Τελευταία κάνω πολύ παρέα με μια καινούρια μου φίλη, την Κούλα. Εκτός του ότι μου χαρίζει το γέλιο απλόχερα βλέποντας τις αντιδράσεις της οικογένειας, των φίλων και γνωστών μου καθώς την αντικρύζουν, είναι η άτιμη μαυρισμένη όλο το χρόνο, ένα τέλειο σοκολατί χρώμα που θα ζήλευε ακόμα και η Τσίλα! Την παίρνω μαζί μου παντού, την πήρα στην Πάτρα, στο Πήλιο, έχει μπει μέσα στο μπωλ με τα φυστίκια την ώρα που έβλεπε ταινία ο brother, στο hamburger μιας φίλης μου, στη θήκη γυαλιών της μητέρας, στην μισοτελειωμένη σοκολάτα μιας άλλης φίλης μου...δηλαδή επειδή είναι μια πλαστική κατσαρίδα δεν έχει δικαίωμα να πηγαίνει όπου θέλει? (κι ας είναι με δική μου προτροπή:-)) Τι ρατσισμός είναι αυτός! Την Κούλα την αγαπώ και θα την υπερασπίζομαι συνεχώς!
Καλό μήνα να έχουμε και μια πανέμορφη, μυρωδάτη, λουλουδιασμένη Άνοιξη!!!
*ANNIE Sweet
*ANTONY & THE JOHNSONS Epilepsy is dancing
*BEIRUT BILOMA I wanna dance in Beirut
*CIARA Never ever
*DJ TIESTO Edward Carnby (Vocal Mix)
*EMPIRE OF THE SUN We are the people
*ETOSTONE Your love to me
*FRANZ FERDINAND What she came for
*GIRLS ALOUD The loving kind
*KASKADE Step one two (extended mix)
*KAT DELUNA Unstoppable
*KYLIE AULDIST Everybody here wants you
*LADY GAGA Poker Face (Jody den Broeder remix)
*LIL MAMA I’m a diva
*LILY ALLEN Not fair
*LOCOMONDO feat. ΕΛΕΝΗ ΔΗΜΟΥ Free your mind
*M.I.A. Paper planes
*MANDO DIAO Dance with somebody
*MATT ALBER End of the world (μεγάλο thanx στον turigr)
*MGMT The youth
*NADIA ALI Love story (The Starkillers remix)
*RUDENKO Everybody
*STARSAILOR Tell me it’s not over
*SUPERBUS Apprends moi
*THE FRAY You found me
*U2 Magnificent
*ΑΓΓΕΛΙΚΗ ΗΛΙΑΔΗ Αν είσαι λάθος
*ΑΝΝΑ ΒΙΣΣΗ Στη πυρά
*ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΜΑΡΓΑΡΙΤΗΣ Πεθαίνω για σένα
*ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ ΑΡΒΑΝΙΤΑΚΗ Δε μιλώ για μια νύχτα εγώ
*ΛΑΥΡΕΝΤΗΣ ΜΑΧΑΙΡΙΤΣΑΣ Μικρός Τιτανικός (Big Sky mix)
*ΚΑΙΤΗ ΓΑΡΜΠΗ Αντίπαλοι σε δυο στρατόπεδα
*ΜΑΡΩ ΛΥΤΡΑ feat. TNS Κάνεις λάθος
*ΣΑΚΗΣ ΡΟΥΒΑΣ This is our night
*TAMTA Κοιτα με (Etostone Latin Rmx)
*Νίκος Καρβέλας “ΑΝΤΙΟ ΧΕΙΜΩΝΑ” (pop/rock) (8.5)
*Lily Allen “IT’S NOT ME, IT’S YOU” (pop) (8.5)
*Laleh “ME AND SIMON” (pop/rock/folk) (8)
*Starsailor “ALL THE PLANS” (rock) (8)
*Mando Diao “GIVE ME FIRE!” (rock) (8)
*The Black Ghosts “THE BLACK GHOSTS” (indie electronic) (8)
*Bodies Without Organs “PANDEMONIUM: THE SINGLES COLLECTION” (pop) (8)
*Soundtrack “SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE” (various) (7.5)
*Soundtrack “REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA” (goth/rock) (7.5)
*Marissa Nadler “LITTLE HELLS” (alternative rock/acoustic) (7)
*Apoptygma Berzerk “ROCKET SCIENCE” (industrial/electro) (7)
*U2 “NO LINE ON THE HORIZON” (rock) (7)
*Soundtrack “ΠΕΘΑΙΝΩ ΓΙΑ ΣΕΝΑ” (various) (7)
*Sirenia “THE 13TH FLOOR” (goth metal) (7)
*The Fray “THE FRAY” (pop/rock) (6.5)
*Αγγελική Ηλιάδη “ΕΓΩ ΜΙΛΑΩ ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΚΑΡΔΙΑ ΜΟΥ” (λαικό) (6.5)
*Madeleine Peyroux “BARE BONES” (vocal jazz) (6.5)
*Superbus “LOVA LOVA” (pop/rock)(6)
*Empire of the Sun “WALKING ON A DREAM” (electro) (6)
*India.Arie “TESTIMONY VOL.2: LOVE & POLITICS” (r’n’b) (6)
*Βικτώρια Ταγκούλη “11 ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΗΣΤΟΥ ΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΥ” (έντεχνο) (6)
*Chris Cornell “SCREAM” (pop/rock) (5)
*Ελπίδα “ΞΑΦΝΙΚΑ” (pop) (2)
*BEYONCE: By far η πιο κακοντυμένη στην βραδιά των Oscar, επίσης απορώ πώς όλοι την θεωρούν τόσο όμορφη, όταν είναι μια τόσο κοινή γυναίκα στο πρόσωπο.
*DUFFY: Τσάμπα χαρήκαμε ότι θα ερχόταν στην Ελλάδα για το Ejekt Festival, η εμφάνισή της ακυρώθηκε για άγνωστους λόγους.
*ΜΑΡΩ ΛΥΤΡΑ: Μια χαρά το νέο της κομμάτι «Κάνεις Λάθος», αλλά το video εντελώς αντιγραφή του “Circus” της Britney. Ντροπή για την ίδια και κυρίως για τον σκηνοθέτη!
*ΒΡΑΔΙΑ ΕΠΙΛΟΓΗΣ TΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ EURO-ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΟΥ: Αν και Eurovision fan (όχι hardcore όμως), αν και η παραγωγή ήταν καλή, sorry αλλά βαρέθηκα!
*HADISE: Μια από τις χειρότερες συμμετοχές της Τουρκίας, απορώ πώς αρέσει στον κόσμο αυτό το βλαχοσκυλοτράγουδο από μια Shakira-Beyonce-wannabe σταρλετ.
*...που η Νορβηγία επέλεξε για την Eurovision το καταπληκτικό τσιγγανο-riverdance “Fairytale” του νεαρούλη ALEXANDER RYBAK. Το τραγούδι έχει προκαλέσει πολύ θετικά vibes, και για μένα, χωρίς βέβαια να έχω ακούσει όλες τις χώρες, πιστεύω ότι αξίζει να βγει πρώτο.
*...που η SARAH BRIGHTMAN έπαιξε στην καταπληκτική goth opera “Repo! The Genetic Opera”. Βγήκε σε limited release στις αίθουσες της Αμερικής και σε κάποιες άλλες χώρες, αλλά μπορείτε να την βρείτε στο internet με αγγλικούς υπότιτλους.
*...που ο HUGH JACKMAN ήταν θεός στην βραδιά των Oscar κι έκανε αυτό το καταπληκτικό show από γνωστά musicals!
*...που ο ΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΑΡΒΕΛΑΣ «έγραψε» και πάλι με το νέο του κομμάτι «Λούκι», από το νέο του album "Αντίο Χειμώνα" που μόλις κυκλοφόρησε! Μετά το απογοητευτικό «Τρακτέρ», επιστρέφει στον παλιό καλό Καρβέλα, με ένα από τα καλύτερα album του τα τελευταία χρόνια.
*...που υπάρχουν ακόμα αξιόλογα νέα ταλέντα στην ποπ, όπως ο ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΣΑΜΠΑΝΗΣ, που εκτός από το υπέροχο ντουέτο με την Ραλλία στο «Μέρες που δεν σου’πα σ’αγαπώ», έχει γράψει και το «Πυροτεχνήματα» της Έλενας (το καλύτερο track σε ένα μέτριο cd).
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)
Let me start out this particular review with a particularly whiny question:
What in the hell did they do to my Superman?
Growing up, I read quite a few comic books featuring this grandest of DC standbys.
I even remember suffering through the televised musical "It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman!".
And in 1978, I actually DID believe a man could fly.
That man was Christopher Reeve, and he brought the Man Of Steel to very believable life. Even in the wake of Star Wars, here was a movie that could make us concentrate on heroics that were right here on our home planet.
In short, it was good.
Then a couple of years later came the inevitable Superman II, which was even better, in my own humble-yet-informed opinion, as it featured even more familiar characters from the comics (namely General Zod and his minions).
In short again, it was great.
And then came Superman III. Smaller story, yes. More slapstick-y than the first two, yes. Cheaper special effects, yes. But it was forgivable. Yes, I even forgave the for-laffs casting of Richard Pryor in full-out goofball mode. It was entertaining and Reeve was still believable - kind of like James Bond is, even when he rides around in a gondola/hovercraft on the sidewalks of Venice.
Again in short, it was...okay.
But something happened in the four-year lapse between III and our subject for today.
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Not only was it a completely different story, it was from a completely different studio. Whereas the first three Superman movies came from the foundries of Warner Bros., Superman IV was produced by none other than Cannon Pictures' own Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus.
Yes, that Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus. Over the Top. Breakin'. All those Chuck Norris movies. Not exactly Alexander and Ilya Salkind, are they?
You see, at the time they won the rights to produce the next installment of this venerable series, Cannon Pictures underwent a severe liability in their financial department, forcing their hand in one particular area. Whereas this film originally had a $36 million budget (not an unreasonable amount for a film like this), Cannon had to cut it in more than half ($17 million - quite an unreasonable amount for a movie like this). Of course, Golan and Globus were past masters at bringing in movies for cheap and at a profit. And with a title of such guaranteed name recognition, how could they screw it up?
The answer to this, dear reader, is a combination of reasons.
First is the basic story: due to a suggestion from a school child, Superman vows to rid the world of all nuclear weapons and force the world to end all wars and declare peace with one another.
Maybe it's just me but doesn't this conflict with one of the main things that Supes was taught as he sailed through space from his destroyed home planet: do not interfere with the development of mankind? Aren't wars and weapons development of nations as a whole part of that development? Sure, he's supposed to protect man and truth, justice and the American way and all that old school stuff, but isn't restricting man's growth and not allowing him as a race to learn from his own mistakes one of those counter-productive things that he wasn't supposed to do? That's what Supes gets for letting kids form his opinions....
...And it's also what Chris Reeve got for letting himself, of all people, co-author the script. He, along with writers Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal weaved what would become a tapestry of mediocrity involving nuclear power, disarmament, corporate takeovers, annoying nephews and revisiting themes that worked once before but crashed and burned on re-approach.
Back to the script - Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman!!) is busted out of prison while he's on work detail (in what looks like the absolute cheapest, most under-thought prison escape scene ever committed to film) by his dorky nephew Lenny (Jon Cryer), Once out, Luthor steals a hair from Superman's head (long story) and, to make a killing in nuclear weaponry in more ways than one, creates Nuclear Man (Mark Pillow, in his first and last appearance in movies or in the general public in toto), a super-villain who gives The Man Of Steel the fight of his life.
However, that isn't the whole story, because Supes' alter ego Clark Kent is also having a tough time of it, what with his beloved Daily Bugle being bought out by multi-millionaire David Warfield (Sam Wanamaker) and his daughter Lacey (Mariel Hemingway), with the intention of taking the Bugle in a "new direction". Always dangerous words to use in business.
Maybe this would have worked. Maybe. With a bigger budget, better script and more competent direction,. After all, the past installments had such directing royalty as Richard Donner and Richard Lester, who had some pretty darn good films in their legacy. But with IV, all Golan and Globus could get for their money was Sidney J. Furie, a name most bad-movie fans soak up with a knowing nod, some of his directorial titles being such unspeakable travesties as Doctor Blood's Coffin, Devil Doll, Gable and Lombard, The Entity, Purple Hearts, the first, second and fourth Iron Eagle flicks, and a few installments of the Pamela Anderson TV show "V.I.P." - Hey, I know we all have our off-days, but Gable and Lombard??? Come on....
