Thursday, November 29, 2007
oui oui!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
the lipster
"The Lipster is a brand new, soon-to-launch website that is a celebration of all things female. it’s a women’s website that will concentrate on music, but not exclusively so. Please note this website is about inclusion of women and not the exclusion of men. It will be a space for women to trade ideas, to find out about new music and to feel part of a (music) community in which very many of them often go ignored. It is a very positive place and one in which men are invited to participate (but not dominate). I am really proud to be part of it. and would you just look at the holding page!? Isn’t it great?"
this is from Rosie Swash's blog (a v. cool girl who co-hosts the guardian's music weekly podcast)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Post #300?!!!
And before I start on the body of this post, an update from my last post.
I was (and to some point, still am) extremely depressed about the path my life had taken me to. But shortly after making that post, I received a lengthy e-mail from Andrew (his blog is on the side, there...), who basically gave me a pep talk/reality check as to what I need to do in order to make things better. And I believe, more or less, he's right. Andrew, if you happen to be reading this, let me tell you here in front of everybody that you are one of the best friends I've ever had. Thanks for being there for me, man.
NOW, as for my 300th post:
Well, the obvious thing would be to make mention of the movie 300. Thing is, I've never seen the movie nor have I read the comi...uh, graphic novel it was based on.
I have watched "The Simpsons", though, so:
Happy 300 to me!
Dope out.
P.S. - I am feeling better now, more positive. Thanks again.
P.P.S. - And yes: I'm still working on that podcast deal. Stay tuned....
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Blackout vs X
It's Britney bitch! Δεν το λέω εγώ, αλλά έτσι ξεκινάει το dirty version του super νέου single της Britney "Gimme More". Μέχρι το "In the Zone" album του 2004 που ήταν κάτι παραπάνω από καλό, άκουγα Britney και κατέβαζα καντήλια! Που να ήξερα ο καιμένος ότι εν έτει 2007 θα την ακούω συνέχεια στο mp3! Σαν άτομο ακόμα με εκνευρίζει, αλλά μουσικά που με νοιάζει πιο πολύ, έχει κάνει σίγουρα προόδους!
Παίρνω στα χέρια μου το νέο της άλμπουμ "Blackout", την κοιτάζω με μισό ματι όπως έκανα όλα αυτά τα χρόνια, γεμίζω την καραμπίνα, την ακουμπάω στο κεφάλι της στο εξώφυλλο, και με σαρδόνιο χαμόγελο περιμένω ν'ακούσω ένα άλμπουμ μέτριο προς κακό. Τελικά και τα μάτια γούρλωσα, και έμεινα με την καραμπίνα στο χέρι. Ακούγοντας το άλμπουμ πολλές φορές άρχισα να μουρμουράω "Δισκάρα έβγαλε η καριόλα!".
Gimme More, Piece of Me, Radar, Freakshow, Break the Ice, Get Naked (I Got A Plan), είναι μερικά μόνο από τα κομμάτια που σκάνε σαν δυναμίτες στο άλμπουμ. Θα μπορούσε να είναι η συνέχεια του "Loose" της Nelly Furtado, but it's Britney bitch! (8/10)
Top-3: "Gimme More", "Piece of Me", "Radar"
