seem like Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) in comparison.

Still, this video gets the thumbs up for featuring the first use of an umbrella seen in a rap video since that Dipset b-teamer video (was it Un Kasa or 40 Cal?) which included a scene where Jimmy held an umbrella aloft over Juelz as he got his Billy Joel on with a piano handily placed in the middle of a rain lashed Harlem street.

The Nore vs. Perez Hilton Twitter spat was an unexpected and often hilarious encounter, but here at The Martorialist we're eagerly awaiting a reprise of the A-Wax vs. Jacka Twitter beef. Never before has two men, their various hangers-on, a glut of fanboys from either side and various bemused trolls insulting each other on the internet been so entertaining.

Monday, September 28, 2009

tim burton creates a fantasy fashion spread

for harper's bazaar and I am completely in love with it. especially the first shot.

to see more, go here

tim burton creates a fantasy fashion spread

for harper's bazaar and I am completely in love with it. especially the first shot.

to see more, go here

Pressing matters...

You chaps really need to ease back with your wayward love for pre-Bad Boy Murda Ma$e, because the highlights of his Harlem World album stand as Mason's artistic pinnacle. His C.O.C era tracks were bogstandard chugging boom-bap (the only really great C.O.C tracks are I Remember When and A Star Is Born, where a young Cameron Giles shone) which aren't even playing the same sport as the grandiose posse cut 24 Hours To Live or the effervescent Feel So Good.

So, this looks like a standard UK press of Feel So Good, right? The crap thin paper photo sleeve and 45 RPM speed are in full effect but pop it on and it's actually a 33 RPM copy of Biggie's Hypnotize. What..the...fuck?

The Jam had an infamous pressing accident where 7" copies of Start actually contained Can't Stop The Music by The Village People and Chicago House label Trax Records were notorious for pressing faux-pas as their early releases by Vince Lawrence, Larry Heard etc were often mispressed with various other songs from the label's catalogue and pressed directly on top of old disco 12"s, but I'm unfamiliar with any instances of spectacular pressing fuck ups in rap, bar the ones in the early 90s when labels would purposefully press up bad quality wax which skipped in a rather shiesty bid to encourange vinyl-philes to convert to CD or tape instead (we won't even touch on wax which was pressed so quietly as to be inaudible to the human ear which is a whole other post in its own right), so I asked the homie and wax expert Greenpeace if he knew of any noted mispressings :

Not really sure of too many famous mispresses. There was a mispress of a nice n smooth return of the hip-hop freaks 12" which actually had a warren g track on there instead, or vice versa. My personal favourite mispress is on Tuff City by Priority one. The 12" was I can't go for that b/w showin my stuff. However on the b side instead of the 'showin my stuff' instrumental there was a dub version of a totally different priority one track which is really dope. Finding the original vocal version is my holy grail but unfortunately not even Tuff City could figure it out, they admit it was a mispress but don't know where the original master is.

If anything typifies just what a haphazard, badly organised genre rap is, it would be Tuff City Records themselves not knowing what or where the original song Dan mentions is. Beat that, other genres!

We end today back on the subject of one Mason Betha. Best use of the Hollywood Swingin' break by a rapper with a $ sign replacing the letter S in his rap moniker :

Too $hort - Money In The Ghetto

Ma$e - Feel So Good

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Marvel Vs. Disney (or: Spidey Vs. Mickey)....

It's been official for awhile, but I just now have calmed down enough to write about this: Walt Disney Corporation has bought out Marvel Comics.

I really don't know is this is such a good idea for all involved or not, but I have come across a few illustrations from the good folks at This Week On The Internet that give us a glimpse of just what we may be in for:

Let's just leave it at this: it should make for some very interesting cross-over comics.

...and I certainly hope that Snow White Queen thing comes to fruition.

Yow. :D

Dope out.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mashonda vs. Alicia . . . all on Twitter

You know about the love triangle drama that consisted of Swizz Beats, his wife Mashonda, and our favorite R'n'B crooner, Alicia Keys. So, finally, Mashonda is saying something about it. But not to us, but to Alicia!

She posted this twitter message to Alicia to get some answers, and she said she will be posting it everyday until Alicia answers. Let us have a looksee!

After having a great evening with my son and enjoying some fun twit chat, I decided to sign off and get some work done. However, a few hours later I was advised that I should check @aliciakeys twit page. I’ve never reached out to her on twitter before. I feel our issues are a lot more serious than a website conversation. Not to mention that I’ve reached out to her many times in the beginning of this whole thing, as any wife would do. Unfortunately, I never succeeded in getting a response. The 1st time I met AK, my husband introduced us to each other at an event. (I have no choice but to call him my husband, until he is not anymore) In the messages that I sent to her (AK), I made it very clear that on the contrary of what she might be hearing, I am still married to my husband, living with him and just had a child. Its been two years and I still have not received a response. What I do receive, is constant displays of selfishness and disconcern to me and my son.