Christopher Reeve, since 1978, was most famous for his essaying of the Man of Steel. Perhaps even tragically so, if comparison to Kirk Alyn and George Reeves is any indication. No matter what the situation, he always made the role his own and made you believe that he could, in fact, fly. Even in real life, you figured Chris Reeve leaving for work, arms outstretched and flying from his home to the movie studio...in a single bound, no less. He did his best here in IV, but it was almost as if he knew what a nasty dip the series had taken and decided, like any good captain, he would go down with the ship. Say what you will about the movie, at least Reeve gave it his all.
...even if he did co-write the story. How could you, Chris?
You may remember the original film featured a fantastic cast, first and foremost of them being Gene Hackman, who hammed it up royally as Lex Luthor, masterminding a plan to not only rule the world (of real estate, at least) but also to destroy Superman in the process. Well, Hackman returns here and even though he is the best part of this movie, he is still not displayed at his most advantageous herein. This is a man who has won awards, people - BIG awards. IMPORTANT awards. And there's something kind of distracted about him here in IV, like he's thinking of something else altogether unconnected with the film he's in. Maybe ways to do away with his agent?
Just like Richard Pryor didn't have any reason to be in a Superman movie, neither does Jon Cryer. Lex Luthor's nephew? And he isn't even an evil nephew - just a geeky one, dressed like a '50s leftover and speaking in "valley girl" argot with many a 'whoa' thrown in here and there. You know, even in 1987 Cryer should have given up playing teenagers without John Hughes anywhere in attendance. In the same year, he was in Hiding Out, as a stockbroker who for one reason or other must take refuge in a nearby high school as a teenager - the only difference is that was supposed to be the joke. A Superman movie isn't supposed to be a joke. At least not unintentionally.
Not to worry, though; there are familiar faces in this installment besides Hackman; Jackie Cooper and Marc McClure return as Perry White and Jimmy Olsen, respectively. Not to mention wearily, judging from their performances. And then there's Margot Kidder as Lois Lane. Margot must be an extremely good sport, having wanted out of the Supes flicks after II and darned near almost getting away with it in III. But just when she thought she was out...Golan and Globus pull her back in. Maybe this is where a lot of their budget went to: getting the series regulars back into the pool - because it sure didn't go into the effects.
Many scenes of Superman flying, done in harnesses as they were, weren't even edited that well, since it looks as if he's put on a little weight in the thighs during his flying scenes. Many other scenes either defy the laws of physics, the idea of humans being in (and breathing in) outer space or that real life doesn't have blue-screen outlines. To quote Mike Nelson from "Mystery Science Theater 3000", the effects herein must have been headed by Industrial Lights and Morons.
This is a very bad, very sad movie to watch and the only one of the Superman movies to LOSE money. Yes, even with a minuscule budget and more cost-cutting corners taken than there were corners to cut. In the end there was no Supes fan die-hard enough to sit though this tragic mess without screaming at any and everyone who would listen not to make the mistake they made by watching it.
And I do love Superman. I do; he was the superhero I grew up watching, knowing, understanding, appreciating and respecting above all others. Even more than Spider-Man, who was more human and had far more foibles. Supes was infallible. Perfect. Stood up for the weak. Destroyed the evil of the world.
In fact the only thing Superman couldn't overcome was THIS MOVIE.
Take heed: Superman IV: The Quest for Peace is kryptonite for the Supes fan's soul. Put it in a lead box and bury it.
Shame on you, Golan and Globus; you are a two-headed Lex Luthor - an amalgam of the whole League of Super-Villains. May you both be pelted with jars of Superman Peanut Butter the rest of your days.
No wonder Mark Pillow quit show business.
What in the hell did they do to my Superman?
Growing up, I read quite a few comic books featuring this grandest of DC standbys.
I even remember suffering through the televised musical "It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman!".
And in 1978, I actually DID believe a man could fly.
That man was Christopher Reeve, and he brought the Man Of Steel to very believable life. Even in the wake of Star Wars, here was a movie that could make us concentrate on heroics that were right here on our home planet.
In short, it was good.
Then a couple of years later came the inevitable Superman II, which was even better, in my own humble-yet-informed opinion, as it featured even more familiar characters from the comics (namely General Zod and his minions).
In short again, it was great.
And then came Superman III. Smaller story, yes. More slapstick-y than the first two, yes. Cheaper special effects, yes. But it was forgivable. Yes, I even forgave the for-laffs casting of Richard Pryor in full-out goofball mode. It was entertaining and Reeve was still believable - kind of like James Bond is, even when he rides around in a gondola/hovercraft on the sidewalks of Venice.
Again in short, it was...okay.
But something happened in the four-year lapse between III and our subject for today.
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Not only was it a completely different story, it was from a completely different studio. Whereas the first three Superman movies came from the foundries of Warner Bros., Superman IV was produced by none other than Cannon Pictures' own Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus.
Yes, that Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus. Over the Top. Breakin'. All those Chuck Norris movies. Not exactly Alexander and Ilya Salkind, are they?
You see, at the time they won the rights to produce the next installment of this venerable series, Cannon Pictures underwent a severe liability in their financial department, forcing their hand in one particular area. Whereas this film originally had a $36 million budget (not an unreasonable amount for a film like this), Cannon had to cut it in more than half ($17 million - quite an unreasonable amount for a movie like this). Of course, Golan and Globus were past masters at bringing in movies for cheap and at a profit. And with a title of such guaranteed name recognition, how could they screw it up?
The answer to this, dear reader, is a combination of reasons.
First is the basic story: due to a suggestion from a school child, Superman vows to rid the world of all nuclear weapons and force the world to end all wars and declare peace with one another.
Maybe it's just me but doesn't this conflict with one of the main things that Supes was taught as he sailed through space from his destroyed home planet: do not interfere with the development of mankind? Aren't wars and weapons development of nations as a whole part of that development? Sure, he's supposed to protect man and truth, justice and the American way and all that old school stuff, but isn't restricting man's growth and not allowing him as a race to learn from his own mistakes one of those counter-productive things that he wasn't supposed to do? That's what Supes gets for letting kids form his opinions....
...And it's also what Chris Reeve got for letting himself, of all people, co-author the script. He, along with writers Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal weaved what would become a tapestry of mediocrity involving nuclear power, disarmament, corporate takeovers, annoying nephews and revisiting themes that worked once before but crashed and burned on re-approach.
Back to the script - Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman!!) is busted out of prison while he's on work detail (in what looks like the absolute cheapest, most under-thought prison escape scene ever committed to film) by his dorky nephew Lenny (Jon Cryer), Once out, Luthor steals a hair from Superman's head (long story) and, to make a killing in nuclear weaponry in more ways than one, creates Nuclear Man (Mark Pillow, in his first and last appearance in movies or in the general public in toto), a super-villain who gives The Man Of Steel the fight of his life.
However, that isn't the whole story, because Supes' alter ego Clark Kent is also having a tough time of it, what with his beloved Daily Bugle being bought out by multi-millionaire David Warfield (Sam Wanamaker) and his daughter Lacey (Mariel Hemingway), with the intention of taking the Bugle in a "new direction". Always dangerous words to use in business.
Maybe this would have worked. Maybe. With a bigger budget, better script and more competent direction,. After all, the past installments had such directing royalty as Richard Donner and Richard Lester, who had some pretty darn good films in their legacy. But with IV, all Golan and Globus could get for their money was Sidney J. Furie, a name most bad-movie fans soak up with a knowing nod, some of his directorial titles being such unspeakable travesties as Doctor Blood's Coffin, Devil Doll, Gable and Lombard, The Entity, Purple Hearts, the first, second and fourth Iron Eagle flicks, and a few installments of the Pamela Anderson TV show "V.I.P." - Hey, I know we all have our off-days, but Gable and Lombard??? Come on....
Christopher Reeve, since 1978, was most famous for his essaying of the Man of Steel. Perhaps even tragically so, if comparison to Kirk Alyn and George Reeves is any indication. No matter what the situation, he always made the role his own and made you believe that he could, in fact, fly. Even in real life, you figured Chris Reeve leaving for work, arms outstretched and flying from his home to the movie studio...in a single bound, no less. He did his best here in IV, but it was almost as if he knew what a nasty dip the series had taken and decided, like any good captain, he would go down with the ship. Say what you will about the movie, at least Reeve gave it his all.
...even if he did co-write the story. How could you, Chris?
You may remember the original film featured a fantastic cast, first and foremost of them being Gene Hackman, who hammed it up royally as Lex Luthor, masterminding a plan to not only rule the world (of real estate, at least) but also to destroy Superman in the process. Well, Hackman returns here and even though he is the best part of this movie, he is still not displayed at his most advantageous herein. This is a man who has won awards, people - BIG awards. IMPORTANT awards. And there's something kind of distracted about him here in IV, like he's thinking of something else altogether unconnected with the film he's in. Maybe ways to do away with his agent?
Just like Richard Pryor didn't have any reason to be in a Superman movie, neither does Jon Cryer. Lex Luthor's nephew? And he isn't even an evil nephew - just a geeky one, dressed like a '50s leftover and speaking in "valley girl" argot with many a 'whoa' thrown in here and there. You know, even in 1987 Cryer should have given up playing teenagers without John Hughes anywhere in attendance. In the same year, he was in Hiding Out, as a stockbroker who for one reason or other must take refuge in a nearby high school as a teenager - the only difference is that was supposed to be the joke. A Superman movie isn't supposed to be a joke. At least not unintentionally.
Not to worry, though; there are familiar faces in this installment besides Hackman; Jackie Cooper and Marc McClure return as Perry White and Jimmy Olsen, respectively. Not to mention wearily, judging from their performances. And then there's Margot Kidder as Lois Lane. Margot must be an extremely good sport, having wanted out of the Supes flicks after II and darned near almost getting away with it in III. But just when she thought she was out...Golan and Globus pull her back in. Maybe this is where a lot of their budget went to: getting the series regulars back into the pool - because it sure didn't go into the effects.
Many scenes of Superman flying, done in harnesses as they were, weren't even edited that well, since it looks as if he's put on a little weight in the thighs during his flying scenes. Many other scenes either defy the laws of physics, the idea of humans being in (and breathing in) outer space or that real life doesn't have blue-screen outlines. To quote Mike Nelson from "Mystery Science Theater 3000", the effects herein must have been headed by Industrial Lights and Morons.
This is a very bad, very sad movie to watch and the only one of the Superman movies to LOSE money. Yes, even with a minuscule budget and more cost-cutting corners taken than there were corners to cut. In the end there was no Supes fan die-hard enough to sit though this tragic mess without screaming at any and everyone who would listen not to make the mistake they made by watching it.
And I do love Superman. I do; he was the superhero I grew up watching, knowing, understanding, appreciating and respecting above all others. Even more than Spider-Man, who was more human and had far more foibles. Supes was infallible. Perfect. Stood up for the weak. Destroyed the evil of the world.
In fact the only thing Superman couldn't overcome was THIS MOVIE.
Take heed: Superman IV: The Quest for Peace is kryptonite for the Supes fan's soul. Put it in a lead box and bury it.
Shame on you, Golan and Globus; you are a two-headed Lex Luthor - an amalgam of the whole League of Super-Villains. May you both be pelted with jars of Superman Peanut Butter the rest of your days.
No wonder Mark Pillow quit show business.
barry manilow + a wig = barbara walters?
barry manilow + a wig = barbara walters?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sultry Blues #1
This Sultry Blues thing is when I showcase my poetry, songs, or writings. i was skeptical at first to post my stuff up, but, if I wanna become a journalist, I've gotta start somewhere, huh?
I know many of you don't believe in love. But, what you think love is is what is the typical, status quo of everything you've seen on TV or movies. Love is special in its own way. You'll find love in a way someone else hasn't. There's the Disney way, the love/hate way, the kissing-in-the-rain way, the best friends turned lovers way, the accidental way, the love-at-first-sight way, the serenating way, the creative way, the determined way . . . the point is, don't think love doesn't exist because you see the things in movies and you automatically say that it's not real, just for the fact that it was written in a script. Here's a poem I wrote after watching a movie called "Love Jones," that displayed love in such a powerful way, it actually makes you believe.
I know many of you don't believe in love. But, what you think love is is what is the typical, status quo of everything you've seen on TV or movies. Love is special in its own way. You'll find love in a way someone else hasn't. There's the Disney way, the love/hate way, the kissing-in-the-rain way, the best friends turned lovers way, the accidental way, the love-at-first-sight way, the serenating way, the creative way, the determined way . . . the point is, don't think love doesn't exist because you see the things in movies and you automatically say that it's not real, just for the fact that it was written in a script. Here's a poem I wrote after watching a movie called "Love Jones," that displayed love in such a powerful way, it actually makes you believe.
Dreadfully waiting.
got my heart anticipating,
for the love I'll soon be savoring from you.
Hand in hand we mesh,
knew from the start you were the best,
you lay my head right on your chest to hear you breathing.
Giggling with no stop
you have my tummy up in knots
we're on the phone and slowly the clock is ticking away.