Νάτη και η Kylie που σκάει μύτη με επίσης νέο άλμπουμ, αλλά όχι και με τόσο νέο ήχο, αφού τα κομμάτια στο "Χ", με εξαίρεση το δυναμικό call-me-rock πρώτο single "2 Hearts", ενώ είναι στην πλειοψηφία τους πολύ καλά, δεν ξεφεύγουν απο τα electro-pop-dance μονοπάτια που μας έχει συνηθίσει τα τελευταία χρόνια. Το άλμπουμ ακούγεται πολύ ευχάριστα, περιέχει μερικά super tracks, αλλά δε νομίζω οτι συγκρίνεται με το "Light Years" ή το εκπληκτικό "Fever". Παρ'όλα αυτά σίγουρα πολλά κομμάτια απο το album θα κοσμήσουν το mp3 player μου, και ακόμα πιο σίγουρο είναι ότι θα φάω κόλλημα με 2-3 tracks, γιατί let's face it, είναι η Kylie, χρόνια αγαπημένη και συμπαθής, με φοβερές συνεργασίες και τραγούδια στο παρελθόν (πως μπορεί να ξεχάσει κανείς το "Where the Wild Roses Grow" με τον Nick Cave, ή τον ύμνο "Confide in Me")
Ακούγοντας το άλμπουμ, κι ενώ τελειώνουν τα 3 πρώτα super tracks του album "2 Hearts", "Like A Drug" και "In My Arms", έρχεται η πρώτη μουσική ονείρωξη με το "Speakerphone", ένα κομμάτι που χτυπιέται και ουρλιάζει να γίνει single, και πιστέψτε με, αν γίνει, αναμένετε να γίνει τεράστια επιτυχία στα clubs και τα charts. By far το καλύτερο του άλμπουμ. Μετά από αυτό το κομμάτι, και με εξαίρεση τα "Sensitized", "The One", "Wow" και "Stars", τα υπόλοιπα κομμάτια απλά ακούγονται. (7.5/10)
Top-3: "Speakerphone", "In My Arms", "The One"
Γενικό συμπέρασμα μετά το άκουσμα και των δύο άλμπουμ: Απο εδώ η γυναίκα μου (Kylie)...κι απο εδώ το αίσθημα μου (Britney)
Friday, November 23, 2007
As usual, I'm depressed...
* Bills out the wazoo
*My wife has to get a job now so we can even make ends meet
* We're this close to foreclosure
* I doubt we even have enough money to have a good Christmas for the kids
* The boss at my new job is an even bigger lout than the boss at my old job.
* Couldn't even go out this Black Friday and do any shopping for myself, let alone anybody else
Christmas spirit? Never heard of it.
I didn't even enjoy Thanksgiving this year; we couldn't even afford to go out and visit relatives this year, nor could they afford to come and have turkey with us. And what's worse - it's cold now. I HATE THE COLD.
It's just been a crappy last part of the year all around.
I'm so depressed, I don't even have a video link this time around. I just wanted to vent to people who have no way to make me feel any better.
You can go on now.
Dope out.
P.S. - Don't worry; I'll get over this by next posting.
check out the rest here.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
how can we expect to upstage an actual singing and dancing downy? we can't. fuck.
(edit: you really need to watch the whole video, especially the end.)
Friday, November 16, 2007
kd, be friends with him
he basically just finds looks he likes on the streets of paris, london, oslo, etc. and posts them --some are supercute and interesting and others are really ugly and is a sampling.
here is the actual dude's myspace
if nerdcore had a face, this is what it would look like (the guy, not the site)
The Queen is Back!!!
Συστάσεις δεν χρειάζεται να κάνω, απλά θα αναφέρω οτι πρόσφατα βραβεύτηκε με το Legend Award για τις 200 εκατ. πωλήσεις που έχει κάνει μέχρι σήμερα, πράγμα που την καθιστά best-selling female artist of all time. Τίποτα δεν είναι τυχαίο!
Πρίν λίγες μέρες η Celine κυκλοφόρησε το νέο της αγγλικό album "Taking Chances", 4 χρόνια μετά το μέτριο "One Heart".
Σε γενικές γραμμές είναι ένα πολύ καλό κι αξιόλογο άλμπουμ, συνεχίζει το έργο που άφησε το κλασικό πια "Falling into you" το 1996, περιέχει εκπλήξεις, την Celine σε μια πολύ ώριμη και δημιουργική φάση που δεν διστάζει να τολμήσει. Ενα album που νομίζω είναι το καλυτερό της τα τελευταία χρόνια!