I was a fan of AK’s last album, we were both signed to J Records and I always checked up on her projects. I sang her songs and admired her for creating Superwoman and Karma, I would never deny her, her talent. I believed in her until I found out she was possibly sleeping with my husband. The affair was denied by both, until it was finally admitted months later.

Already I can hear some of you saying "why are u blaming her, You cant make someone leave their wife, You cant break something thats broken." Well, my marriage was not broken, as far as I knew we were celebrating our sons birth and getting ready to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary . Call it blind love, whatever. I call it being a devoted wife. As far as me blaming her and not blaming him, that's false. Me and my husband have worked out our differences. We are in a good place as people and as parents. I accept his choices and I am comfortable enough with myself to move on. I am so very blessed in many ways.

My concern with AK is no longer the fact that she assisted in destroying a family but that she has the audacity to make these selfish comments about love and wanting to be with someone, even after knowing their situation. How is this the same Superwoman that I sang out loud with in my truck? I ask myself sometimes.

If you are reading this Alicia, let me start by saying, you know what you did. You know the role you played and you know how you contributed to the ending of my marriage. You know that I asked you to step back and let me handle my family issues. Issues that you helped to create.

I'm not saying everything was perfect all the time but no relationship is perfect. We made a vow to God and I believe you should have respected that, as a woman. I know you owe me or my son nothing but I just wish you would’ve handled things more carefully. I’m not judging you, I put you and the whole situation in the hands of God, the Higher Power. Just know that as a woman, I expected so much more from you. I never had intentions on reaching out to you this way but after reading your twits tonight, and the constant disregard, you left me no choice. I feel that after 1 and a half years of you hiding this affair and acting like it doesn't exist, that now is the time to confront it, since you talk so openly about it now.

This is not a publicity stunt, I don't have a record coming out. I just need to close this chapter in my life and that means confronting our issues. There is a small child involved. His dad loves him to death and he wants to spend more time with him but he's afraid because he knows we don’t have a relationship. This is my main concern. My son NEEDS his dad and I NEED to be comfortable with you. For him!

I know many will see my point and many will not be able to look into what’s real because they only want to see Alicia Keys the celebrity, not the human. This is not for the “people,” this is for you. Like I said I was left no choice but to reach out to you this way. By now, Im sure you want to find a balance in this as well.

I read your tweets tonight and I felt they were very insensitive. You have no idea how much pain I was caused because of this affair. Its baffling to me that you don’t understand what I might have gone through with this situation. I don't consider myself a victim anymore, I've learned alot from this! I just ask you to try and be a bit more realistic and delicate to the situation, at least until my divorce is final. I felt me attending the party would have been a starting point for us, since you shook my hand after I offered it, but I suppose I was wrong.

If it's so, that you and my husband are meant to be together, then God bless you both and I hope you never have to deal with what I did. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. If you two being together forever is the case, its more of a reason for us to get along, because I’m not going anywhere. There's a child to be raised.

To answer your tweet, choose smart over spark. Sparks burn everyone, be smart! Its simple actually, just think of the shoe being on the other foot. Stay blessed and lets work this thing out with respect and dignity.

People say that Mashonda should not be blasting out on Alicia in such a way, and that it's about high time us women stop trying to catch beef with the 'Other Woman'. But, think about it. If the 'Other Woman' knows that the man is in a marriage, why is she engaging herself in such riff raff that can lead to drama?! I love Alicia's music and all, but really. The 'Other Woman' thing comes along when that woman didn't have a clue. But when she did know and she continuess? She has some explaining to do, too. That's not cool whatsoever. So I give a big applause to Mashonda for being mature about this.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Apparently Matthew McConaughey Can't Stand Up Straight . . .

It's something that has been circling the internet for quite some time. People have noticed that Matthew has a problem standing up in his movie posters! Huh! How 'bout that?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Greatest movie scenes ever # 18

Being stuck on crowded, sweltering public transport with a strawberry from your fruit salad caught in your throat and no water to wash it down, next to the mongiest village idiot smackhead who insists on slurring into your face about "that queer porn on the internet" and trying to shake your hand every other minute is an experience so unpleasant even Ned Flanders would emerge wishing for redemption in the form of ending up like Zac Hobson from 1986 New Zealand sci-fi flick The Quiet Earth, who awakens one morning to find that the entire population of the planet has vanished.