My mind is not confused
Its a fact that I want you
to be my one and only boo, take my breath away
The first day we met
It was raining, I was wet
You opened an umbrella over my head and that was that.
God was by my side
Cuz that same minute we locked eyes
and I was instantly hypnotized, could this be real?
You had to feel the same
because the words you wanted to say
were surely not coming your way, your stutter was so cute.
You were fumbling with words,
It was obvious you had nerves
But you were determined to make it work, for you to speak.
I made it easy for you
I took your number, gave mine to you
A sign of relief quickly came through across your face.
I'll never forget that look
Cuz that after that, we were hooked
In each others souls, that's all it took, to be what we are now.
You quickly catch me when I fall,
you accept me, flaws and all,
and for that, I want to crawl into your heart.
And it will be my home,
And you will crawl into my own,
and from there our love will grow to cover us whole.
You safely keep me sane
when my mentality's feeling strained
from all the sadness and the pain I receive elsewhere.
Cuz only from you,
I receive the love I do
the love that amazingly renews my energy.
Our love is true.
Thank God for you.
You walked me through.
Baby, what you do . . .
Only you can do . . .
TIDBIT: Um, I'm in a relationship dilemma right now, and this is why I wrote it. I hope many can relate.
got my heart anticipating,
for the love I'll soon be savoring from you.
Hand in hand we mesh,
knew from the start you were the best,
you lay my head right on your chest to hear you breathing.
Giggling with no stop
you have my tummy up in knots
we're on the phone and slowly the clock is ticking away.
My mind is not confused
Its a fact that I want you
to be my one and only boo, take my breath away
The first day we met
It was raining, I was wet
You opened an umbrella over my head and that was that.
God was by my side
Cuz that same minute we locked eyes
and I was instantly hypnotized, could this be real?
You had to feel the same
because the words you wanted to say
were surely not coming your way, your stutter was so cute.
You were fumbling with words,
It was obvious you had nerves
But you were determined to make it work, for you to speak.
I made it easy for you
I took your number, gave mine to you
A sign of relief quickly came through across your face.
I'll never forget that look
Cuz that after that, we were hooked
In each others souls, that's all it took, to be what we are now.
You quickly catch me when I fall,
you accept me, flaws and all,
and for that, I want to crawl into your heart.
And it will be my home,
And you will crawl into my own,
and from there our love will grow to cover us whole.
You safely keep me sane
when my mentality's feeling strained
from all the sadness and the pain I receive elsewhere.
Cuz only from you,
I receive the love I do
the love that amazingly renews my energy.
Our love is true.
Thank God for you.
You walked me through.
Baby, what you do . . .
Only you can do . . .
TIDBIT: Um, I'm in a relationship dilemma right now, and this is why I wrote it. I hope many can relate.
I don't gotta be in your house to fuck up your couch
Y'all took that shit too literally. Like the pulchritudinous ex-QuizTV presenter Sara Damergi used to say : think laterally, not literally. And she was right because a pal of mine followed her instructions and ended up winning a grip of guop from the channel.
Allow Bay Area native and fellow hater extrodinaire Bailey to explain the real meaning of Fuck your couch :
Jheah, fuck your couch, n*gga
lemme tell you about this shit :
If a muthafucker spill his muthafuckin' drink on you in the club while you fresh - he fuckin' up your couch, man
If a bitch loud as hell in your ear when you tryna get your smoke on or you asleep - she fuckin' up your couch, man
If the po-lice come around this muthafucker messin' up your paper - they fuckin' up your couch.....
Bailey - Fuck Yo' Couch
And on a related note, here's an oldie-but-goodie by my dunn Eard AKA Krs Gok Wan from the tunnel (R.I.P) :
Allow Bay Area native and fellow hater extrodinaire Bailey to explain the real meaning of Fuck your couch :
Jheah, fuck your couch, n*gga
lemme tell you about this shit :
If a muthafucker spill his muthafuckin' drink on you in the club while you fresh - he fuckin' up your couch, man
If a bitch loud as hell in your ear when you tryna get your smoke on or you asleep - she fuckin' up your couch, man
If the po-lice come around this muthafucker messin' up your paper - they fuckin' up your couch.....
Bailey - Fuck Yo' Couch
And on a related note, here's an oldie-but-goodie by my dunn Eard AKA Krs Gok Wan from the tunnel (R.I.P) :
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
i can't cope.
i'm really disturbed because:
a.) i actually really like the new House of Holland clothes.
b.) everytime i have a new hair cut, LAURA HOLLINS takes my hairstyle.
a.) i actually really like the new House of Holland clothes.
b.) everytime i have a new hair cut, LAURA HOLLINS takes my hairstyle.
i can't cope.
i'm really disturbed because:
a.) i actually really like the new House of Holland clothes.
b.) everytime i have a new hair cut, LAURA HOLLINS takes my hairstyle.
a.) i actually really like the new House of Holland clothes.
b.) everytime i have a new hair cut, LAURA HOLLINS takes my hairstyle.
Martorial elegance # 12
In the same way that Levi's are pretty much the blueprint for any good jeans (and a few less than decent ones too), JNCO are the prototype for the gazebo-like denim disasters that look tailor made for Holly Willoughby in her current behemoth state which keep cyber-goths, cyber-ravers and a whole carnival of other cyber-cunts dipped in ridiculous 32" width hem kecks with rear detailing.
Only, instead of the sewn-in spacko graffiti fonts and Funkdoobiest LP cover-esque goateed characters with blunts of JNCO's, we now get sub-culture specific strains with the cyber-goth variety featuring studs, skulls and various other shit you can only get away with wearing if you're Kerry, Lemmy or Glenn.
Please take note Juelz et Jim. Seriously.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Goodie . . .
There's a commercial.
I cannot stress it anymore.
And it is so cute! People have deemed it weird and uncalled for, but I admire it. It's like a combo of Alice in Wonderland and Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. The make-up is sooo sweet. Sweet to perfection. Mwah! And the set is so prettyful! Admit it, you wanna be in this video.
I cannot stress it anymore.
And it is so cute! People have deemed it weird and uncalled for, but I admire it. It's like a combo of Alice in Wonderland and Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. The make-up is sooo sweet. Sweet to perfection. Mwah! And the set is so prettyful! Admit it, you wanna be in this video.
TIDBIT: I wanted to live in that mound of cotton candy and eat my way through, but after seeing that cat climb out of it . . . eh. No thanks.
We kept the muthafuckin' names the same/'cause we think being a bald head bitch is a god damn shame
What the fuck is goin on in this god damn world
What are you bitch : a boy or a girl?
I can't tell cause your shit on the sides is gone
You remind me of that monkey lookin bitch Grace Jones
Fucked up is how you look to Willie D
I just gotta have a bitch that has more hair than me
Some try to cover up by weavin it through
You ain't foolin nobody
We know your bald headed too
Lesser blogs look to Nicky Clarke or Adee from The Salon for analysis on KanYe dating a bald bitch but here at The Martorialist we're handing over to the ever-reliable Willie D for his take on 'Yeezy tappin' the follicle-less femme Amber Rose :
On the subject of bald-headed-hoes, would it be bad karma to say that Jade is now eerily reminiscent of The Hood from Thunderbirds?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Nappy Roots
Sometimes, relatives are meant to keep their mouths shut.
Why, you might ask? "Cynthia, how can you say such a thing!" you might say to me.
But how would you respond if you were in my size 11 American Eagle boots? Lemme set up the scenario.
[Cynthia is sipping on dry champagne, absolutely disgusted by the taste, for this champagne had not tasted like the last champagne she sipped on last year. Yes, if you haven't guessed, Cynthia is not a heavy drinker. Matter of fact, its been decades, sarcastically speaking, since she last drunk an alchohol beverage. While she sips, her Aunt Josie sneaks up behind Cynthia and plays in her poof, for Cynthia's hair is natural and was set in a poofie high ponytail.]
Josie: Cynthia, sweetie, when are you gettin' that perm?
Cynthia: [baffled as if she was the last to hear of news that is life changing] What perm? I'm not getting a perm.
Josie: [frowns] Why not?
Cynthia: [Shrugs slowly] Cuz . . . I . . . I like my hair natural. And when I got a perm in 7th grade, by my frehsman year of high school, my hair started breaking.
Josie: [Nodding slowly] Ahhhh.
Cynthia: Plus this is different. Everyone rocks weaves and wigs and perms. Thats not cute anymore (Mind you, my Aunt Josie was wearing a wigs that was not doing her justice)
Josie: Sure, you know, its different. And your hair is nice, but, don't you think it'll look nicer straight?
Cynthia: [Shakes head slowly] No . . . this is fine. Plus I have a lot of hair. Too much to manage.
Josie: [giggles] No it's not. Just go to a hair salon. They can fix that hair easily.
Cynthia: Eh, no. It's ok. Thanks though, Aunt Josie . . .
[Cynthia walks away with rage fixating across her face, ready to splash her dry champagne across Aunt Josie's face]
I am so sick of it. People asking me when I'm gonna get a perm, why don't I get a perm, perms will be much easier to handle . . . don't you know I am extremely aware of all of this? I know perms are easier to handle, and I know it's better than natural hair. But for me, and many others, perms, weaves and wigs are the X that marks the spot. I don't wanna see myself wearing them unless it is extremely mandatory. And I doubt those times will show up. What really made me mad was the fact that her hair is jacked to the max. Literally, she has to cover it with a new wig everytime we see her. And then she has the audacity to tell me to perm my hair? To make it straight? To abandon what has made me who I am? Get outta here. Please.
I'll soon be talking more about this issue, due to the fact that I'm writing a research paper for my english class about good hair, and plus because this is my blog so . . . heh. I write what I want, I guess.
What does E-40 think about Jack marrying Jade?
Ahoy there, Captain.
E-40 ft. The Click - Captain Save-A-Hoe
You have a woman's body and bottom, m'captain. I'll wager that sweet, round pair of peaches and hairless piglet brown-eye was used as target practice by Jamal from Brixton during your stay at Chelmsford Prison.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Oscar Results - Was I Right???
Well, as the Oscars are going on - not that I'm watching or anything... hey, I'd miss "100 Funniest Home Videos" if I did that! - I thought I'd better keep an eye out online (oscars.com) and see what, if any, of my "loser" predictions from a few posts back came through or not.
So, here we go.
BEST ANIMATED FILM - WINNER, WALL-E - Bolt came up a loser, so I called it right on this one, too....
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS - WINNER, Penelope Cruz (Vicky Cristina Barcelona) - Marisa Tomei lost, so I'm good on one.
BEST ANIMATED FILM - WINNER, WALL-E - Bolt came up a loser, so I called it right on this one, too....
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR - WINNER, Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight) - Okay, everyone stand on their heads who was surprised by this win. Duh.
BEST ACTRESS - WINNER, Kate Winslet (The Reader) - See there? I'm happy Kate got one, of course, but Melissa Leo? Come on....
BEST ACTOR - WINNER, Sean Penn (Milk) - Hey, now there's a surprise; but still, you notice that; poor old Mickey Rourke gets screwed out of an Oscar. Poor guy; I knew it'd happen, though.
BEST DIRECTOR - WINNER, Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire) - As I'd said, another pass-over for Gus Van Zant, so another prediction remains unsullied. Sorry Gus, but what did I tell you about that Psycho remake?
and we can all finally go to bed with the announcement of...
BEST PICTURE - Slumdog Millionaire. All I can say is, thank GOD it wasn't that Benjamin Button crap. Ha!
And there you have it - all my loser predictions were right on the money! Yes! I am vindicated in not only my taste but that I also can predict what those money-grubbing suits in Hollywood decide and pass on to the nominating committee for these Oscar-things. Jury of your peers, my a....
Uh, yeah. I was right. Nyah, anyway.
Now, let's let the rest of Hollywood party hearty and leave us to get some sleep. okay? Back to regular business tomorrow.
Dope out.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Logan's Run (1976)
Okay, show of hands; anyone out there remember '70s science fiction?
Ah-ah-ah...not so fast. Anyone remember '70s science fiction...between 1970 to 1976?
Boy, look at all the hands go back down.
It's not easy, is it? For many sci-fi geeks out there, the modern history of science fiction began with the release (and subsequent pop culture bombardment) of Star Wars (1977), a film rightly regarded as a linchpin for those who measure their space operas on that special barometer as being above it or below it. Of course, nothing is better than Star Wars, so case closed....
"But Star Wars wasn't the best science fiction," others still will say, remembering fondly another linchpin from TV known as 'Star Trek', which debuted a full ten years before George Lucas' baby, and introduced the world to Captain Kirk, Mister Spock, Tribbles and Klingons and so on. See, this was thinking man's sci-fi, which means that it brought logic and human sensibilities into the arena where aliens, spaceships and entire galaxies hold sway.