02. ALONE: Συμπαθέστατη διασκευή από το original των Heart. Super ενορχήστρωση κι ερμηνεία, αλλά μάλλον θα προτιμήσω το original. (8)
03. EYES ON ME: Η μεγάλη έκπληξη του album και το καλύτερο κομμάτι so far! Η Celine σε oriental rnb μονοπάτια, θυμίζει πολυ Shakira. Μπράβο στη Celine που τολμά κι αποδεικνύει γι'άλλη μια φορά οτι μπορεί να ερμηνεύσει τα πάντα. Φωνάζει για single, κι αν όντως γίνει, αναμένεται να σκίσει! Ήδη όσοι το έχουν ακούσει, fan και μη, αρέσει! (10)
04. MY LOVE: Μια απλά καλή ρομαντική μπαλλάντα, που η Celine με τη φωνή της την απογειώνει. Ένα κομμάτι που θα μπορούσαν να'χαν πει και οι Westlife (Αυτο καλό ειναι?:-)) (7)
05. SHADOW OF LOVE: Μετά το "Eyes on me", νομίζω οτι είναι το δεύτερο κομμάτι που ξεχωρίζει αμέσως. Μια φίλη μου που το άκουσε όταν της το έβαλα στο mp3 player, μου είπε οτι πάει πολύ για διαφημιστικό spot γιατί είναι πολύ catchy. (10)
06. SURPRISE SURPRISE: Πολύ καλή κιθαριστική ballad, με εξαιρετική ερμηνεία για μια ακόμη φορα. Στα μεγάλα plus του άλμπουμ κι αυτό το κομμάτι. (8)
07. THIS TIME: Η τρίτη μεγάλη στιγμή του άλμπουμ, και η πιο ιδιαίτερη. Με ήχο που θυμίζει έντονα Evanescence, πολύ φυσικό αφού είναι του Ben Moody (πρώην μέλος). Εκπληκτικά φωνητικά, μουσική και φυσικά η ερμηνεία της Celine που το φτάνει στους θεούς. (10)
08. NEW DAWN: Gospel κομμάτι που για να είμαι ειλικρινής μου έλυσε το πρόβλημα του ύπνου. Συνήθως το προσπερνάω γιατί βαριέμαι να το ακούσω ολόκληρο. Από τα κομμάτια που θα μπορούσε να λείπει απο το cd. Για b'side μια χαρά! (5)
09. A SONG FOR YOU: Κλασική μπαλλάντα της Celine, που ενώ είναι πολύ κλισέ και χωρίς κάτι το ιδιαίτερο, έχει πολύ καλη μουσική, ερμηνεία και στίχο που το σώζουν απο τον απόλυτο λήθαργο. (7)
11. CAN'T FIGHT THE FEELIN': Η πιο δυναμική στιγμή του άλμπουμ. Celine rocks για τα καλά! Ένα super feel good κομμάτι με νεύρο. (9)
12. I GOT NOTHIN' LEFT: Γραμμένο από τον Ne-Yo, δε θα μπορούσε παρά να είναι ωραίο. Με παραπονιάρικη ερμηνεία που απογειώνει το κομμάτι. Επίσης απο τα πολύ αγαπημένα, που ίσως γίνει και single. (9)
13. RIGHT NEXT TO THE RIGHT ONE: Με έντονο latin ballad feeling, πολύ όμορφη και ταξιδιάρικη μελωδία. (9)
14. FADE AWAY: Μια ακόμη κορυφαία στιγμή του album. Με μουσική που θυμίζει 80s και μια Celine που τα δίνει όλα και το κάνει rock δυναμίτη. Θά'θελα πολύ να το δώ single. (10)
15. THAT'S JUST THE WOMAN IN ME: Celine sings the blues. Δεν είναι από τ'αγαπημένα μου, όμως η ερμηνεία της είναι όλα τα λεφτά! (6)
16. SKIES OF L.A.: Αδιάφορο τραγούδι. Και το αστείο είναι ότι έχει γραφτεί από τους ίδιους που έγραψαν το "Umbrella" της Rihanna. Βαρετό. (5)
17. MAP TO MY HEART: Δεν είναι από τα καλύτερα κομμάτια του άλμπουμ, όμως είναι more than ok κι έχει πολύ καλό στίχο. Βρίσκεται μόνο στην Japanese έκδοση του album, καθώς και στο single του "Taking chances" ως b'side. (6)
18. THE REASON I GO ON: Δεν κατάλαβα καθόλου γιατί αυτή την καταπληκτική μπαλάντα, την έχουν μόνο στην Japanese έκδοση, κι όχι στο κανονικό tracklist του album. Μάλλον θεώρησαν τα "New dawn" και "Skies of L.A." καλύτερα, what can I say?? Όπως και νά'χει είναι ένα πολύ καλό τραγούδι. (9)
Overall: 8/10
Top-5 tracks:
debwa loves...