You'd be bored to tears of pure salt after a couple of months, but having the freedom of an otherwise people-less planet for, say, one month would be an immensely pleasurable experience : money would be rendered null and void so those 4 weeks would be one long orgy of free shopping and travelling, with a side order of snooping on all sorts of top secret antics you aren't usually privvy to.

Still, it seems that The Quiet Earth sparks rose-tinted fantasy of a fantasy thoughts not worth igniting if the Life After People series on the History Channel Brooker recommended in his saturday Screen Burn is anything to go by. The concept of everyone else vanishing for a bit is all fine 'n' dandy, but some of those everyone elses are responsible for keeping electricity working (crucial for British winter time where darkness is interspersed with a grey clouds and rain between 8:30 AM and 3:45 PM), and who'd have thunk the combined corosive properties of bird shit and rain could be more of a problematic potent combination than the loneliness and bewilderment which drove Zac to run into a church wearing women's lingerie with a shotgun and start blasting the Jesus figurine as he begs for a sign from God in The Quiet Earth :

EvilTube2007 (2 months ago)

Okay, so we have a New Zealander walking around in a dress with a shotgun, desacrating a church. What's so odd about that?

Bonus movie thoughts for the evening :

* Have you seen the state of Carrie Fisher in Sorority Row? She's comfortably resided in my top ten sexiest movie chicks ever list since the bikini scenes in Return Of The Jedi, but she's now less Princess Leia and more Gamorrean Guard. Pour out a little liquor for a former fantasy hottie of every 70s baby now forever extinguished.

* More damning evidence for my case which suggests the entire current British film industry (bar Gemma Arteton, Michael Sheen, Timothy Spall and Tom whatshisface who played Bronson) should be sent out into the most densely shark populated area of the Atlantic ocean on Roman Abramovich's new luxury yacht and then torpedoed : Danny Dyer's next shit mockney gangster caper stars none other than that noted thespian Curtis "Fiddy" Jackson :

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trina . . . and GaGa? Working . . . TOGETHER?! Oh snap.

Yes indeedy. Trina has a new song coming out and it features our favorite hermaphodite, Lady Gaga (God, I love her). The songs sounds completely arrogant. JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED! More music to make us think we're the ishness.

Miley Cyrus's "Party in the USA" Video.

Why . . . why why why is this song so catchy?!

Dudes, I just totally forgot that Miley Cyrus used to be Hannah Montana. That's a good sign for her. She finally got what she wanted.

KISS Finally To The Hall of Fame?

A great thing happened today -- KISS was finally nominated as a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame finalist!! After qualifying for the honor 10-years ago, this is the very first time they have been elevated to the ballot.

I'm really, REALLY happy that it finally happened! Unfortunately, this is only the first hurdle. Now it will be up to the snooty Hall of Fame voters to decide. When looking over the competition, KISS' chances look pretty darn good.

As a fan for 31 of their 35-year history, I feel that eight KISS members should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:

Paul Stanley (1974 to present)

Gene Simmons (1974 to present)

Ace Frehley (1974-1982, 1996-2002)

Peter Criss (1974-1980, 1996-2000, 2003)

Eric Carr (1980-1991)

Bruce Kulick (1984-1995)

Eric Singer (1991-1995, 2001-2002, 2004 to present)

Tommy Thayer (2002 to present)

Personally, I agree with Paul Stanley's stance on KISS' possible induction:

"There's been a lot of people who've been a part of this, some longer than others... and some who deserve recognition more than others. Even the non-makeup years produced some platinum and double-platinum albums, and we had some very healthy sales in terms of albums and concerts through the '80s and '90s. So if we should ever be asked to accept induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, it would be something to think about."

Over the band's career, the success and longevity of KISS is due to more than the just original four members. The drumkit in KISS has actually been manned by Eric Carr & Eric Singer for 23 of the band's 35 years. For 21 of KISS' 35 years, someone other than Ace Frehley has been playing the lead guitar.

On top of that, even those figures are quite generous -- especially to Criss. Peter essentially stopped playing on KISS' studio albums after 1977's Alive II. While his face graces the cover of Dynasty (1979), Unmasked (1980) and Psycho Circus (1998), he drummed on only two songs from those three albums combined.

Ace also had a few lean KISS years where he provided minimal contribution to Music From The Elder (1981) and zero participation on Creatures of the Night (1982) and the European-released Killers (1982). He also only had slightly more involvement than Criss on the Psycho Circus album.

The point is, KISS has pretty much functioned as a team and its collective members have helped get the band to the point they are today. ALL of them deserve acknowledgement for their effort, dedication and loyalty.

According to Billboard Magazine, only the names of Stanley, Simmons, Criss and Frehley are on the ballot, but seeing how Metallica managed to induct every band member who played on a Metallica album, it gives me hope that more than just the original band will receive the honor should KISS be inducted.