Ah, but then what happened was there was this shadowy realm in the late '60s and early '70s when definitions for science fiction were up for grabs. Oh sure; there were defining moments along the way like 2001: A Space Odyssey, Silent Running and 'Doctor Who' - but think about what all of these had in common. Like 'Star Trek', they all brought the cerebral, the thoughtful, the "human-interest" into science fiction. There was less Buck Rogers and more Isaac Asimov involved. You had to really concentrate on what was on-screen and take into consideration that there was - of all things - a message to be delivered and a lesson to be learned.
That's certainly what the train of thought was in our subject for today: Logan's Run came out during what was considered by many a long dry period in science fiction, where just that many people didn't care about the genre anymore and the only ones who did still talked in hushed respect about the relevance of Romulans and Harcourt Fenton Mudd in today's society.
The story in Logan's Run was simple enough: a dystopian dome city is populated exclusively by young people who, on their 30th birthday, must go to a ritual known as Carousel, where they are "renewed" in a fiery ceremony, thus stopping overpopulation. This dome city is regularly patrolled by peacekeepers known as Sandmen, who must keep down the Runners, individuals who resist the law to "renew". One of these Sandmen, Logan 5 (Michael York), is forcibly recruited by the thinking computer that rules the city to go undercover as a Runner and find the location called Sanctuary - the paradise all Runners seek outside the confines of the city.
In the process, Logan befriends Jessica 6 (Jenny Agutter), a female Runner and alienates Francis 7 (Richard Jordan) - another Sandman and once his best friend. Now Logan and Jessica literally must run for their lives and seek out Sanctuary, which takes them throughout the dome city and finally to the outside, where they discover an entire world that had been hidden from them and a shocking truth that will shatter all that they ever knew.
Right there is a description that sounds as if it did come from Asimov, or even Robert Heinlein. This is certainly more than a boy, a girl and a whole universe. Many subjects are touched on; the stigmata of aging, the insolence of youth, the cold logic of computer-thinking as compared to the sloppy emotional thought train of man, even the Orwellian topic of a "perfect world" where perfection comes at a price.
Before we get into all that, however, a word about the movie itself.
For many of the literati out there, you may already know that this is a movie based on the book of the same name written in 1967 by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson and, though a few things were changed here and there, the song remained the same. This particular adaptation was made for the screen by David Zelag Goodman, who himself has had quite a legacy in Hollywood, writing such memorable movies as Lovers and Other Strangers, Monte Walsh and Straw Dogs. He acquits himself well herein, adapting the words of a novel into dialogue that doesn't insult the intelligence nor sound as stilted as it could have. Quite a feat for a story that could have become more self-serious than at first intended.
It is to Michael Anderson's credit that his direction is solid and creates distinctive views of a bright colorful world and a darker exterior, both physically and psychologically. Of course, Anderson is most famous for bringing such wartime and Cold War thrillers to life as Yangtse Incident: The Story of H.M.S. Amethyst, Flight from Ashiya, Operation Crossbow and The Quiller Memorandum, not to mention the 1956 film adaptation of (surprise) the George Orwell novel 1984, which makes him the perfect director for a vision of the future where happiness and unending pleasure are covers for a more bleak world view.
The actors make a good impression; York and Agutter are well-suited to the material - even though the story itself is set in a world that is decidedly American in its decadence and conspicuous consumption, it somehow makes sense that the main characters would for the most part have British accents. I don't know why that is, but it oddly fits...even when faced with smaller players that are all-too-obviously American.
I already mentioned Jordan, who essays the betrayed friend/now mortal enemy good enough and yet is made into just another plot device at the whim of the story, but what about the bit-part by Farrah Fawcett-Majors (back when she still had the "-Majors" at the end of her name)? Like everything else in the dome world, she is no more or less than window dressing, contributing nothing to the proceedings than something pretty to look at. But then there's Roscoe Lee Browne (as a boxy robot named, oddly enough, Box), who was actually American but was a man of such precise diction and eloquence that he might as well have been British.
Oh! But then I almost neglected to mention the one factor that keeps Logan's Run from being too stodgy, even for those who don't like stodgy sci-fi - Peter Ustinov: the one actor who could make reading a phonebook high comedy. He plays the one Old Man (that's even how he's billed) in the whole movie, a symbol that there is life after 30, so to speak. And he does his doddering best, speaking in droll witticisms, quoting T.S. Eliot and living with hundreds of cats in an overgrown Senate Chamber in a now-abandoned, vine-covered Washington DC. Bless his heart, he made his scenes highlights, that's for sure.
About the look of the film; it was a good idea to make the dome city look for everything like what hip teens of the '70s would think a utopia would be; all neon lights and togas and hovercrafts and flashing blaster guns and a salon that catered to every whim and consumer need. And that voice...that soothing female computer voice that was heard everywhere inside the city. A comfort and yet a distraction, too. What was behind that voice...? Peace? Tranquility? Or a placid surrender of thought and understanding to the altar of what a supposed utopia will give you for your continued obedience to its rules?
...see what I mean about early-'70s sci-fi? All that thought being provoked and stuff?
After all was said and done, Logan's Run ended up making back almost three times its $9 million budget (not bad for science fiction back then) so it was classified as a hit, but not a blockbuster, even with all the awards it won and/or were nominated for (it went as far as winning a special Oscar for its effects). Oh, it went on to become a short-lived CBS TV series (starring a pre-"Trapper John MD" Gregory Harrison...anyone remember that one?) and had become a staple of many a sci-fi gathering, with people dressed as Sandmen and Runners chasing one another. But as far as becoming the success it could have been....
I think if the film-makers had a time machine and could have seen one year into the future, taking note of the overt success that young upstart George Lucas would have in the same realm (but not in the same psychological arena), they would have closed up shop then and there and just counted their losses. As it was, Logan's Run was quickly and utterly forgotten to make room for Wookiees and Death Stars. Which is a shame, but consider this: Logan's Run laid the groundwork and made the general public more receptive for what was to come. So if anything, Lucas should be grateful that this movie came out when it did; it may have been more of a hard sell for him otherwise.
Crass as it is to think about, dollar signs are what make it in Hollywood, and whether or not a movie is successful doesn't usually matter; whether or not it is feasible to extend the life of a once-popular phenomenon from a profit standpoint is what matters. Accountants make all the real decisions for movies...sad, isn't it? And the plain and simple fact of the matter is that, in view of the mild level of success Logan's Run attained in its initial run (so to say), any plans of a sequel, remake or continuation went by the wayside.
For anyone who grew up in the '70s, though, and had a chance to watch this during its initial showing, they no doubt feel a kindred connection to the youthful inhabitants of the dome city; for a short while, everything was at peace, tranquil...then the outside world intervened and the psychological and thoughtful went the way of exploding planets and screaming spaceships breaking the silence of outer space.
Thinking along the same line, Logan's Run made it to the top of the sci-fi world, too...for a little while. Until utopia became dystopia. Still, a linchpin is a linchpin and, even as the Empire came marching up onto the horizon, the most thoughtful science fiction devotee could comfort themselves with visions of Renewal.
Whether there was Sanctuary or not.
Ah-ah-ah...not so fast. Anyone remember '70s science fiction...between 1970 to 1976?
Boy, look at all the hands go back down.
It's not easy, is it? For many sci-fi geeks out there, the modern history of science fiction began with the release (and subsequent pop culture bombardment) of Star Wars (1977), a film rightly regarded as a linchpin for those who measure their space operas on that special barometer as being above it or below it. Of course, nothing is better than Star Wars, so case closed....
"But Star Wars wasn't the best science fiction," others still will say, remembering fondly another linchpin from TV known as 'Star Trek', which debuted a full ten years before George Lucas' baby, and introduced the world to Captain Kirk, Mister Spock, Tribbles and Klingons and so on. See, this was thinking man's sci-fi, which means that it brought logic and human sensibilities into the arena where aliens, spaceships and entire galaxies hold sway.
Ah, but then what happened was there was this shadowy realm in the late '60s and early '70s when definitions for science fiction were up for grabs. Oh sure; there were defining moments along the way like 2001: A Space Odyssey, Silent Running and 'Doctor Who' - but think about what all of these had in common. Like 'Star Trek', they all brought the cerebral, the thoughtful, the "human-interest" into science fiction. There was less Buck Rogers and more Isaac Asimov involved. You had to really concentrate on what was on-screen and take into consideration that there was - of all things - a message to be delivered and a lesson to be learned.
That's certainly what the train of thought was in our subject for today: Logan's Run came out during what was considered by many a long dry period in science fiction, where just that many people didn't care about the genre anymore and the only ones who did still talked in hushed respect about the relevance of Romulans and Harcourt Fenton Mudd in today's society.
The story in Logan's Run was simple enough: a dystopian dome city is populated exclusively by young people who, on their 30th birthday, must go to a ritual known as Carousel, where they are "renewed" in a fiery ceremony, thus stopping overpopulation. This dome city is regularly patrolled by peacekeepers known as Sandmen, who must keep down the Runners, individuals who resist the law to "renew". One of these Sandmen, Logan 5 (Michael York), is forcibly recruited by the thinking computer that rules the city to go undercover as a Runner and find the location called Sanctuary - the paradise all Runners seek outside the confines of the city.
In the process, Logan befriends Jessica 6 (Jenny Agutter), a female Runner and alienates Francis 7 (Richard Jordan) - another Sandman and once his best friend. Now Logan and Jessica literally must run for their lives and seek out Sanctuary, which takes them throughout the dome city and finally to the outside, where they discover an entire world that had been hidden from them and a shocking truth that will shatter all that they ever knew.
Right there is a description that sounds as if it did come from Asimov, or even Robert Heinlein. This is certainly more than a boy, a girl and a whole universe. Many subjects are touched on; the stigmata of aging, the insolence of youth, the cold logic of computer-thinking as compared to the sloppy emotional thought train of man, even the Orwellian topic of a "perfect world" where perfection comes at a price.
Before we get into all that, however, a word about the movie itself.
For many of the literati out there, you may already know that this is a movie based on the book of the same name written in 1967 by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson and, though a few things were changed here and there, the song remained the same. This particular adaptation was made for the screen by David Zelag Goodman, who himself has had quite a legacy in Hollywood, writing such memorable movies as Lovers and Other Strangers, Monte Walsh and Straw Dogs. He acquits himself well herein, adapting the words of a novel into dialogue that doesn't insult the intelligence nor sound as stilted as it could have. Quite a feat for a story that could have become more self-serious than at first intended.
It is to Michael Anderson's credit that his direction is solid and creates distinctive views of a bright colorful world and a darker exterior, both physically and psychologically. Of course, Anderson is most famous for bringing such wartime and Cold War thrillers to life as Yangtse Incident: The Story of H.M.S. Amethyst, Flight from Ashiya, Operation Crossbow and The Quiller Memorandum, not to mention the 1956 film adaptation of (surprise) the George Orwell novel 1984, which makes him the perfect director for a vision of the future where happiness and unending pleasure are covers for a more bleak world view.
The actors make a good impression; York and Agutter are well-suited to the material - even though the story itself is set in a world that is decidedly American in its decadence and conspicuous consumption, it somehow makes sense that the main characters would for the most part have British accents. I don't know why that is, but it oddly fits...even when faced with smaller players that are all-too-obviously American.
I already mentioned Jordan, who essays the betrayed friend/now mortal enemy good enough and yet is made into just another plot device at the whim of the story, but what about the bit-part by Farrah Fawcett-Majors (back when she still had the "-Majors" at the end of her name)? Like everything else in the dome world, she is no more or less than window dressing, contributing nothing to the proceedings than something pretty to look at. But then there's Roscoe Lee Browne (as a boxy robot named, oddly enough, Box), who was actually American but was a man of such precise diction and eloquence that he might as well have been British.
Oh! But then I almost neglected to mention the one factor that keeps Logan's Run from being too stodgy, even for those who don't like stodgy sci-fi - Peter Ustinov: the one actor who could make reading a phonebook high comedy. He plays the one Old Man (that's even how he's billed) in the whole movie, a symbol that there is life after 30, so to speak. And he does his doddering best, speaking in droll witticisms, quoting T.S. Eliot and living with hundreds of cats in an overgrown Senate Chamber in a now-abandoned, vine-covered Washington DC. Bless his heart, he made his scenes highlights, that's for sure.
About the look of the film; it was a good idea to make the dome city look for everything like what hip teens of the '70s would think a utopia would be; all neon lights and togas and hovercrafts and flashing blaster guns and a salon that catered to every whim and consumer need. And that voice...that soothing female computer voice that was heard everywhere inside the city. A comfort and yet a distraction, too. What was behind that voice...? Peace? Tranquility? Or a placid surrender of thought and understanding to the altar of what a supposed utopia will give you for your continued obedience to its rules?
...see what I mean about early-'70s sci-fi? All that thought being provoked and stuff?