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Dope's Top 10 Wanna-Sees!
True enough to say that it takes a special kind of movie lover who will give a smile, slow nod and deep sigh of fond remembrance when you mention titles to them the likes of War Of The Gargantuas, The Astro-Zombies, Nail Gun Massacre, For Your Height Only, Holocaust 2000 and/or Rock 'N' Roll Nightmare. And yes, I own all of those.
But as hard as it is to believe, there are still a few movies that I have yet to see and a desire to own, just for that fond desire of clutching it close to my chest and sighing deep as I whisper, "You're MINE...all MINE...." But suffice it to say, they are not all titles that can be had at your local Blockbuster's monthly DVD sale.
If they were, do you think I'd waste my time talking about them here? Come on, I have my standards...and I'll live up to them someday. ;D
Anyway, for those of you who care to venture into my deep, dark heart and see what wriggling terrors lie within, behold the Dope's top 10 Must Haves - the 10 movies I want!
10. Heartbeeps (1981, D.: Allan Arkush)
Notable as one of the few major movies that starred Andy Kaufman, it's notable of little else, save for the fact that it also features Bernadette Peters and the voices of comedian Jack Carter and Christopher Guest as robots. See, it's the future and Andy and Bernadette are robots...with feelings. They're also unrecognizable under tons of makeup and, in spite of the fact that their intentions were honorable in making this flick, it's supposed to be stupid, boring, syrupy, ridiculous and incomprehensible, all at the same time.
Who WOULDN'T want it?
9. JAWS 3/JAWS 3-D (1983, D.: Joe Alves)
This, I think, is the movie that started the whole JAWS backlash. For starters, it doesn't even take place in Amity Beach, Roy Scheider isn't in the cast (ditto Richard Dreyfuss, who almost certainly couldn't have been busy at the time), Steven Spielberg had nothing to do with it, the producers originally intended for this entry to be a COMEDY(!!), the shark look fake for the most part, the stars (Lou Gossett Jr., Dennis Quaid, Bess Armstrong, Lea Thompson, Simon MacCorkindale) seem to be playing it up as campy as possible, (especially Lou Gossett) and (this is the clincher) it was all originally released in 3-D! One of these days, I swear to have both the 2-D and 3-D versions of this beauty! Someday....
8. Kiss Daddy Goodbye (1981, D.: Patrick Regan)
Way back when, as I watched "Elvira's Movie Macabre" one dark night, she did a number on this movie, which seemed to be tailor-made for her show. The film-making was sub-par, the actors were even lousier, I don't think the director could set up a shot to save his life, the only two stars in this one were Fabian (yes, the singer) and Marilyn Burns (the heroine from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre), and as I recall, not one scary thing happened in this whole "scary" movie. Films about kids with ESP who resurrect their murdered father to kill off the members of an outlaw biker gang should have at least some scary moments. Not here. Nope. But it was funny, so hence its inclusion.
7. Dracula Vs. Frankenstein (1971, D.: Al Adamson)
Al Adamson was a schlock movie maker par excelence, one who made such Z-grade junk as Satan's Sadists, Five Bloody Graves and Blazing Stewardesses. His horror movies were loaded with weird dialogue, even-weirder scenes, at least one drug sequence per film and usually featured his woman at the time, Regina Carroll. This film, which was to be the last one for legendary horror movie icons J. Carrol Naish and Lon Chaney Jr., unfortunately also starred Zandor Vorkoff as Dracula. And NEVER has there been a worse Dracula on film (yes, worse than Frank Langella). The stupidity starts at the first frame and ends with the last - EVERYONE must own this one.
6. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1978, D.: Michael Schultz)
Okay, first of all, what was Michael Schultz, director of Car Wash and Scavenger Hunt doing directing a movie based on Beatles songs but not featuring John, Paul, George or Ringo in the cast? Instead, this all-narrated musical (yes, you heard me) stars Peter Frampton and The Bee-Gees as the titular band, with an all-star cast (headed by George Burns) backing them up - or more appropriately, pushing them forward to take the brunt of criticism. In spite of the able efforts of Aerosmith, Steve Martin and Alice Cooper, this one stunk - badly. But at least it wasn't as bad as Xanadu.
5. Starcrash (1979, D.: Luigi Cozzi)
A Star Wars ripoff, yes, but a badly-dubbed, horridly-modeled, dully-acted, tad-too-shiny Star Wars ripoff. From Italy, of all places. International star Caroline Munro is Stella Star, a female Han Solo type, who toddles through space with ever-grinning Marjoe Gortner and a bounty hunter robot (voiced by Hamilton Camp). Together they try to overthrow evil Count Zarth Arn (Joe Spinell) and bring a kidnapped prince (David Hasselhoff!) back to his father The Emperor Of Space (Christopher Plummer). It's all as crazy as it sounds, complete with multi-colored stars, really bad stop-motion animation and more explosions than you can count. And who designs a hand-shaped spaceship? Really.
4. Body Melt (1993, D.: Philip Brophy)
If you're familiar with Peter (Lord of the Rings) Jackson's early efforts (Bad Taste, Dead Alive, Meet The Feebles), then you'd understand better where this Australian film is coming from. Not only does it deal with several people dying because of the mutating effects of a designer "health drug" the local doctor gives them, it also contains some of the freakiest, most messed-up special effects you've ever seen in your life. I've only seen clips of this beauty...BUT I WANT MORE!!!
3. Billy The Kid Versus Dracula (1966, D.: William Beaudine)
I already own the second of this series (Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter) which is also directed by old "One-Shot" Beaudine and bad enough in its own right. But I've yet to see the haunting majesty of this western horror opus, which is supposedly even worse. Hey, it even stars John Carradine; that alone makes it worth owning!
2. Beware! The Blob (1972, D.: Larry Hagman)
The film that J.R. shot! Yes, that's how this one was advertised and, as far as novelty goes, that's all this sequel to the 1958 classic had going for it. Okay, that and the fact that it also starred Dick Van Patten, Cindy Williams, Godfrey Cambridge, Bud Cort, Burgess Meredith, Hagman (in a bit part as a bum), the kid who played Charlie X in that one classic episode of "Star Trek" and Gerritt Graham in an ape suit, not to mention several other actors who were relatively well-known in the '70s. They're all basically blob-chow, anyway. It's not good but at least it knows it and plays it up for all it's worth.
And now, the one I must have beyond the shadow of a doubt....
1. Frankenstein Island (1981, D.: Jerry Warren)
This is it, the absolute most amazing, dunderheaded, stupid film ever made - and that's the good points!
Forget for a minute it was directed by the man who gave the world Teenage Zombies and The Wild Wild World of Batwoman; forget the fact that its big-name stars consist solely of John Carradine (him again!) and the even-schlockier Cameron Mitchell; forget that the special effects were ancient even for 1981; forget that there are a mountain of inconsistencies and bit actors who could only have been hired for an endeavor as bad as this one and never again; forget the fact that it begins with a hot air balloon scene (usually an indicator of a bad film, sez Roger Ebert) and has indecipherable printing/captioning over it, rendering the whole scene asinine; forget all that - any Frankenstein movie made even as recent as 1981 whose headlining monster looks like THIS: just asking for it. The boot, that is. Which is seemingly what it got. Heck, I even remember seeing this one featured on Siskel & Ebert's "Sneak Previews" back in the day as the "Dog Of The Week" for that particular week's show!
Therefore, I want it. Want want WANT it, I tell you!
And so there you have it; my must-haves. SO, if anyone out there wants to be my best friend for life, get me one of these movies. If you want to be my best friend for the next 20 lifetimes, get me ALL of them. :D
Dope out.
The NOVEMBER soundtrack (so far!!!)