Don't get me wrong, KISS would be nowhere had those four members not formed KISS in the early 70s and accomplished all that they did. However, KISS would also be nowhere today had other members not stepped in and helped the band carry on beginning almost 30-years ago when Peter Criss first departed.

I've enjoyed every lineup, every tour and every album of KISS. KISS is an entity that has survived all these years mostly due to these eight members and I just hope if/when they finally get inducted into the Hall of Fame that these eight members will be sharing in the band's long-deserved honor.

Congratulations to KISS!!

yay or nay?

these are amazing, but I can't tell if they are actually rock-able or not. what do you think?

yay or nay?

these are amazing, but I can't tell if they are actually rock-able or not. what do you think?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

this makes me like cops a little more

especially at the :15 second mark

some cops were in the middle of a 9-hr, $4,000 drug raid when the drug dealer's security camera caught them doing a little something that wasn't really cop-like.

this makes me like cops a little more

especially at the :15 second mark

some cops were in the middle of a 9-hr, $4,000 drug raid when the drug dealer's security camera caught them doing a little something that wasn't really cop-like.

Martorial elegance # 32

1. There are currently no pictures of Melvin Nerdly from Saved By The Bell to be found on Google image search.

2. The Uniqlo X Gilded Age blue zip-up is probably the most ill-fitting item of clothing I've ever tried on, and I'm someone who once bought an INFEST t-shirt from Richard of AWA Records which turned out to be a navel reaching belly shirt with a drawstring hem when it arrived through the post.

3. Chucks are baby-momma kicks status for everyone, bar esses and Cali' gang$ta-rappers. Great on Cube, Eazy, Snoop, Mac Dre, Turf Talk et al, not so great on everyone else. One thing i always wondered about Cali gangbangers is if Bloods can wear blue jeans? If not, it must really suck to have a wardrobe restristed to khakis and black jeans, huh?

4. When Barratt sent me this pic, Sean P talkin' shit at the end of the first verse on Da Art Of Disrespekinazation by Heltah Skeltah immediately came to mind :

"Get the fuck outta here, man
Lookin' like Leroy from Fame and shit.."

5. If black teenagers are going to base their looks on characters from 80s movies, then Debbi from Repo Man would be an excellent aesthetic blueprint for the gurlz :

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Survived Another One...

Well, as this Sunday sinks slowly into the West, I sit here and reflect on the day that was my birthday and have come up with a few realizations:

1) Sometimes we all make too much of our age. I mean, it's good that we grow older, but so many of us make such a big deal about not being kids anymore...hey, you're young as you feel - you just have to keep active and make yourself get out there and do things. That's the best way to feel young, even if you're not.

2) Even if they don't say so, your friends will always be there for you. I know last year's big blow-up at the BMMB was entirely my fault, and I also know that everyone there is a better friend to me than I have been for them, I can only hope that in a year's time I have become somewhat wiser about things unsaid and feelings unshared. I love my friends - here nearby and out there in the cyber-world - and every thing I have posted here is because of them. Andrew - thank you. Patrick - thank you. Anonymous people - thank you. Even that Jacvk Harkness guy who complained about my Second Sight review - thank you for helping hone my snappy comebacks.

3) Keeping a blog helps keep my brain active. This is great and I know now why I'm posting so much more now than I used to - I appreciate the chance to think about what I write and, of all things, work on my spelling and typing skills. I think I've improved in both fields; and I think I'll have to watch some more of my movies to review on them.

4) And finally, life may be rough but not dwelling on it makes it bearable. Time was that I used to sit and fret over every single thing I did, didn't do and wished I had done. Tore me up - I had ulcerative colitis for years because of it. Now, I dwell far less - I still do it from time to time but drop it much quicker now - and feel much healthier for it. I just look forward, plan what is coming and make myself excited for what is to come. Keeps me young, I think.

I think those are important things to know, no matter what your age is.

My b'day itself was fine: got a $25 dollar Wal-Mart card from my sister, my kids took me out to Taco Bell for lunch, the wife got me some new work clothes (I have to be presentable, y'know...), and I got some new DVDs (The Holcroft Covenant, Ghostbusters 1 and 2 pack and the '70s Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - with Peter Sellers and Fiona Fullerton, that one). Nice day all around.

So, I guess my angst last year was unfounded as angst always is. The thing is, I guess I've matured quite a bit in a year's time. I'm proud of myself for that. And I guess that, more than anything, is the best birthday present I could ever have gotten.

Now that I have another birthday under my belt, I guess I can keep this same level of maturity up until next year.

I'll sure try.

Dope out.