After all was said and done, Logan's Run ended up making back almost three times its $9 million budget (not bad for science fiction back then) so it was classified as a hit, but not a blockbuster, even with all the awards it won and/or were nominated for (it went as far as winning a special Oscar for its effects). Oh, it went on to become a short-lived CBS TV series (starring a pre-"Trapper John MD" Gregory Harrison...anyone remember that one?) and had become a staple of many a sci-fi gathering, with people dressed as Sandmen and Runners chasing one another. But as far as becoming the success it could have been....
I think if the film-makers had a time machine and could have seen one year into the future, taking note of the overt success that young upstart George Lucas would have in the same realm (but not in the same psychological arena), they would have closed up shop then and there and just counted their losses. As it was, Logan's Run was quickly and utterly forgotten to make room for Wookiees and Death Stars. Which is a shame, but consider this: Logan's Run laid the groundwork and made the general public more receptive for what was to come. So if anything, Lucas should be grateful that this movie came out when it did; it may have been more of a hard sell for him otherwise.
Crass as it is to think about, dollar signs are what make it in Hollywood, and whether or not a movie is successful doesn't usually matter; whether or not it is feasible to extend the life of a once-popular phenomenon from a profit standpoint is what matters. Accountants make all the real decisions for movies...sad, isn't it? And the plain and simple fact of the matter is that, in view of the mild level of success Logan's Run attained in its initial run (so to say), any plans of a sequel, remake or continuation went by the wayside.
For anyone who grew up in the '70s, though, and had a chance to watch this during its initial showing, they no doubt feel a kindred connection to the youthful inhabitants of the dome city; for a short while, everything was at peace, tranquil...then the outside world intervened and the psychological and thoughtful went the way of exploding planets and screaming spaceships breaking the silence of outer space.
Thinking along the same line, Logan's Run made it to the top of the sci-fi world, too...for a little while. Until utopia became dystopia. Still, a linchpin is a linchpin and, even as the Empire came marching up onto the horizon, the most thoughtful science fiction devotee could comfort themselves with visions of Renewal.
Whether there was Sanctuary or not.
It might blow up but it won't go pop!
Thankfully, it doesn't go poop! either.
Buhloone Ass State.
That's it folks - the very zenith of humanity. Things can only go downhill from here.
Buhloone Ass State.
That's it folks - the very zenith of humanity. Things can only go downhill from here.
Friday, February 20, 2009
I'm not kidding.
this is the best sleeve I've ever seen. I wouldn't necessarily choose the clint eastwood still in the middle of the ocean scene, but it is sweet on its own, and the undersea sleeve is incredible. I love it like whoa
I'm not kidding.
this is the best sleeve I've ever seen. I wouldn't necessarily choose the clint eastwood still in the middle of the ocean scene, but it is sweet on its own, and the undersea sleeve is incredible. I love it like whoa
4 slices of pizzza.
Thats what I've had all day.
It's only 3:49pm, . . .
But I still feel like a fat ass.
Mission Accomplished.
Thats what I've had all day.
It's only 3:49pm, . . .
But I still feel like a fat ass.
Mission Accomplished.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I just . . . man.
To think I laughed about this turn of events at first.
There seriously is nothing to laugh about when you see this picture.
I cant even fathom how Rihanna or her family must feel, to have their loved one come home to them looking like this, knowing where the person who did this to them is.
Even though I can't picture Chris doing something so heinous . . .
Picture from TMZ - Click Here
To think I laughed about this turn of events at first.
There seriously is nothing to laugh about when you see this picture.
I cant even fathom how Rihanna or her family must feel, to have their loved one come home to them looking like this, knowing where the person who did this to them is.
Even though I can't picture Chris doing something so heinous . . .
Picture from TMZ - Click Here
TIDBIT on 2/20/09: Happy 21st Brithday, Rihanna. Get well soon!
Man Candy #1: Seth Rogen
He lost weight.
Oh, my word.
Its not that I've never seen it in my head. I've pictured it, and yeah, its a great picture, but . . . to really see it. Right here. Right above.
I . . . I like it.
Oh, Seth. I lurve it, sweetie. Lurve.
Lemme explain to you guys something.
I am seriously infatuated with Seth Rogen. I'm telling you, he always has my tummy up in knots. He's hilarious. I love his hair; I could picture myself running my hands through it, feeling its soft and wavy/curly tresses . . . and he had this adorable nerd guy behavior that just made him seem so likeable. I mean, he really is likeable. Plus, once again, he can make you laugh. I've never been disappointed (Erm, rephrase, shall we? "Zack & Miri Make a Porno was OK, not, really GREAT. Cute, but compared to his other films, even though I have yet to see Pineapple Express, okay) with his work, and thats because he always stands out in some way.
IDGAH if you think I'm nuts on rye. I really am in love with him. I can picture myself dating a guy like this. He's so amazing. Plus he has introduced me to Michael Cera, who will be on this blog soon enough . . .
I can't wait to see him fully done with his training. Even though he hates being healthy, Seth, its great.
TIDBIT: I loved him WITH the weight. I never saw it as a problem. I don't care. Thick or thin, I am in love with you, Seth Rogen.
Oh, my word.
Its not that I've never seen it in my head. I've pictured it, and yeah, its a great picture, but . . . to really see it. Right here. Right above.
I . . . I like it.
Oh, Seth. I lurve it, sweetie. Lurve.
Lemme explain to you guys something.
I am seriously infatuated with Seth Rogen. I'm telling you, he always has my tummy up in knots. He's hilarious. I love his hair; I could picture myself running my hands through it, feeling its soft and wavy/curly tresses . . . and he had this adorable nerd guy behavior that just made him seem so likeable. I mean, he really is likeable. Plus, once again, he can make you laugh. I've never been disappointed (Erm, rephrase, shall we? "Zack & Miri Make a Porno was OK, not, really GREAT. Cute, but compared to his other films, even though I have yet to see Pineapple Express, okay) with his work, and thats because he always stands out in some way.
IDGAH if you think I'm nuts on rye. I really am in love with him. I can picture myself dating a guy like this. He's so amazing. Plus he has introduced me to Michael Cera, who will be on this blog soon enough . . .
I can't wait to see him fully done with his training. Even though he hates being healthy, Seth, its great.
TIDBIT: I loved him WITH the weight. I never saw it as a problem. I don't care. Thick or thin, I am in love with you, Seth Rogen.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Mr. fantasy got me the book wetlands by charlotte roche for VD (even though we didn't really celebrate it). i don't know if this book has blown up yet stateside or if it's just a european thing at the moment but it's getting a lot of press for being disgustingly honest about the female body.
The main character, Helen, is laid up in the hospital after a shaving incident and recalls stories of past sexual experiences and contemplates her own body, much to the discomfort of the reader. I'm having an easy time reading it (i mean that i've read like 150 pages in one day which is a lot for me because i get distracted easily) but i've almost gagged 3 times. and i do not have a weak constitution. even though i like being inappropes and like this style of writing, i don't really know that it's some feminist piece of literature like people are making it out to be. i'd say so far 60% of the gross stuff is just being foul for the sake of getting a reaction and not necessarily rethinking social taboos (aka period sex). i still think you should read it though.
here is a little sample for you:
The main character, Helen, is laid up in the hospital after a shaving incident and recalls stories of past sexual experiences and contemplates her own body, much to the discomfort of the reader. I'm having an easy time reading it (i mean that i've read like 150 pages in one day which is a lot for me because i get distracted easily) but i've almost gagged 3 times. and i do not have a weak constitution. even though i like being inappropes and like this style of writing, i don't really know that it's some feminist piece of literature like people are making it out to be. i'd say so far 60% of the gross stuff is just being foul for the sake of getting a reaction and not necessarily rethinking social taboos (aka period sex). i still think you should read it though.
here is a little sample for you:
" When I jerk somebody off, i always make sure that some cum gets on my hand. I run my fingers through it and let it dry under my long nails. That way, later in the day, i can reminice about my good fuck partner by biting my nails and getting bits of the hardened cum to play with in my mouth; i chew on it and, after tasting it and letting it slowly dissolve, I swallow it. It's an invention i'm very proud of: the memorable-sex bonbon."
Mr. fantasy got me the book wetlands by charlotte roche for VD (even though we didn't really celebrate it). i don't know if this book has blown up yet stateside or if it's just a european thing at the moment but it's getting a lot of press for being disgustingly honest about the female body.
The main character, Helen, is laid up in the hospital after a shaving incident and recalls stories of past sexual experiences and contemplates her own body, much to the discomfort of the reader. I'm having an easy time reading it (i mean that i've read like 150 pages in one day which is a lot for me because i get distracted easily) but i've almost gagged 3 times. and i do not have a weak constitution. even though i like being inappropes and like this style of writing, i don't really know that it's some feminist piece of literature like people are making it out to be. i'd say so far 60% of the gross stuff is just being foul for the sake of getting a reaction and not necessarily rethinking social taboos (aka period sex). i still think you should read it though.
here is a little sample for you:
The main character, Helen, is laid up in the hospital after a shaving incident and recalls stories of past sexual experiences and contemplates her own body, much to the discomfort of the reader. I'm having an easy time reading it (i mean that i've read like 150 pages in one day which is a lot for me because i get distracted easily) but i've almost gagged 3 times. and i do not have a weak constitution. even though i like being inappropes and like this style of writing, i don't really know that it's some feminist piece of literature like people are making it out to be. i'd say so far 60% of the gross stuff is just being foul for the sake of getting a reaction and not necessarily rethinking social taboos (aka period sex). i still think you should read it though.
here is a little sample for you:
" When I jerk somebody off, i always make sure that some cum gets on my hand. I run my fingers through it and let it dry under my long nails. That way, later in the day, i can reminice about my good fuck partner by biting my nails and getting bits of the hardened cum to play with in my mouth; i chew on it and, after tasting it and letting it slowly dissolve, I swallow it. It's an invention i'm very proud of: the memorable-sex bonbon."
tiny blogger.
image from teen vouge
i heard a bit of buzz on the fashion blogs i frequent about this 12 year old blogger called Tavi who is supposedly the child prodigy of the style world. i wasn't very interested at first, i envisioned her being some rich snobby city brat obsessed with chanel and louis vuitton, but then i decided to check her out. she is pretty much the opposite of what i expected. Her family lives i a very rural area (judging from pics i've seen on the blog, looks like where i grew up) and she is into rei kawabuko of CDG, and yohji yammato to name a few. i was pretty impressed by that because i my mind CDG is an acquired taste, not something i would have favored in the beginning of my fashion endeavors- i was more into the classic couture, dior's new look, etc.
anyway, i read tavi's blog for like two and a half hours trying to figure out if i thought it was some sort of elaborate lie, if she was annoying, etc. and in the end i decided i actually really like her. the blog is very well written, but not snobby at all. i like the way she approaches her outfits, experimental but not too serious, most of her clothing is second hand. and on it she make a point of saying she isn't interested in a career in fashion, it's just something she likes which i think makes me like her a lot more. and she is funny too.
in conclusion, the only bad thing about her is that she is much cooler than me, and half my age.
check her out for yourself
tiny blogger.
image from teen vouge
i heard a bit of buzz on the fashion blogs i frequent about this 12 year old blogger called Tavi who is supposedly the child prodigy of the style world. i wasn't very interested at first, i envisioned her being some rich snobby city brat obsessed with chanel and louis vuitton, but then i decided to check her out. she is pretty much the opposite of what i expected. Her family lives i a very rural area (judging from pics i've seen on the blog, looks like where i grew up) and she is into rei kawabuko of CDG, and yohji yammato to name a few. i was pretty impressed by that because i my mind CDG is an acquired taste, not something i would have favored in the beginning of my fashion endeavors- i was more into the classic couture, dior's new look, etc.
anyway, i read tavi's blog for like two and a half hours trying to figure out if i thought it was some sort of elaborate lie, if she was annoying, etc. and in the end i decided i actually really like her. the blog is very well written, but not snobby at all. i like the way she approaches her outfits, experimental but not too serious, most of her clothing is second hand. and on it she make a point of saying she isn't interested in a career in fashion, it's just something she likes which i think makes me like her a lot more. and she is funny too.
in conclusion, the only bad thing about her is that she is much cooler than me, and half my age.
check her out for yourself
Revelation of the campus (no Seung-Hui Cho)
Corny but also kinda cool Revelation Records 22 year anniversary/150th release Adidas Campus with the vulcanised sole. Probably near impossible to find a pair, though, as there are only 150 made and at least 100 of those are going to be taken by members of Revelation bands that Vique Martin has slept with.
Not as creative as those 1991 euro tour Gorilla Biscuits drawstring-denim shorts but probably more wearable than elasticated waist jean shorts since i'm not an ECW tag-team wrestler circa 1998.