- CELINE DION "Eyes on me"
- DELTA GOODREM "Take me home"
- LEANN RIMES "Nothin' better to do"
- DAVID VENDETTA "Unidos para la musica"
- CHRIS LAWYER "We gonna feel it" (deep dish remix)
- JAMES BLUNT "I really want you"
- ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΗΤΑ "Όλο αυτό που ποτέ"
- BAT FOR LASHES "What's a girl to do"
- KT TUNSTALL "Saving my face"
- ROBYN WITH KLEERUP "With every heartbeat"
- HANNAH FURY "Girls that glitter love the dark"
- TAMTA "Αγάπησέ με" (DJ Luigi mix)
- ΜΑΤΙSSE "5 seconds of love"
- TAKE THAT "Rule the world"
- THE GOSSIP "Yr mangled heart"
- HARD-FI "Watch me fall apart"
- BRITNEY SPEARS "Gimme more"
- TRACEY THORN "Grand Canyon"
- ΝΙΚΟΣ ΑΛΙΑΓΑΣ & TZΩΡΤΖΙΑ (Μπλε) "Μη μου μιλάς"
- YVES LAROCK "Rise up"
Best Albums of the Month
- CELINE DION "Taking Chances" (pop)
- BRITNEY SPEARS "Blackout" (pop)
- PJ HARVEY "White Chalk" (alternative)
- DAVID VENDETTA "Rendez-vous" (club/dance)
- ΕΥΣΤΑΘΙΑ "Δεν Mπορεί, Έχει Meeting" (alternative pop)
- NICOLE ATKINS "Neptune City" (acoustic rock)
- DAMIEN RICE "9" (acoustic rock)
- DOLORES O'RIORDAN "Are You Listening?" (alternative rock)
- KT TUNSTALL "Drastic Fantastic" (pop/rock)
- GLORIA ESTEFAN "90 Millas" (latin)
Γυρνώντας σπίτι το κατεβάζω αμέσως απο το internet, ένα μεγάλο χαμόγελο ζωγραφίζεται στα χείλη μου και το μόνο που σκεφτόμουν καθώς το άκουγα ήταν "Eτοιμάσου να λιώσεις στο CD player!". Άρχισα να ψάχνω πληροφορίες για τον David Vendetta και βρήκα ότι εκτός από Γάλλος DJ, πρόσφατα κυκλοφόρησε το νέο του άλμπουμ "Rendez-vous", το οποίο και έκανα download.
Το άλμπουμ είναι απο την αρχή μέχρι το τέλος ένα μεγάλο dance party, με πολλά tracks τα οποία ξεχωρίζουν. Ανάμεσά τους και μια πολύ καλη διασκευή του classic της Donna Summer "Love to love you baby", το οποίο υπάρχει και σε μια πιο lounge έκδοση. "Take me higher", "Bleeding heart", "Break 4 love" και "Be the best" είναι μερικά απο τα tracks που φωνάζουν να παιχτούν και να ακουστούν πολύ!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
debwa loves...
mm. I wish it was 1981 and I was doing blow with david bowie at his hotel after party. damn.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
you are a fake band put together by a record label in order to make money. so don't fucking make a video and have it played vh1 and mtv and talk about how hard you have worked in order to get where you are. nice mohawk douchebag.
2 chicks 1 cup
but these reactions are sooooo funny. I love bvs. and adolescent boys.
also, I'm slightly ashamed to say john mayer is kinda funny and made this parody --
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
KT Tunstall
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
what the fuuuuuck
ahh this is such a trip. this little girl, lakshmi (named after the hindu goddess w/ 4 arms) was born with 8 fucking limbs. 8. she is part of a conjoined twin, only the other twin wasn't born with a head. I am not even kidding. so the other twin, or the "parasitic twin" stopped developing in the womb so now lakshmi can control all 8 of her limbs.
if you want to read more about her treatment, go here
Το blog αυτό έχει να κάνει με τη μεγάλη μου αγάπη και παντοτινή, όχι την ΙΟΝ αμυγδάλου, αλλά τη μουσική φυσικά! Ένα blog στο οποίο δεν υπάρχουν ντροπές ή μουσικά όρια, εξάλλου η μουσική έχει τόσο μεγάλη έκταση που δεν μπορείς να την κλείσεις σε ορισμένα μόνο μουσικά είδη.
Free your mind, feel free, enjoy και γράψτε ό,τι θέλετε, θα χαρώ πολύ να μπείτε στον χρωματιστό μουσικό μου κόσμο και να μοιραστούμε μαζί σκέψεις, απόψεις, συναισθήματα. Για αρχή ένα πολύ αγαπημένο κομμάτι αυτή την περίοδο, David Vendetta "Unidos Para La Musica" (Ενωμένοι για τη μουσική), ό,τι πρέπει για ένα δυναμικό ξεκίνημα:-)
Monday, November 5, 2007
Madonna's sex book
are you addressing I?
I recently saw this movie again and remembered how much I fucking loveeeedddd it. also, for next halloween I'm going to be buffy and my gentleman friend is going to be luke perry. mmm. I love me some luke perry. hayyyyy.
here are some of the best parts: obvi, when luke perry says "are you addressing I?" to the 2nd in command vampire (aka pee wee herman), when david arquette is in it, how when buffy stabs pee wee he doesn't die -- just for 5 minutes and then the rest of the movie he goes "oooo.....ahhhhh.....ooooo.....ahhhh" aka dying hilary swank is in it and looks like the dumb cunt she is, mm I can't think of any more
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Foreign Poster Atrocities #3
But I just noticed that the last two installments of my poking fun at foreign movie posters had disappeared off the page, So I thought I'd do it again (I figure once a month is fair, don't you?)
So here we go again, me and imaginary co-commentator Jeff, with numero tres in the series. Hunker down....
TGWD - I don't think this is the official Stephen King-approved poster.
JEFF - I don't think Stevie Wonder would approve this poster.
JEFF - So Cujo is now a basset/boxer hybrid?
TGWD - Apparently, and as threatening as the chewed-up slipper littering the ground around him.
JEFF - He'll slobber you to death, man.
TGWD - The only "killer" thing about this Cujo is that killer arched eyebrow.
TGWD - "Hey, baby. Yeah, dat's right: I'm Cujo."
JEFF - And instead of Dee Wallace and Danny Pinaturo they have...
TGWD - Mrs. Livingston and Martin Short.
JEFF - Martin Really Short.
JEFF - "Oh Cujo, why you kill Mistah Eddie's fathah?"
JEFF - "Oh, he's killer as killer can be, I must say...."
TGWD - You know, this isn't exactly the medium for impressions.
JEFF - Oh yeah. Moving on....
TGWD - I feel mesmirized by Cujo's hypnotic stare. It's burning through me.
JEFF - Telling me to feed him nothing but Chuck Wagon, just so he can snap the head off that little wagonmaster.
TGWD - Poor little guy; as if it's not hard enough to pilot those tiny horses across linoleum, he gets a bunch of damn dogs chasing after him.
TGWD - Either that or he pilots that rowboat around in your toilet tank.
JEFF - Amazing how effective little people are at selling you things, isn't it? Little people in trees making cookies, driving dog food-filled conestogas at breakneck speed through your house, swimming around in your toilet water, just waiting for you to lift the lid so they can talk to you about the importance of the chlorine crystals for a cleaner-smelling toilet bowl.
TGWD - Well, if anyone would want a cleaner-smelling bowl, it'd be the little guy piloting his boat around...
JEFF - Don't say it.
TGWD - Chocolate Island.
JEFF - You said it anyway.
TGWD - I was so disappointed to find out the toilet in my house growing up didn't have a little guy in a boat. I'd check each day, just to make sure....
JEFF - Going to the bathroom's supposed to be a private time. You don't need a guy yelling "Ahoy" behind you, wanting to talk about how clean your toilet could be.
JEFF - Put him back in the refrigerator to turn the light off inside, where he belongs.
TGWD - I just realized where they got the dog's face from: Sam Elliott.
JEFF - Oh my God, you're right - poor Sam got trapped with two dogs in the Brundlefly machine.
JEFF - He's got the mustache and everything.