Best Revelation band : Burn? Inside Out? Gorilla Biscuits? Quicksand? All of those are great choices but i'm more a Texas Is The Reason kinda guy myself :
Texas Is The Reason - Back And To The Left
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Music Bug proudly presents...
το αφιέρωμα για τα αγαπημένα του 80s που ετοίμαζε πολύ καιρό! Ελπίζω να σας αρέσει! Μάζεψα όλα τα fun facts και trivia για να κάνουν πιο ευχάριστη την ανάγνωση, αν αντέξετε δηλαδή μέχρι το τέλος:-) Feel free να μοιραστείτε μαζί μου ό,τι θέλετε για την εποχή εκείνη, ακόμα κι αν τη μισείτε:-) Τα bug logos και το banner είναι δημιουργίες του αγαπημένου μου Espressionist! Thanx boy που συμμερίστηκες τον ενθουσιασμό μου και τα έφτιαξες!
Let the journey begin...
FUN FACTS & TRIVIA: Greeks do it better!
*Ο Νίκος Καρβέλας και η Άννα Βίσση, το πιο πετυχημένο ντουέτο της ποπ μουσικής στην Ελλάδα, παντρεύτηκαν το 1983.
*Η επιτυχία της Άννας Βίσση «Τα κορίτσια είναι άτακτα», ήταν το βασικό σήμα και τίτλος της πολύ πετυχημένης εκπομπής που έκανε η Άννα στον Antenna Radio το 1988.
*Το 1987 η Αλέξια και η Κύπρος κατέλαβαν την έβδομη θέση στο διαγωνισμό της Eurovision με το τραγούδι «Άσπρο Μαύρο» (υπάρχει και αγγλική version του τραγουδιού με τίτλο "Please me lover"), το οποίο πούλησε πάνω από 80.000 αντίτυπα στην Σκανδιναβία και έγινε ακόμα mega hit σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο! Πριν το 1987 όμως η Αλέξια είχε ξαναπάρει μέρος στο διαγωνισμό το 1981 με το συγκρότημα Island και το τραγούδι "Monica", και κατέλαβαν την έκτη θέση.
*Η Αλέξια καθιερώνεται στη μουσική σκηνή της Ελλάδας με τον πλατινένιο δίσκο «Αλέξια» του 1987 που της έγραψε ο Κώστας Χαριτοδιπλωμένος, και σχεδόν όλα τα κομμάτια του αλμπουμ έγιναν μεγάλες επιτυχίες. Ο δίσκος έκανε ρεκόρ πωλήσεων με 180.000 αντίτυπα! Το άλμπουμ κυκλοφόρησε και σε συλλεκτική κασέτα που μύριζε το άρωμα της Αλέξιας.
*Αρχές των 80's (Νοέμβριος 1981) ο Μιχάλης Ρακιντζής δημιουργεί το συγκρότημα Scraptown με επιρροές reggae. To group κυκλοφόρησε 3 δίσκους χωρίς ιδιαίτερη επιτυχία, μέχρι το 1986 όπου το τραγούδι "Viva Sahara" εγινε #1 στην Ελλάδα, Γαλλία και γενικώς σε όλη σχεδόν τη Νότια Ευρώπη. Μετά από μια αποτυχημένη περιοδεία στη Γαλλία, οι δρόμοι τους χώρισαν και ο Μιχάλης Ρακιντζής κυκλοφόρησε τον πρώτο του δίσκο «Μωρό Μου Φάλτσο» το 1987, και έγινε μεγάλη επιτυχία.
*Ο πρώτος πλατινένιος δίσκος της Άννας Βίσση ήρθε το 1986 με το «Η επόμενη κίνηση», το οποίο πούλησε πάνω από 100,000 αντίτυπα.
*Το 1985 κυκλοφόρησε ο Κώστας Χαριτοδιπλωμένος το “Lost in the Night” το οποίο έγινε τεράστια επιτυχία σε Ελλάδα και εξωτερικό, κυρίως στην Ιταλία. Ο Κώστας Χαριτοδιπλωμένος είναι υπεύθυνος για πολύ μεγάλες διεθνείς επιτυχίες σαν το “Talk about love” της Mariana και το “Fill me up” της Mandy (γνωστή ως Μαντώ αργότερα).
*Το 1987 με αφορμή το δίσκο «Πάμε για Τρέλες στις Σευχέλλες» η Πωλίνα ταξίδεψε μαζί με το περιοδικό Playboy στις Σευχέλλες όπου και έκανε γυμνή φωτογράφηση.
*Τι κοινό έχουν η Μελίνα Τανάγρη, η ιταλίδα πορνοστάρ και τραγουδίστρια Sabrina και η Λίτσα Γιαγκούση? Έχουν και οι τρεις τραγούδι με τίτλο “Boys”. Η Μελίνα Τανάγρη στον δίσκο της «Μελίνα απ’το μέλι» το 1989, η Sabrina τη μεγάλη disco επιτυχία “Boys (Summertime love)” και η Λίτσα Γιαγκούση την διασκευή του κομματιού της Sabrina στον live δίσκο “Party on the rocks”.
*Κι όμως έχουν κάνει μαζί δίσκο ο Λαυρέντης Μαχαιρίτσας μαζί με τον Ανδρέα Μικρούτσικο, την Μαντώ, Πωλίνα, Καίτη Γαρμπή, Σάκη Μπουλά και Σοφία Βόσσου, στην συλλογή «Τα δέκα δεκάρια» του 1987, όπου έκαναν διασκευές στα ελληνικά γνωστές ξένες επιτυχίες. Από εκεί ξεπήδησε η μεγάλη επιτυχία της Πωλίνας «Το ροζ μπικίνι», καθώς και το «Στο Σαν Τροπέ» της Καίτης Γαρμπή.
*Shocking news: Η Δήμητρα Γαλάνη έχει κάνει στα 80s γυμνή φωτογράφηση στο Playboy!
*Στο τραγούδι και μεγάλη επιτυχία «Ο γιεγιές» του Νίκου Καρβέλα, από το πλατινένιο δίσκο του 1987 «Όλα ή Τίποτα», τραγουδάνε στο ρεφρέν οι γονείς του! Στον ίδιο δίσκο ο Νίκος Καρβέλας γράφει χαριτολογώντας ότι οι «γιεγιέδες» ήταν μια λέξη για τους μακρυμάλληδες μουσικούς και μη των 60's («Η λέξη δεν προέρχεται από το "She loves you yeah yeah yeah" των Beatles»).
*Η πρώτη επιτυχία του Κώστα Μπίγαλη ήταν το “I miss you” τo 1983, με το όνομα Big Alice, και κυκλοφόρησε σε 18 χώρες.
*Το 1989 κυκλοφορούν το τελευταίο τους άλμπουμ οι Φατμέ και ο Νίκος Πορτοκάλογλου ξεκινάει την σόλο καριέρα του.
*Η μεγάλη επιτυχία της Άννας Βίσση «Μεθυσμένη πολιτεία» του 1980, γράφτηκε κι ακουγόταν στην ομώνυμη σειρά της ΕΡΤ εκείνη την εποχή.
FUN FACTS & TRIVIA: Τα παράξενα των superstars κι όχι μόνο...
*To 1984, στα γυρίσματα του video clip “Like a virgin”, το λιονταράκι που έπαιρνε μέρος κυνηγούσε την Madonna στο πλατώ αγριεμένο, μέχρι να το καθησυχάσουν οι εκπαιδευτές του.
*To album “Thriller” του Michael Jackson, το μεγαλύτερο σε πωλήσεις όλων των εποχών, έμεινε στο US #1 για 37 εβδομάδες!
*Όταν το 1988 η Kylie Minogue (που by the way έχει ύψος 1.55cm) κυκλοφόρησε το debut album της “Kylie”, η υπερέκθεση της στα media δημιούργησε αντιδράσεις στην γενέτειρα της Αυστραλια, και κυκλοφορούσαν ευρέως μπλουζάκια που έγραφαν “I Hate Kylie”.
*Οι Depeche Mode πήραν το όνομα τους από ένα γαλλικό περιοδικό μόδας.
*Ο Alice Cooper είναι ο μοναδικός άντρας τραγουδιστής που έχει γυναικείο όνομα
*Το πραγματικό όνομα του Boy George είναι George Alan O’Dowd, κι έχει βάλει το “Boy” μπροστά από το όνομά του για να διακρίνουν το φύλο του, μιας και τον μπέρδευαν όλοι για κορίτσι. Μια από της ατάκες του που είχε σχολιαστεί τότε: “To compare Marilyn Monroe with Madonna is like comparing Sophia Loren with the back of a bus”
*H ηθοποιός Diane Keaton έχει σκηνοθετήσει το video της μεγάλης επιτυχίας της Belinda Carlisle “Heaven is a place on earth”.
*Το όνομα του τραγουδιστή των Guns ‘n’ Roses, Axl Rose, είναι αναγραμματισμός της φράσης oral sex (στοματικός έρωτας).
*Το original όνομα των U2, πριν το αλλάξουν, ήταν The Hype. To album “Joshua Tree” έγινε πλατινένιο στην Αγγλία μέσα σε 48 ώρες, και θεωρείται στην Αγγλία το fastest selling album in UK chart history, μιας και πούλησε πάνω από 230,000 αντίτυπα στην πρώτη εβδομάδα κυκλοφορίας του.
*Το 1988 η Sandra κόντεψε να σκοτωθεί στα γυρίσματα του video clip “Heaven can wait”, όταν σκαρφαλώνοντας σε κάποιο βουνό ένα δυνατό κύμα αέρα την παρέσυρε και την πέταξε ευτυχώς πάνω σε έναν άλλο βράχο.
*Πριν ονομαστούν Pet Shop Boys, το γνωστό group ονομαζόταν West End.
*H Samantha Fox έχει φετίχ με το leather, έχει αποτύχει 3 φορές στο δίπλωμα οδήγησης, και έγινε topless μοντέλο στην Αγγλία, όταν ήταν μόλις 16 χρονών.
*Προτού γίνει τραγουδίστρια, η Whitney Houston ήταν μοντέλο από το 1981, κι έχει γίνει εξώφυλλο σε περιοδικά όπως το Seventeen και το Glamor. Το όνομά της προήλθε από τον χαρακτήρα της γνωστής σαπουνόπερας “The greatest love of all”, ο οποίος ήταν ο αγαπημένος της μητέρας της. Πολλά χρόνια αργότερα η διασκευή της στο ομώνυμο κομμάτι έμελλε να γίνει το τρίτο της #1 single στην Αμερική.
*To “I should be so lucky” της Kylie γράφτηκε μέσα σε 40 λεπτά, μιας και οι παραγωγοί Stock, Aitken and Waterman είχαν ξεχάσει τον ερχομό της Kylie στο Λονδίνο, και έφτιαξαν το κομμάτι καθώς η Kylie τους περίμενε έξω απ΄το studio.
*Η βραχνάδα στη φωνή της Bonnie Tyler προκλήθηκε ύστερα από επέμβαση στις φωνητικές χορδές για αφαίρεση πολύποδα. Την έχουν χαρακτηρίσει ως «ο θηλυκός Rod Stewart».
*H Madonna προκάλεσε έντονες αντιδράσεις στο Βατικανό, όταν το 1989 στο video clip του “Like a prayer” φιλάει έναν έγχρωμο Χριστό.
*Το video clip της Cher για το “If I could turn back time” είναι το πρώτο video που απαγορεύτηκε από το MTV το 1989, λόγω της προκλητικής εμφάνισης της.
*Η original version της μεγάλης επιτυχίας των Roxette “It must have been love”, λεγόταν “Christmas for the broken-hearted”.
*H μεγάλη επιτυχία της Cyndi Lauper “She Bop” το 1983, μιλάει για τον γυναικείο αυνανισμό. Η Cyndi, η οποία έκανε το design σε όλα τα Τ-Shirts που πουλούσαν στις συναυλίες της, τελείωσε το σχολείο το 1988 σε ηλικία 35 χρονών!
*Oι παραγωγοί της ταινίας “Top Gun” είχαν ζητήσει από τον Bryan Adams να δώσει ένα κομμάτι (το “Only the strong survive” από το album “Into the fire” του 1987), αλλά εκείνος αρνήθηκε επειδή πίστευε ότι η ταινία εξυμνεί τον πόλεμο.
*Το κανονικό όνομα του Jon Bon Jovi είναι John Frank Bongiovi, ο μπαμπάς του είναι κομμωτής και η μαμά του ήταν Playboy bunny!
*H Annie Lennox πάσχει από κατάθλιψη από 14 χρονών. Στις αρχές της καριέρας της με τους Eurythmics, και λόγω του ανδρόγυνου look, σε βραβεία του MTV της ζήτησαν ταυτότητα για να δουν το φύλο της.
*Το hit των Queen “Radio ga-ga” εμπνεύστηκε από τον τρίχρονο τότε γιο του Roger Taylor, Felix, και τον τρόπο που μιλούσε.
*1 Αυγούστου του 1981 κάνει το debut του στις τηλεοράσεις το MTV, το πρώτο video clip που έπαιξε ήταν το “Video killed the radio star” των Buggles.
*Η Pat Benatar πριν γίνει rock τραγουδίστρια, έκανε training για τραγουδίστρια όπερας!
*Οι Queen κυκλοφόρησαν σε single το 1980 το “Another bites the dust” ύστερα από προτροπή του Michael Jackson!
*To 1981 o George Michael δούλευε ως ταξιθέτης στο σινεμά της γειτονιάς του, μια μέρα καθώς γυρνούσε με το λεωφορείο σπίτι του, σκέφτηκε την μελωδία του “Careless whisper”.
*H μεγάλη επιτυχία “Hot stuff” προοριζόταν για την Cher, αλλα τελικά την πρόλαβε η Donna Summer!
*Όταν το 1986 η Madonna κυκλοφόρησε το “Papa don’t preach”, η Ένωση Αμερικανών Γονέων της έδωσε τον τίτλο “The whore queen of pop”.
*Η μεγάλη επιτυχία των Bangles “Eternal flame” του 1989, εμπνεύστηκε από την φλόγα του καντηλιού στον τάφο του Elvis Presley.
*To “Moonlight shadow” του Mike Oldfield γράφτηκε για την δολοφονία του John Lennon το 1980.
*Όταν η Kim Carnes έβγαλε το 1981 τη μεγάλη επιτυχία “Bette Davis eyes”, δέχτηκε ευχαριστήριο γράμμα από την ίδια την ηθοποιό.
*Το “Locomotion” της Kylie είναι το highest-selling single στην Αυστραλία για τα 80s.
John Lennon (1940-1980)
Ian Curtis (Joy Division) (1956-1980)
Bob Marley (1945-1981)
Peter Tosh (1944-1987)
Andy Gibb (1958-1988)
Roy Orbison (1936-1988)
Sylvester (1947-1988)
Harris Glenn Milstead (Divine) (1945-1988)
Mel Appleby (Mel & Kim) (1966-1990)
Freddie Mercury (1946-1991)
Dan Hartman (1950-1994)
Baltimora (Jimmy McShane) (1957-1995)
Michael Hutchence (INXS) (1960-1997)
Falco (1957-1998)
Rob Pilatus (Milli Vanilli) (1965-1998)
Ofra Haza (1959-2000)
George Harrison (1943-2001)
Stuart Adamson (Big Country) (1958-2001)
Joe Strummer (The Clash) (1952-2002)
Maurice Gibb (The Bee Gees) (1949-2003)
Robert Palmer (1949-2003)
Laura Branigan (1957-2004)
Izora Armstead (Weather Girls) (1942-2004)
Luther Vandross (1951-2005)
June Pointer (The Pointer Sisters) (1954-2006)
Trevor Taylor (Bad Boys Blue) (1958-2008)
*Ήταν τρελος Φουντουνομανής!
*Πορωμένος με την Κάντυ-Κάντυ
*Κολλημένος με την Αλέξια
*Νόμιζε ότι το Στρουμφοχωριό υπάρχει στ’αλήθεια (χοντρό!)
*Λάτρευε Νιλς Χόλγκερσον, Sport Billy, Thundercats, Πινόκιο, Κινέζικα Παραμύθια, Σαρανταποδαρούσα και Αστυνόμο Σαίνη
*Έπαιρνε αυτοκόλλητα Panini μετά μανίας
*Έτρωγε Κουκουρούκου και Σοκοφρέτες με το τσουβάλι
*Έκανε ψεύτικα τατουάζ από τσίχλες, και σιδεροτυπίες στις μπλούζες από το περιοδικό «Μπλέκ» και «Αγόρι»
*Έτρωγε Τόνγκο, Πατούσα, Γκρίλο και Καραμπόλα παγωτά
*Έβλεπε το «Ρετιρέ», τις «3 Χάριτες» και «Αυθαίρετους»
*Τρελαινόταν για λούνα-παρκ, ειδικά Μύλο, Μπαλαρίνα και Ροντέο
*Περίμενε με τον μπαμπά του στην ουρά του video club για να πάρει τα «Νιντζάκια» και κινούμενα σχέδια
*Έπαιζε Μήλα, Κρυφτό, Αγαλματάκια, Κουτσό, Κλέφτες κι Αστυνόμους και Κυνηγητό στην γειτονιά
*Έβλεπε «Τροχό της Τύχης», “Δυναστεία”, “Fame” και «Τόλμη και Γοητεία»
*Έτρωγε μανιωδώς καραμελάκια ΜΕΖ, τικ-τακ, σπανάκι-τσίχλες του Ποπάυ, τις θρυμματισμένες καραμέλες που έκαναν σαν έκρηξεις μικρές στο στόμα
*Έκανε τρελές τσιχλόφουσκες με τις Big Bubble (ειδικά αυτές με γεύση μπανάνα)
*Μάζευε ευχούληδες, φωτεινούληδες και μπουγελόφατσες
*Έπαιζε σαν τρελός με μπίλιες
*Έτρωγε λαστιχένια αρκουδάκια και μπουκαλάκια Κόκα Κόλα, τσίχλες σωληνάριο και γλυφειτζούρια που σφυράνε
*Λάτρευε τον Φρου-Φρου
*Διάβαζε Ποπάυ φανατικά
*Δεν έχανε τον «Ιππότη της ασφάλτου», “Muppet Show” και τους «Ντιούκς»
*Αγαπούσε τα Choco Bloom
*Έβαζε κολώνια Μυρτώ (ξεφτίλα!)
*Πέταγε νερόμπομπες απ’το μπαλκόνι, μέχρι που μια μέρα έριξε στην ίδια του τη μάνα (που να το καταλαβει, μόλις γυρνούσε από το κομμωτήριο και ήταν αγνώριστη!)
*Λάτρευε το κουκλοθέατρο και τις μαριονέτες
*Μασούσε τσίχλες Stimorol και Brooklyn
*Έτρωγε La vache qui rit, γιατί είναι το πιο νόστιμο τρίγωνο τυρί:-)
*Είχε τρέλα με το “Lambada” και το video clip (ρομπααααα:-))
*Τραγουδούσε το «Δώδεκα» στον Βόλο, μόλις 5 χρονών, με φωνή όπερας! Ευτυχώς που δεν υπήρχαν κινητά τότε και το youtube:-)
Σταματάω εδώ πρίν πάθω κατάθλιψη! Αλλά γιατί να πάθω, αφού τελικά γεννήθηκα στην καλύτερη δεκαετία.
Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στους γονείς μου που ήταν τόσο ερωτευμένοι και δεν κρατιόντουσαν:-)
Let the journey begin...
FUN FACTS & TRIVIA: Greeks do it better!
*Ο Νίκος Καρβέλας και η Άννα Βίσση, το πιο πετυχημένο ντουέτο της ποπ μουσικής στην Ελλάδα, παντρεύτηκαν το 1983.
*Η επιτυχία της Άννας Βίσση «Τα κορίτσια είναι άτακτα», ήταν το βασικό σήμα και τίτλος της πολύ πετυχημένης εκπομπής που έκανε η Άννα στον Antenna Radio το 1988.
*Το 1987 η Αλέξια και η Κύπρος κατέλαβαν την έβδομη θέση στο διαγωνισμό της Eurovision με το τραγούδι «Άσπρο Μαύρο» (υπάρχει και αγγλική version του τραγουδιού με τίτλο "Please me lover"), το οποίο πούλησε πάνω από 80.000 αντίτυπα στην Σκανδιναβία και έγινε ακόμα mega hit σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο! Πριν το 1987 όμως η Αλέξια είχε ξαναπάρει μέρος στο διαγωνισμό το 1981 με το συγκρότημα Island και το τραγούδι "Monica", και κατέλαβαν την έκτη θέση.
*Η Αλέξια καθιερώνεται στη μουσική σκηνή της Ελλάδας με τον πλατινένιο δίσκο «Αλέξια» του 1987 που της έγραψε ο Κώστας Χαριτοδιπλωμένος, και σχεδόν όλα τα κομμάτια του αλμπουμ έγιναν μεγάλες επιτυχίες. Ο δίσκος έκανε ρεκόρ πωλήσεων με 180.000 αντίτυπα! Το άλμπουμ κυκλοφόρησε και σε συλλεκτική κασέτα που μύριζε το άρωμα της Αλέξιας.
*Αρχές των 80's (Νοέμβριος 1981) ο Μιχάλης Ρακιντζής δημιουργεί το συγκρότημα Scraptown με επιρροές reggae. To group κυκλοφόρησε 3 δίσκους χωρίς ιδιαίτερη επιτυχία, μέχρι το 1986 όπου το τραγούδι "Viva Sahara" εγινε #1 στην Ελλάδα, Γαλλία και γενικώς σε όλη σχεδόν τη Νότια Ευρώπη. Μετά από μια αποτυχημένη περιοδεία στη Γαλλία, οι δρόμοι τους χώρισαν και ο Μιχάλης Ρακιντζής κυκλοφόρησε τον πρώτο του δίσκο «Μωρό Μου Φάλτσο» το 1987, και έγινε μεγάλη επιτυχία.
*Ο πρώτος πλατινένιος δίσκος της Άννας Βίσση ήρθε το 1986 με το «Η επόμενη κίνηση», το οποίο πούλησε πάνω από 100,000 αντίτυπα.
*Το 1985 κυκλοφόρησε ο Κώστας Χαριτοδιπλωμένος το “Lost in the Night” το οποίο έγινε τεράστια επιτυχία σε Ελλάδα και εξωτερικό, κυρίως στην Ιταλία. Ο Κώστας Χαριτοδιπλωμένος είναι υπεύθυνος για πολύ μεγάλες διεθνείς επιτυχίες σαν το “Talk about love” της Mariana και το “Fill me up” της Mandy (γνωστή ως Μαντώ αργότερα).
*Το 1987 με αφορμή το δίσκο «Πάμε για Τρέλες στις Σευχέλλες» η Πωλίνα ταξίδεψε μαζί με το περιοδικό Playboy στις Σευχέλλες όπου και έκανε γυμνή φωτογράφηση.
*Τι κοινό έχουν η Μελίνα Τανάγρη, η ιταλίδα πορνοστάρ και τραγουδίστρια Sabrina και η Λίτσα Γιαγκούση? Έχουν και οι τρεις τραγούδι με τίτλο “Boys”. Η Μελίνα Τανάγρη στον δίσκο της «Μελίνα απ’το μέλι» το 1989, η Sabrina τη μεγάλη disco επιτυχία “Boys (Summertime love)” και η Λίτσα Γιαγκούση την διασκευή του κομματιού της Sabrina στον live δίσκο “Party on the rocks”.
*Κι όμως έχουν κάνει μαζί δίσκο ο Λαυρέντης Μαχαιρίτσας μαζί με τον Ανδρέα Μικρούτσικο, την Μαντώ, Πωλίνα, Καίτη Γαρμπή, Σάκη Μπουλά και Σοφία Βόσσου, στην συλλογή «Τα δέκα δεκάρια» του 1987, όπου έκαναν διασκευές στα ελληνικά γνωστές ξένες επιτυχίες. Από εκεί ξεπήδησε η μεγάλη επιτυχία της Πωλίνας «Το ροζ μπικίνι», καθώς και το «Στο Σαν Τροπέ» της Καίτης Γαρμπή.
*Shocking news: Η Δήμητρα Γαλάνη έχει κάνει στα 80s γυμνή φωτογράφηση στο Playboy!
*Στο τραγούδι και μεγάλη επιτυχία «Ο γιεγιές» του Νίκου Καρβέλα, από το πλατινένιο δίσκο του 1987 «Όλα ή Τίποτα», τραγουδάνε στο ρεφρέν οι γονείς του! Στον ίδιο δίσκο ο Νίκος Καρβέλας γράφει χαριτολογώντας ότι οι «γιεγιέδες» ήταν μια λέξη για τους μακρυμάλληδες μουσικούς και μη των 60's («Η λέξη δεν προέρχεται από το "She loves you yeah yeah yeah" των Beatles»).
*Η πρώτη επιτυχία του Κώστα Μπίγαλη ήταν το “I miss you” τo 1983, με το όνομα Big Alice, και κυκλοφόρησε σε 18 χώρες.
*Το 1989 κυκλοφορούν το τελευταίο τους άλμπουμ οι Φατμέ και ο Νίκος Πορτοκάλογλου ξεκινάει την σόλο καριέρα του.
*Η μεγάλη επιτυχία της Άννας Βίσση «Μεθυσμένη πολιτεία» του 1980, γράφτηκε κι ακουγόταν στην ομώνυμη σειρά της ΕΡΤ εκείνη την εποχή.