TGWD - That's why his eyebrow's arched; thinking about Katherine Ross.
JEFF - Okay; what's the deal with Martin Short's pants?
TGWD - His pants are clenched in fear.
JEFF - At the though to Cujo leering at him.
TGWD - Whilst thinking of Katherine Ross.
JEFF - All the while, Mrs. Livingston's as unconcerned as can be, staring off into space. A smirk of complacency on her face.
TGWD - No, she's looking at Cujo's name, wondering why it's spelled out in popcorn.
JEFF - That's kibble, probably the only thing that dog would bite.
TGWD - Certainly a beautiful day in that poster; not a cloud in the sky.
TGWD - And everyone looks pretty much in a good mood; Cujo's sittin' there thinkin' about Katherine Ross...
JEFF - Mrs.Livingston pondering the importance of names spelled out in food...
TGWD - Martin Short's the only one with a look of concern.
JEFF - Maybe this is where he got the idea to do Clifford. Only he was so scared that instead of a big red dog, he made a movie that was a dog.
TGWD - Because of this poster, some poor rube would rent it, expecting a touching story like Old Yeller, get it home and presto: traumatized kids.
TGWD - As if Old Yeller weren't traumatizing enough.
JEFF - You know, this does kind of look like a poster for Shiloh instead of a killer dog movie.
TGWD - Hence the subtitle.
JEFF - Maybe that would work with all of King's books-turned-movies.
TGWD - Misery: The Leg-Breaking.
JEFF - Thinner: The Lame Plotline.
TGWD - Dreamcatcher: The Huge Mistake.
JEFF - Carrie: Bloody Prom Fun Time.
TGWD - See, that was the Japanese title.
JEFF -I think we're done. Let's go.
TGWD - With our pants clenched in fear.
And like that, it's done.
Dope (and Jeff) out.
Cavalli at H&M
you can see his collection, and rate the individual pieces here.
oh and also cavalli is amazing because he dressed as karl lagerfeld for halloween.
a cozy snack
Baked onions with butter and balsamic
In theory, these onions are a very pleasing side dish to roast beef or pork, but I feel their juicy, herbal qualities deserve more than just a supporting role. We ate them this week as part of a light lunch, with a wedge of blue-veined Stichelton and dark black grapes to follow. Serves 4 as a side dish.
4 large, juicy onions
80g butter
balsamic vinegar
Bring a deep pot of water to the boil and lower the onions, whole and unpeeled, into it. Let them cook at a merry simmer for 20 minutes, then remove with a draining spoon. Set the oven at 200C/gas 6.
Cut four squares of kitchen foil or baking parchment large enough to wrap each onion. Place an onion in the centre of each, add a piece of the butter and a few shakes of balsamic vinegar to each, then pull up the sides of the paper around the onion and seal with a scrunch, in the case of foil, or a twist if you have used paper. Either way, seal in the mellow buttery notes until the onions reach the table.
Bake for 25 minutes then put an onion on everyone's plate. Let them open the wrapping just before they eat, peeling away the onion skins with a knife and fork and spooning the juices over the golden flesh.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
sick american bastards bastards bastards
Friday, November 2, 2007
kd you will love this
love it/hate it
bowler hats, ok. bowler hats + a sweatshirt (or "fashion-forward" dresses), not ok.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
debwa loves...
1. Global Warming. "But only as it affects my ability to wear J. Crew sweaters (which is greatly.) Nothing upsets me more than warm weather in October (expect warm weather in November, etc.) I'm seriously considering relocating to Winnepeg."
2. "Cheaper By The Dozen 2." "It's a G-rated family movie, but it's absolutely HILARIOUS! Now I own it on DVD. Watching it I realized that I my comic sensibility is that of a slightly effeminate fourth-grade boy."
3. High heels. "Have you ever been inside a shoe store and there's some guy on the street looking at the women's shoes in the display case with a glazed over expression? I'm that guy."
4. McDonald's new "hipster" commercials. "This obsession could also be called, Signs of the Apocalypse. (See also: presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, wild fires in Southern California, and that new HBO show about all those couples fucking each other.)"