FUN FACTS & TRIVIA: Τα παράξενα των superstars κι όχι μόνο...
*To 1984, στα γυρίσματα του video clip “Like a virgin”, το λιονταράκι που έπαιρνε μέρος κυνηγούσε την Madonna στο πλατώ αγριεμένο, μέχρι να το καθησυχάσουν οι εκπαιδευτές του.
*To album “Thriller” του Michael Jackson, το μεγαλύτερο σε πωλήσεις όλων των εποχών, έμεινε στο US #1 για 37 εβδομάδες!
*Όταν το 1988 η Kylie Minogue (που by the way έχει ύψος 1.55cm) κυκλοφόρησε το debut album της “Kylie”, η υπερέκθεση της στα media δημιούργησε αντιδράσεις στην γενέτειρα της Αυστραλια, και κυκλοφορούσαν ευρέως μπλουζάκια που έγραφαν “I Hate Kylie”.
*Οι Depeche Mode πήραν το όνομα τους από ένα γαλλικό περιοδικό μόδας.
*Ο Alice Cooper είναι ο μοναδικός άντρας τραγουδιστής που έχει γυναικείο όνομα
*Το πραγματικό όνομα του Boy George είναι George Alan O’Dowd, κι έχει βάλει το “Boy” μπροστά από το όνομά του για να διακρίνουν το φύλο του, μιας και τον μπέρδευαν όλοι για κορίτσι. Μια από της ατάκες του που είχε σχολιαστεί τότε: “To compare Marilyn Monroe with Madonna is like comparing Sophia Loren with the back of a bus”
*H ηθοποιός Diane Keaton έχει σκηνοθετήσει το video της μεγάλης επιτυχίας της Belinda Carlisle “Heaven is a place on earth”.
*Το όνομα του τραγουδιστή των Guns ‘n’ Roses, Axl Rose, είναι αναγραμματισμός της φράσης oral sex (στοματικός έρωτας).
*Το original όνομα των U2, πριν το αλλάξουν, ήταν The Hype. To album “Joshua Tree” έγινε πλατινένιο στην Αγγλία μέσα σε 48 ώρες, και θεωρείται στην Αγγλία το fastest selling album in UK chart history, μιας και πούλησε πάνω από 230,000 αντίτυπα στην πρώτη εβδομάδα κυκλοφορίας του.
*Το 1988 η Sandra κόντεψε να σκοτωθεί στα γυρίσματα του video clip “Heaven can wait”, όταν σκαρφαλώνοντας σε κάποιο βουνό ένα δυνατό κύμα αέρα την παρέσυρε και την πέταξε ευτυχώς πάνω σε έναν άλλο βράχο.
*Πριν ονομαστούν Pet Shop Boys, το γνωστό group ονομαζόταν West End.
*H Samantha Fox έχει φετίχ με το leather, έχει αποτύχει 3 φορές στο δίπλωμα οδήγησης, και έγινε topless μοντέλο στην Αγγλία, όταν ήταν μόλις 16 χρονών.
*Προτού γίνει τραγουδίστρια, η Whitney Houston ήταν μοντέλο από το 1981, κι έχει γίνει εξώφυλλο σε περιοδικά όπως το Seventeen και το Glamor. Το όνομά της προήλθε από τον χαρακτήρα της γνωστής σαπουνόπερας “The greatest love of all”, ο οποίος ήταν ο αγαπημένος της μητέρας της. Πολλά χρόνια αργότερα η διασκευή της στο ομώνυμο κομμάτι έμελλε να γίνει το τρίτο της #1 single στην Αμερική.
*To “I should be so lucky” της Kylie γράφτηκε μέσα σε 40 λεπτά, μιας και οι παραγωγοί Stock, Aitken and Waterman είχαν ξεχάσει τον ερχομό της Kylie στο Λονδίνο, και έφτιαξαν το κομμάτι καθώς η Kylie τους περίμενε έξω απ΄το studio.
*Η βραχνάδα στη φωνή της Bonnie Tyler προκλήθηκε ύστερα από επέμβαση στις φωνητικές χορδές για αφαίρεση πολύποδα. Την έχουν χαρακτηρίσει ως «ο θηλυκός Rod Stewart».
*H Madonna προκάλεσε έντονες αντιδράσεις στο Βατικανό, όταν το 1989 στο video clip του “Like a prayer” φιλάει έναν έγχρωμο Χριστό.
*Το video clip της Cher για το “If I could turn back time” είναι το πρώτο video που απαγορεύτηκε από το MTV το 1989, λόγω της προκλητικής εμφάνισης της.
*Η original version της μεγάλης επιτυχίας των Roxette “It must have been love”, λεγόταν “Christmas for the broken-hearted”.
*H μεγάλη επιτυχία της Cyndi Lauper “She Bop” το 1983, μιλάει για τον γυναικείο αυνανισμό. Η Cyndi, η οποία έκανε το design σε όλα τα Τ-Shirts που πουλούσαν στις συναυλίες της, τελείωσε το σχολείο το 1988 σε ηλικία 35 χρονών!
*Oι παραγωγοί της ταινίας “Top Gun” είχαν ζητήσει από τον Bryan Adams να δώσει ένα κομμάτι (το “Only the strong survive” από το album “Into the fire” του 1987), αλλά εκείνος αρνήθηκε επειδή πίστευε ότι η ταινία εξυμνεί τον πόλεμο.
*Το κανονικό όνομα του Jon Bon Jovi είναι John Frank Bongiovi, ο μπαμπάς του είναι κομμωτής και η μαμά του ήταν Playboy bunny!
*H Annie Lennox πάσχει από κατάθλιψη από 14 χρονών. Στις αρχές της καριέρας της με τους Eurythmics, και λόγω του ανδρόγυνου look, σε βραβεία του MTV της ζήτησαν ταυτότητα για να δουν το φύλο της.
*Το hit των Queen “Radio ga-ga” εμπνεύστηκε από τον τρίχρονο τότε γιο του Roger Taylor, Felix, και τον τρόπο που μιλούσε.
*1 Αυγούστου του 1981 κάνει το debut του στις τηλεοράσεις το MTV, το πρώτο video clip που έπαιξε ήταν το “Video killed the radio star” των Buggles.
*Η Pat Benatar πριν γίνει rock τραγουδίστρια, έκανε training για τραγουδίστρια όπερας!
*Οι Queen κυκλοφόρησαν σε single το 1980 το “Another bites the dust” ύστερα από προτροπή του Michael Jackson!
*To 1981 o George Michael δούλευε ως ταξιθέτης στο σινεμά της γειτονιάς του, μια μέρα καθώς γυρνούσε με το λεωφορείο σπίτι του, σκέφτηκε την μελωδία του “Careless whisper”.
*H μεγάλη επιτυχία “Hot stuff” προοριζόταν για την Cher, αλλα τελικά την πρόλαβε η Donna Summer!
*Όταν το 1986 η Madonna κυκλοφόρησε το “Papa don’t preach”, η Ένωση Αμερικανών Γονέων της έδωσε τον τίτλο “The whore queen of pop”.
*Η μεγάλη επιτυχία των Bangles “Eternal flame” του 1989, εμπνεύστηκε από την φλόγα του καντηλιού στον τάφο του Elvis Presley.
*To “Moonlight shadow” του Mike Oldfield γράφτηκε για την δολοφονία του John Lennon το 1980.
*Όταν η Kim Carnes έβγαλε το 1981 τη μεγάλη επιτυχία “Bette Davis eyes”, δέχτηκε ευχαριστήριο γράμμα από την ίδια την ηθοποιό.
*Το “Locomotion” της Kylie είναι το highest-selling single στην Αυστραλία για τα 80s.
John Lennon (1940-1980)
Ian Curtis (Joy Division) (1956-1980)
Bob Marley (1945-1981)
Peter Tosh (1944-1987)
Andy Gibb (1958-1988)
Roy Orbison (1936-1988)
Sylvester (1947-1988)
Harris Glenn Milstead (Divine) (1945-1988)
Mel Appleby (Mel & Kim) (1966-1990)
Freddie Mercury (1946-1991)
Dan Hartman (1950-1994)
Baltimora (Jimmy McShane) (1957-1995)
Michael Hutchence (INXS) (1960-1997)
Falco (1957-1998)
Rob Pilatus (Milli Vanilli) (1965-1998)
Ofra Haza (1959-2000)
George Harrison (1943-2001)
Stuart Adamson (Big Country) (1958-2001)
Joe Strummer (The Clash) (1952-2002)
Maurice Gibb (The Bee Gees) (1949-2003)
Robert Palmer (1949-2003)
Laura Branigan (1957-2004)
Izora Armstead (Weather Girls) (1942-2004)
Luther Vandross (1951-2005)
June Pointer (The Pointer Sisters) (1954-2006)
Trevor Taylor (Bad Boys Blue) (1958-2008)
*Ήταν τρελος Φουντουνομανής!
*Πορωμένος με την Κάντυ-Κάντυ
*Κολλημένος με την Αλέξια
*Νόμιζε ότι το Στρουμφοχωριό υπάρχει στ’αλήθεια (χοντρό!)
*Λάτρευε Νιλς Χόλγκερσον, Sport Billy, Thundercats, Πινόκιο, Κινέζικα Παραμύθια, Σαρανταποδαρούσα και Αστυνόμο Σαίνη
*Έπαιρνε αυτοκόλλητα Panini μετά μανίας
*Έτρωγε Κουκουρούκου και Σοκοφρέτες με το τσουβάλι
*Έκανε ψεύτικα τατουάζ από τσίχλες, και σιδεροτυπίες στις μπλούζες από το περιοδικό «Μπλέκ» και «Αγόρι»
*Έτρωγε Τόνγκο, Πατούσα, Γκρίλο και Καραμπόλα παγωτά
*Έβλεπε το «Ρετιρέ», τις «3 Χάριτες» και «Αυθαίρετους»
*Τρελαινόταν για λούνα-παρκ, ειδικά Μύλο, Μπαλαρίνα και Ροντέο
*Περίμενε με τον μπαμπά του στην ουρά του video club για να πάρει τα «Νιντζάκια» και κινούμενα σχέδια
*Έπαιζε Μήλα, Κρυφτό, Αγαλματάκια, Κουτσό, Κλέφτες κι Αστυνόμους και Κυνηγητό στην γειτονιά
*Έβλεπε «Τροχό της Τύχης», “Δυναστεία”, “Fame” και «Τόλμη και Γοητεία»
*Έτρωγε μανιωδώς καραμελάκια ΜΕΖ, τικ-τακ, σπανάκι-τσίχλες του Ποπάυ, τις θρυμματισμένες καραμέλες που έκαναν σαν έκρηξεις μικρές στο στόμα
*Έκανε τρελές τσιχλόφουσκες με τις Big Bubble (ειδικά αυτές με γεύση μπανάνα)
*Μάζευε ευχούληδες, φωτεινούληδες και μπουγελόφατσες
*Έπαιζε σαν τρελός με μπίλιες
*Έτρωγε λαστιχένια αρκουδάκια και μπουκαλάκια Κόκα Κόλα, τσίχλες σωληνάριο και γλυφειτζούρια που σφυράνε
*Λάτρευε τον Φρου-Φρου
*Διάβαζε Ποπάυ φανατικά
*Δεν έχανε τον «Ιππότη της ασφάλτου», “Muppet Show” και τους «Ντιούκς»
*Αγαπούσε τα Choco Bloom
*Έβαζε κολώνια Μυρτώ (ξεφτίλα!)
*Πέταγε νερόμπομπες απ’το μπαλκόνι, μέχρι που μια μέρα έριξε στην ίδια του τη μάνα (που να το καταλαβει, μόλις γυρνούσε από το κομμωτήριο και ήταν αγνώριστη!)
*Λάτρευε το κουκλοθέατρο και τις μαριονέτες
*Μασούσε τσίχλες Stimorol και Brooklyn
*Έτρωγε La vache qui rit, γιατί είναι το πιο νόστιμο τρίγωνο τυρί:-)
*Είχε τρέλα με το “Lambada” και το video clip (ρομπααααα:-))
*Τραγουδούσε το «Δώδεκα» στον Βόλο, μόλις 5 χρονών, με φωνή όπερας! Ευτυχώς που δεν υπήρχαν κινητά τότε και το youtube:-)
Σταματάω εδώ πρίν πάθω κατάθλιψη! Αλλά γιατί να πάθω, αφού τελικά γεννήθηκα στην καλύτερη δεκαετία.
Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στους γονείς μου που ήταν τόσο ερωτευμένοι και δεν κρατιόντουσαν:-)
greek pop,
Michael Jackson,
Samantha Fox,
The R (etro) Files,
Άννα Βίσση,
Νίκος Καρβέλας,
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